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Stop Right now and prepare for the best radiocarbon dating page on the web

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people have visited this page since February 27, 1999

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What is radiocarbon dating?

What's carbon 14?

How does this whole process work?

Send mail to the incredibly smart creators of this page : Tom & Mike

The math : How logarithms and equations fit into this.
(more than you ever wanted to know)


After you've read the stuff in the links and want to know more about radiocarbon dating, read the below

Other things useful about Carbon Dating : Carbon
dating has allowed taxonomists to modify their
classification scheme. Whereas once taxonomists
were unsure of the chronology of fossils. Now
taxonomists have a highly reliable method by which
to place fossils In their appropriate order with
respect to time.
Also, carbon dating has made great advances in
the realm of history and anthropology. It is now
possible to accurately make a timeline of human
progression through time. Thus, carbon dating has
shed new light on the gray areas of man's
perception of the past. Because of carbon dating
man can now better understands his origins.

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Maintained and created by: Tom "TQ" Petrillo