Welcome and have a good time
I was born in Rovigo (VENETO - ITALY), graduated in Physics at Ferrara University, and attended also same courses of Electronics Engeneering, at Padova University. I was employed some years at Human Physiology Institute of Ferrara University as a technician.
I was a teacher on "Mathematics and Science", "Informatics" and "Hystory of Science and Thecnics" in Pradalunga and Villa di Serio Schools and I was a teacher on "Mathematics", "Physics" and "Electronics".
Now, I am working c/o Growin'up (Tech. Div.).

My actual interests are related to informatics, non euclidean and differential geometry and analitycal mechanics.
Languages: English and Latin (+), Spanish, French and Deutsch (-).

My sports were soccer, rugger and athletics. As an athletics trainer I prefer sprint, hurdles, long jump and I would be happy to found boys or girls interested to pole voulte.

Paolo Cavallari - Vic. Fra' Fortunato n.2 - 45100 Rovigo - Italy,
tel. (0039)0425421278 cell. 03294114719 or E-mail cavalp@tin.it.

Try also:
http://www.geocities.com/caval-pa/ or http://www.geocities.com/cavalpa/
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