Tiger flying The IPMS Flying Tigers Scale Model Builders, Inc are a chartered chapter of IPMS-USA. We hold monthly meetings on the second Monday of each month, and our current meeting place is at Fantasy & Wargames on W. Metairie Blvd in Metairie.Our meetings consist of 1/2 hour of club business, then modeling-related show-and-tell, modeling techniques, demonstrations, and other scale modeling related activities. Dues are $22/year for adult voting members. A pay-as-you-attend dues schedule offers $3/meeting for non-voting members. It is recommended, but you do not have to be current in IPMS. Our current membership stands at about 30 regular members. We have a newsletter "The Tiger's Roar" published monthly.

5928 W Metairie Ave # 7
Metairie, LA 70003-4200
Phone: 504-734-1953

The first map gives you a general location, and the second map gives you a better idea at a street level. Click here if you would like to get driving directions from where you are to where we meet!
Gereral View

Street view

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