Ham Radio Links
N0UJR Cartoons...funny
The Amateur Radio Relay League ... our national organization
West Gulf Division of ARRL ... our section page
Tri-State Amateur Radio Group...a very active local club
DX Summit...real time dx reports
Handihams...needs our support
Ham Radio Online...news
WorldRadio News Online...news
Ratchet Jaw Club... members jump start the rooster
Six Meter International Radio Klub...SMIRK ..promotes 6 meters
VHF Information...there is more to do than fm
Central States VHF Society...promotes vhf activity, hosts a great hamfest
VHF Newsletters...many...devoted to VHF/UHF
ac6v list of links: ... over 3000
VLF to Light...K3PGP info pages
Northern California QRP Club...good info
Northern New Jersey QRP Club...Publishes QRP Homebrewer Magazine
Michigan QRP Club...another good club
SGC 2020 Club...pertains to the 2020 transceiver
Long Wave Club of America...160 to 190 KHz
Colorado QRP Club...friendly hams, publishes The LOW DOWN
QRP International Club...publishes QRP Quarterly, a great club
G-QRP Club...an early QRP club, publishes SPRAT
Dan's Small Parts ...parts and kits
Electronic Goldmine...surplus parts
Milestone Technology...keys, more keys and kits
Blue Sky Engineering...K1MG digital clock/counter
The Xtal Set Society... crystal receiver information
QRP Home Builder ... good info
Home Page for Homebrewers...nice circuits
VHF Home Brew Page...beautiful 50 Mhz equipment
Rig Compendium...rigs compared
Elmer 101...tutorial for building sw40
Small Wonder Labs...source for sw40
Wilderness Radio...source for NorCal 40 and KC1
Elecraft Kits...K2 a nice ssb/cw transceiver kit
Whiterook Products...keys and keyer paddles
Kanga-US...kits and back issues of SPRAT
Down East Microwave...transverter kits 50, 144, 222, 432, 902, & up
LDG Electronics...automatic ant tuner
Lakeview Company...good antennas
M Square...very good antennas
Adventure Radio Society...backpacking with ham radio
Bicycle Mobile Hams of America...huff and puff hamming
VE3JC Homepage...rig on a bicycle
N6CL's Homepage...read some of Joe's stories
K7QO's Homepage...learn Morse code
FISTS...devoted to cw
W4RNL's Homepage...the antenna guru
AL7FS Homepage...QRP in Alaska
KD7S Homepage...build cases
WE6W Homepage... build PIXIE II for $10
AZ ScQRPion Elmer Page...for beginning RF experimenters
H F Nets...many listings...work all states, counties, countries, etc.