Me and My MUD
Me and My MUD

In case you're wondering what the heck a MUD is, it's not the stuff that you get all over your body when you're wrestling on the ground. MUD stands for Multi-User Dungeon (or Dimension), a Role-Playing Game on the Internet with other people. It can be very addictive, BUT I am happy to say I have finally got over the addiction. Ah, the wonders of University life :p

The MUD I used to go to regularly is called the Realms of Despair. From talking to other people, it's one of the bigger MUDs on the Internet.. and probably also one of the biggest. I have two characters on this MUD, named Adelard, Steward of Ithaca, and Harmon, King of Ithaca. You can go here if you want to read their (fictional) biographies.

As the Head of the GoW Quest Council, I used to write and organise most of the Guild's quests. They will soon be posted on the Guild of Warriors' Homepage, if Krugar ever visits this homepage ;-) The last WPC head, Bakchos, never did get around to uploading ALL of my quests (about 16 of them) to his GoW homepage here. The quests that I ran while I was the head will remain here for as long as possible, since I did put a lot of work into both writing, running, and converting them into HTML format.

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