
This is my links page. I've been meaning to update these links with more than just my course links for a while now, since those were the only ones I seemed to be using... I prefer typing in the URL directly anyways, since I'll be forced to remember them that way.
Considering how rarely I update this page, I apologize if (m)any of the links are dead.
Unfortunately, I did not create any of the stuff that this page links to, so please don't hold me responsible for what you find there :-p
Friends' Homepages:
These are the friends who have told me that they have a webpage. I know some of you lost your homepages when ecf deleted all the 0T3 webpages... let me know if you've set it up somewhere else!
University of Toronto Links:
University of Toronto
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Skule webpage
Engineering Orientation Webpage
Engineering Science Homepage on the Engineering Computing Facility (ECF)
Eng Sci Club homepage
Hart House
Hart House Singers
Athletic Centre
The Infamous ROSI Webpage
UT Career Centre (unfortunately affiliated with ROSI)
Used Book Service
TA Union Homepage
PEY Webpage
Engineering Science Course Links:
Note that many of these links expire once the course is over. Also, the curriculum has changed from when I started (i.e., engscis have to take biology now!) so these might be a bit different from what you expected.
Term 1F: Fall Term, 1999
CIV102H1 F: Structures and Materials - An Introduction to Engineering Design
MAT185H1 F: Linear Algebra
MAT194H1 F: Calculus I
PHY180H1 F: Elements of Physics I (Mechanics)
First Year Physics Laboratories
CSC181H1 F: Introduction to Computer Programming Newsgroup
CSC181H1 F Unofficial Homepage
Term 1S: Spring Term, 2000
ECE150H1 S: Electricity and Magnetism
CHE150H1 S: Chemistry
MAT195H1 S: Calculus II
PHL193H1 S: Science and Social Issues
CSC191H1 S: Computer Algorithms, Data Structures, and Languages Newsgroup
Term 2F: Fall Term, 2000
APM288H1 F: Ordinary Differential Equations
ECE250H1 F: Electric Circuits
ECE253H1 F: Digital and Computer Systems Newsgroup
PHY280H1 F: Physics II
HPS280H1 F: History of Science
LAC200H1 F: Oral Communication Workshop
Term 2S: Spring Term, 2001
AER201H1 S: Engineering Design Newsgroup (unofficial)
AER202H1 S: Fluid Mechanics
CHE219H1 S: Engineering Thermodynamics
PHY281H1 S: Physics III
PHL291H1 S: Engineering & Ethics
Term 3F: Fall Term, 2001
CSC326H1 F: Programming Languages Newsgroup
ECE352H1 F: Computer Organization Newsgroup
Ultragizmo Labs
ECE355H1 F: Signal Analysis and Communication
ECE360H1 F: Electronics
MAT389H1 F: Complex Analysis
Term 3S: Spring Term, 2002
ECE344H1 S: Operating Systems Newsgroup
ECE351H1 S: Probability and Random Processes
ECE354H1 S: Electronic Circuits
ECE356H1 S: Linear Systems and Control
MIE374H1 S: Economic Analysis and Decision Making
ESC300H1 S: Written and Oral Communication
Professional Experience Year: 2002 - 2003
Texas Instruments Canada Limited
PEY Webpage
APS234H1 F: Entrepreneurship and Small Business
APS432H1 S: Entrepreneurship and Business Management
Term 4F: Fall Term, 2003
ESC499H1 F: Thesis
CSC444H1 F: Software Engineering I Newsgroup
ECE460H1 F: Computer Networks
ECE418H1 F: Data Communications
CSC470H1 F: Computer Systems Modelling and Analysis
Term 4S: Spring Term, 2004
CSC343H1 S: Introduction to Databases Newsgroup
ECE461H1 S: Internetworking
ECE462H1 S: Multimedia Systems
MIE449H1 S: Human Computer Interactions in Ecological Interface Design
Places I've Worked
Ontario Science Center (1999 and before)
Deep River Science Academy (2000)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (2000)
Benetech Medical Systems (2001)
Intelligene (Only up when Tim's online) (2001)
Texas Instruments Canada Limited (2002 - 2003)
Other links (which also matches with my interests...):
Upper Canada College (gotta put your former high school)
SETI @ home (yes, my Star Trek hobby has become an obsession...)
Click here to see my SETI @ home statistics.
Settlers of Catan
Big Green Button Yahoo Games
Official Star Trek Homepage Trek Today
Friends (TV) Homepage (unofficial, but better than the official one)
Enya - Magic & Melody Enya (official)
The TAO of Programming
WinAmp Ad Aware
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