Jeremy Howard's Blizzard Page
Photo courtesy of The Daily Nebraskan

I. Dangers of Blizzards
 A. What is Whiteout?
 B. Wind Chill
 C. Frostbite
 D. Hypothermia

II. Blizzards in highly urbanized areas
 A. Blizzard of 1888-caused havoc in the northeast corridor
 1. over 400 deaths, greater than 200 in New York City
 2. no warning of upcoming blizzard
 3. extreme winds-70 mph and huge drifts
 B. Blizzard of 1978
 1. people stranded in vehicles-more than 10,000
 2. airports closed-Rhode Island airports were closed for about a week
 C. Blizzard of 1993-Superstorm
 1. roof collapses due to heavy snow, caused roofs to collapse in North Carolina
 2. cost of snow removal
 3. deaths due to shoveling and overexertion
 D. Blizzard of 1996
 1. Targeted large metropolitan areas of the Northeast Corridor
 2. Cost of snow removal-is in the millions for large cities in the northeast
 3. transportation cut off-snowplows could not keep streets clear

III. Blizzards in more rural areas
 A. Blizzard of 1997-hit sparsely populated Nebraska and Colorado
 1. Tree limbs down-brought down many power lines with them
 2. Widespread power outages-initally, 125,000 residents without power

IV.The fatalities of blizzards and winter storms
 A. Fatalities in 1996
 B. Fatalities in 1997
Photo courtesy of NOAA

List of snow covered links:

October Blizzard of 1997-- Ken Dewey web page for the October blizzard of 1997
October Blizzard in Colorado-- 1996 winter weather fatalities--
Blizzard of January 1997-high plains-- 1997 winter weather fatalities--
windchill chart-- Defintion of a blizzard--
Blizzard of 1888- General blizzard information--
Blizzard of 1888
in New York City--
Blizzard of 1888--
Pictures of the Blizzard of 1978-- Blizzards: what they are and how to prepare for them-- http://www.noaa.nws/om/customer
Superstorm 1993-- Blizzards: more about what they are and what to do in certain situations--
Blizzard of 1996-Washington D.C.-- October Blizzard of 1996-Lincoln--

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