"Good Sound through Sound Principals" We specialize in sound system design. This site was last updated on 02-25-02* Soon we will be introducing our newest OEM line: LCS (formerly PAudio)- Loudspeaker Components, Woofers, Compression Drivers ,Coax Speakers, Tractrix Horns , Audio related Hardware *********INTERNET PAGING*********** email: cgnaudiolabs@myairmail.com Place numerical message only in the body of the text. Note information in the author and subject field will not be sent to the pager. We will respond to you as soon as possible TOM GALLAGHER Bio, Education: University of Wisconsin, BS History of Science, Joint Astronomy-Physics. Completed all graduate level Electro-Acoustical Engineering course work, AcoustiCADD, EASE, SYN-Aud-Con and TEF training workshops. Trained on Laud, LMS/LEAP, Bruel&Kjaer 2012. Work History: EV, Klipsch, Aurasound, Mackie, Turbosound Thank you for your interest |