*A need to keep up with the new 3rd Wave society/Postindustrial/Information Age is a must for all of Latin America. Every country in some way needs to "keep up with the times" in order to survive in a multi-faceted world full of constant technological advances. Our world centers on a social, economical, political, educational, and R&Developmental communities that must be constantly up to date in every aspect. Now is this aspect in a technological sense? Yes, in some ways. In Latin America's case the country is in a trying phase full of challenges and obstacles. How is Latin America attempting to fight these obstacles of lack of technology head on? Here are some of my research materials that you may find interesting.


Latin America's information technology and Internet markets are impressive. In a world today that communicates through electronic email, voice mail, and internet browsers. A study conducted by a Latin American research group concluded that internet use in LA has tripled in the years of 1995-97. Predictions for the next couple of years in the area of internet users is predicted to grow in the region from 8.5 million to 34 million.

International Data Corporation quotes Latin America as one of the "…fastest growing and least penetrated information technology markets in the world today."


In Latin America countries such as Brazil, Argentina, and Chile the use of the smart card arises. The new technology allows for "virtual cash". The smart cards works to the advantage of the consumer. The convenience is set all within the card, all of the necessary information for each transaction is contained in a microchip embedded in the card. In this process costs for consumers, banks, and process companies decreases because a telephonic confirmation is unnecessary. Mondex International has brought this technology to Latin America; the company is a subsidiary of Master Card International.

How does this benefit Latin America?

The forethought is to "…take advantage of Latin America's lack of modern telecommunications infrastructure and bring the region straight into the 21st century through Smart Cards. Of course this type of technology will not carry Latin America up to date with present day world technology. To understand the volume of intensity involved, franchise rights to the Mondex electronic cash application were purchased in June 1997 by Credomatic International; a major issuer of credit and debit cards in Central America, where it accounts for more than 60% of total credit transaction volume. This only demonstrates the weight of this "virtual cash" industry. Other benefits for Latin American consumers are the ability of these smart cards to hold medical records, food stamps, identification details, credit and debit applications and more will be able to be continued on one card alone.

OTHER COMMENTS…direct Latin American influence of e-cash…


**Mondex e-cash franchises were sold to six major Chilean franchises, what represents more than half the financial services industry in Chile.

**Estimates of more than 2,000,000 of the population have e-cards.


**One similar franchise was sold last year in Uruguay and progress of this franchise is still underway.

**The project of smart cards is "future proof", the reason being is applications can be added or subtracted from card to card, in other words an multi-application card.



>>The Latin American information technology is very impressive.

1995-1997- Internet use has tripled; statisticians believe that by the end of

this year Internet usage will have grown from 8.5 million to 34 million in


Other statisticians include a sales increase of PC's by 10.6%.

IDC – International Data Corporation states that Latin America,

"Encompasses some of the fastest-growing and least penetrated information

Technology markets in the world today…"

>>Latin American economies improved productivity over the past 2 decades has increased information technology.

*Current sources of Latin American business information.

-Dialog, Dow Jones, Lexis-Nexis provide online information

about Latin American countries.

-Lexis-Nexis has recently added InfoLatina to their Mexican library.

>>Increased Search Engines on Latin American Businesses

Andrew Levison published "Latin America Online: Best databases for News,

Business, and Current Affairs"—in database 5.

Internet Resources for Latin America—the web address is:


*This website provides a brief history of the internet in Latin America and links to a variety of sources of information on Latin America.


>>TELECOMMUNICATIONS is a necessity to the success of an economy, social well-being, and cultural development.

>>PRESSURES to decrease regulation and/or privatize Latin Americas telecommunications is a must for economic and cultural development.

>>FACTORs effecting the struggle<<

*A need for competitive telecommunications and information industries.

*Also a need for modernization in telecommunication infrastructure.

>>Impact of the internet on TELECOMMUNICATIONS IN Latin America

*A demand for improved connections is pressuring telecommunication industries

To install improved technological systems.

*Keep in mind these instances are somewhat isolated. Countries, such as Chile,

governments in Central America, are continuously facing problems of

privatization and poor upgrades in their telecommunications technology.

>>Improved telecommunications does not mean that Latin America countries are sharing information; rather the past effected the present in many ways:

  1. Issues of poverty, governmental neglect, and corruption in politics.
  2. External debt in the 1980's and brutal military dictatorships in the 1970's.
*Military dictatorships have had great effects on social behavior.
  1. Sandia Sanchez – Vegas has stated that, "The answers or obstacles to information and electronic communication appropriation are more of a political and socioeconomic nature than of a technical nature."
  2. Info-seeking skills have been lacking and have not been incorporated
into the education system. Libraries as well are poorly funded.

What to do?

** A need to share information and make it readily accessible to the public.

**A need for meaningful information.

**Positive Outcomes…

1. Companies are changing attitudes on the sharing of information throughout Latin America.

  1. Mexico is in the position of at least 50% of the 500 largest companies
have websites posted on the internet.
  1. Mecklermedia's Internet World are hosting internet fairs in Argentina,
Venezuela, Mexico, Brazil, and Columbia.
  1. Investments
  2. Billions of dollars is being invested to install phone lines and fiber optic cables.
  3. Investments in high capacity switching centers.
  4. Increased investments on internet hosts.

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