This script will automatically check your answers for you. See how good you are at these Zelda questions; if you get more than seven, you are a true Zelda Gamer!
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Your mother Me Shigeru Miyamoto Acclaim
2. How many times do you fight Ganon?
3 200 1 2
3. How many Meddalions do you get during your quest?
Seven Six Five Eight
4. In what year was Zelda 1 for the NES released?
1987 1986 1990 1988
5. The name of the Forest Sage is:
Mido Zelda Rauru Saria
6. How many Zelda Games are there?
Four Eight Five Three
7. Who do you fight in the Forest Temple?
Morpha Volvagia Phantom Ganon Rauru
8. Where is Ganons Castle in the Future?:
Kakariko Village In the dessert Hyrule Castle The Forest
9. Who gives you the Light Arrows?
Saria Rauru Ganon Zelda
10. What sword must you deliver the final blow to the Final Ganon with?
The Master Sword Kokiri Sword Biggoron's Sword Any of the above