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    Today, I updated the GameShark section of my page. Soon, I'm going to make the Glitches and Cheats, Icons and Music, ScreenShots, and Movies alot easier to navigate. Thats all for now.
    IM FREAKING BACK!!! I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE I HAVE BEEN! Help. I almost abandoned my site! I guess I just kinda got out of the Zelda hype. I'm back though, and I've got sone new codes for you! I'll put them up soon! Oh, I'm taking off the chat and the message board, because no one is using them. I'm also taking down the "Funny Stuff" Section.
    I have been having trouble with my GIF links showing up... But don't worry, all you have to do is Right Click - Show Picture. Sorry for any inconvenience this caused you if any.
    Today, I made my links into GIF's, which I think is a pretty cool idea. Not any updates, just that.
    Today, I fixed my chat room, my cheats, and walkthrough. Any links that were broken before...aren't now. If you spot one, PLEASE E Mail me telling me what link is broken. Thanks.
    Hey, I want to make a new section on my page, and I need help from you gamers! It's gonna be on your thoughts on how Zelda: Ocarina of Time is. Send me your thoughts
    on how Zelda is. Thanks
    Today I put up a new section called "Funny Stuff", it is similar to the Odyssey of Hyrule's Something to Laugh at. Well I hope you like it. Tomorrow, or soon after, I will update my music. Thanks for coming!
    Yay! I Bout time huh? Hehehe, yeah I thought so. Well I updated the Bugs and Glithes Section, and I will be updating more, maybe 2 to 3 times a week if not more. E-Mail me with suggestions on a new look for the site, I may change it. Thats all!
    FINALLY! The site is complete! Now I can get back to the real gaming stuff! I will have new information as soon as i can!
    Alright, sorry I have been slack on updates but not on work. I added some stuff...Uh just browse around you'll see it...hehe, OK I have the movies and I think the ROMS uploaded. They will soon be on the site! I'm not going to link the roms on another page though.
    Today I went to a school dance so not much new. I added a chat room. It is linked with....Not anymore. I Will finish up probobly tomorrow and then I can stop worrying about filling up the page and finding news on Zelda! Oh and another thing, as soon as I get my ROMS working right, you will be able to download your favorite Zelda Games!!!! I Will have the NES Ledgend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link, Super Nintendo's A Link to the Past, and the Gameboy Version Link's Awakening.
    Today I Put a Neat little icon on beside my E Mail. I also put up some future things to be here. I will put those things up later today. Thats all. Haha. Hehe. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! A Little icon. Hehe well i just uploaded my Icons and music and put together a HUGE picture section. I did my job for the night.
    3/2/99: New!!!!!!!!
    Alrighty this is my first HTML Site and I am just starting to get things up and running. I have help from Mattspeed in making this site. I hope ya love it. Later that night I did a HELLUVA ALOT of work on putting up the Walkthrough and Gameshark Codes. Next is the Bugs N Glitches, Triforce Rumors, Other Rumors..........

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    All Stuff on this site is Millenia Copyright, unless I borrowed it from another site.  If you want to use anything, please E-Mail me.