Mars Odyssey Launch on Delta II - 7 April 2001

These are pictures from the launch of the NASA Mars Odyssey probe on 7 April 2001 about a 7900 series Boeing Delta II rocket. The photos are taken from across the Banana River lagoon. Being an 11:02AM launch on a Saturday, the much closer Jetty Park would be swamped with tourists.

The countdown and launch were about as flawless as could be. There was only a several second window. Another opportunity on this day occurred about 30 minutes later, but, of course, was not needed.

Camera was a Minolta Maxxum 9.

Film was Kodak Supra 400. Yick. The Supra is probably the best 400 there is, but 400 is just yicky. I had some left in the camera from a wedding (and it just occurs to me now to use the covenient mid-roll reload feature of my camera to load some 100 for the launch.)

The close-in (closer-in? They're not that close.) are with the 80-200mm/2.8 G lenes. Mostly near the 200 end.

Wide angle shots are with the 28-70mm/2.8 G.

And I deftly switched from the long lens, to the short, and back to the long during the launch. Oh, and I also got off a shot with my 4x5 camera.