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First Bessa T Photos.

These pages are selected items from the first two rolls of decently-processed film from my new Voigtlaender Bessa T rangefinder camera with the 35mm/2.5 compact lens. The black and white pictures are on Kodak Select B+W 400 ISO chromogenic film.

Most of the photos were from Busch Gardens, Tampa Bay, Florida. This is the roving band.

John needs to practice levelling his vertical shots.

If it weren't for the skybuckets in the background, one might imagine himself in 1940s Africa.

Timbuktu. The people in the background are amazingly sharp on the prints.

Probably my favorite from these first rolls. The framing turned out exactly as I wanted, which is fortuitous, as I am balancing on the bottom cross piece of a log fence, reaching as high above my head as I can to get the camera above a mesh designed to prevent people from taking pictures. Actually, I assume the mesh keeps roller coaster parts from hitting the other park attendees.

The Busch Gardens mime. He entertains the crown waiting for the "Dolphins of the Deep" show to begin. (And we all know that Dolphins of the Deep are much more entertaining that the dolphins from the shallows.) He saw me focussing on him, and turned to stare at em for a moment. I lucked out that he was as clear as he is, since I snapped the picture immediately, and had the lens almost wide open due to being under the cover.

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