Sunday, December 30th,
2001- Added a page which lists all the songs on my winamp
playlist. Since I believe music defines a person, check it out and decide who I
Sunday, November 4th, 2001- Added a new page, Movie Reviews. I will try to review a movie every week!
Wednesday, October 10, 2001-
Going to try something new. I am getting rid of the graphics at the
bottom of the page and just do text links above. Also I am going to make a CCD
page. Recently I was given a AM4 Apogee CCD from a couple I met at Peach State
Stargaze 1998 I believe. Recently I got it working and took some test shots of
stars. Thanks Bill!
Monday, October 1, 2001- Got back from Austin had a
great time as always. Decided to make a page for all the graphics I have made
for my digital graphics class. All these I used scanned photos and edited them
with Adobe Photoshop. Click here to see them.
Also I uploaded two projects
I have made in 3D Studio Max that look good as VRML97s. You need a VRML97
viewer to see these. I use Cosmo Player The
models I made below may take a minute to download.
Monday, September 24, 2001- Added Guestbook, go complain about some bad movie or about how lame my webpage is, whatever you feel like. J
September 22, 2001- I am deeply saddened by the tragic events of September 11th.
It’s a dismal way to begin the 21st century. I thought over 50 years
after the events during WWII that our world has changed for the better, with
our advanced technology events like these could never happen. Hate groups, I
believed had dwindled into insignificant numbers. Unfortunately there are still
sick people who have a false view of the world, and can twist a religion to
make their actions seem righteous. They are only the scum of the world, and are
selfish traitors to their very own religion.
Tuesday, September 4, 2001- Sorry no pictures, bad
weather kept me inside at night during this summer. I really hope to have some very
soon (please). Had some time so I decided to make a small favorites page, may
be added upon and changed since most of it was off the top of my head. My Favorites
Wednesday, May 30, 2001- Fixed picture filenames
so they now load. I finally sold my C8 and upgraded to the excellent (yet
discontinued) Ultima 2000. This should make it easier to take longer exposures.
Expect some nice new deep space photos by the end of the summer.
Friday, November 26th, 1999- I have decided not to sell my telescope. I have changed my Astro Pics page check it out. Also added Sun pictures.
Friday, September 3rd, 1999- My C8 computerized is for sale on You can buy it by searching C8 and you will find my name Ben Solomon next to it. I am probably going to buy a Ultima 2000 I am very excited. I have added a picture of M57 the Ring Nebula. Also please e mail me if you are having problems connecting to any of my other pages like My astro Pics I think because I use a htm extension instead of html it may mess it up so please e mail me!
Saturday, September 18th, 1999- I fixed the Netscape Navigator problem on my web site! I have no idea what the problem was but who cares I fixed it. I have yet to find a buyer of my telescope. I am probably going to sell it at a local astro shop. If you are interested it for sale for $1,300 and you can find my ad on Please check out my new astro pic of the Dumbbell Nebula. That is my best picture I have ever taken so please take a look.
You can e-mail me your comments or questions at