Welcome to Bjørn Kolbrek's homepage

About this site

This site contains information about my main hobby, do-it-yourself audio. It is not very frequently updated, so much of the stuff can be quite old. I try to keep the progress of my system fairly up to date, but I can't keep track of every little change.
Amplifier and speaker projects are usually not described in detail, because that takes alot of time that I would rather use for completing the projects... Some of my older designs have schematics and circuit description, and I hope to put up some more.
Please excuse the lousy picture quality. Because of the little space here at the free Geocities pages (15MB), I have to keep the image files small.


Feb 19, 2009: New version (1.4) of HornrespMerge. More than one record can be selected and moved/deleted at the same time.

Feb 17, 2009: "My System" page updated. Updates from 2007 and 2008.

Mar 27, 2008: "Horn Theory" page added.

Feb 18, 2008: New version (1.2) of HornrespMerge. Works with the later versions of Hornresp.

Jun 28, 2007: "The Kolbrek Subhorn" page updated.

Oct 24, 2006: "My System" page updated.

Sept 8, 2006: "Horns in general" (Why Horns?) page updated.

June 19, 2006: A 200Hz Midrange Horn for the Altec 288B

Background and measurements result for an experimental midrange horn.

Apr. 27, 2006: Software and Tools.

New software: HornrespMerge. All software and other tools are now collected at the 'SW and Tools' page, with a brief description of the features.

Apr. 11, 2005: New layout.

-- Earlier updates are not listed.


Many of the projects described on these pages contains potentially lethal voltages. Do not attempt to build anything of this if you don't know what you are doing. Always let an electronically trained person rewiev what you are planning to build and what you have buildt. And if you get hurt or your house burns down after trying one of these projects, don't come running to me.

The horn speakers shown on these pages are capable of providing sound pressure levels that may damage your hearing irreversible. Horn speakers will sound very clean even at extremely high levels, and will not give you the "distortion warning" direct radiators provide.