Welcome To My Curriculum Vitae

Last Updated 15/09/02



Name: Chady A. Ahmad

Address:  P.O.Box: 8838 Saudi Arabia - Jeddah, 21492

E-Mail: chadycom@hotmail.com

Mobile Phone:  +966-53-626124

URL:  www.chady.biz



Birth date: 12 Aug, 1970

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Married

Nationality: Lebanon

Resident of: Saudi Arabia - Jeddah (Since 1995)



Looking to join a progressive organization that has the need for Managers of Marketing, Sales, Product Support, or alike. And offers opportunities for advancement.



Saudi Ericsson Communication Co. (JUFFALI)

Saudi Arabia – Riyadh (April 1998 to Present)

Western Region Sales Engineer- Projects and Key Accounts

I am in charge of the Western Region sales (Projects and Key Customers) of narrow to large PABX, VoIP/Datacom (Cisco Routers/Extreme Switches/Wireless LAN/Internet Switches Solutions), Wireless/Military Radio, and Microwave solutions.


Saudi Business Machines SBM-IP (IBM) (JUFFALI)

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh (March 1996 to April 1998)

Senior Marketing Representative

I was in-charge for Riyadh dealers/resellers channel. Computers, peripherals, IBM main frame spare-parts, as well as other communications and datacom products.


General Scientific Establishment

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh (August 1995 to March 1996)

Sales Manager

Specialized in importing and marketing telecommunications and electronic scientific products.

Future Computers and Technology

Lebanon -Tripoly  (September 1992 to July 1995)


A Computer Showroom and Training Centre (hardware & software)
Telecommunications products sale.

Fujairah Government Group Of Factories

United Arab Emirates - Fujairah (January 1990 to September 1992)

Computer Operator

Experience in ORACLE RDBMS Programming. (UNIX) and Network Operations.



Expert Sales and Marketing - Expert; Years in practice: More than 10.

Expert in Internet, Web design, Windows, All of MS Office, as well as many other computer S/W and H/W Related; Years in practice: More than 10.

Expert in selling Datacom, Computers, Telecommunications, And various Electronic products/systems; Years in practice: More than 10.

Advanced skills in Trainings and Presentations; Years in practice: More than 5.

Intermediate in Stock Exchange and FOREX trade; Years in practice: More than 2.



English - Expert; Years in practice: More than 10.

Arabic - Expert; Years in practice: More than 10.

French - Intermediate; Years in practice: More than 10.



ICS International - Scranton PA - USA

Honored ASB Degree (certificate):

Associate in Specialised Business (Marketing Management)


On Site Training Courses – October 2001

Degree: Certification / Diploma - Sales And Marketing as per details: 

1. May 1996, "IBM" attending SBM/IBM 5 days training to PCs, Think-Pads, and Servers Technical and Marketing skills.
2. June 1996, "WHINNEY MURRAY & Co." Essential Skills for Salesmen
3. January 1997, "INTEL" Integration of Pentium and Pentium Pro processor-based computers and servers.
4. July 1997, "INTEL" Integration of Pentium, Pentium Pro processor, Pentium MMX, and Pentium II processor-based PC's.
5. May 1998, "MEIRC" Team Building Process.
6. May 1998, "MEIRC" Time Management Skills.
7. October 1998, "MEIRC" Customer Care.
8. May 1999, "MEIRC" Professional Selling Skills.
9. September 2001, "MEIRC" Marketing Orientation Workshop
10. September 2001, "MEIRC" Advanced Presentation Skills


Lebanese Cement Co. - North Lebanon

September 1989

Degree: Certification / Diploma - Trainee


College Technique Superieur De Zghorta - Zgharta

July 1989

Degree: High school or equivalent - General Electricity


College Des Freres - North Lebanon

July 1986

Degree: High school or equivalent

(High level French-English base)



Desired Job Status:

Full Time  

Category: Management in

Information Technology
Internet/ E-commerce
Support Services



Company Size: Large

Description: Leading International Companies.