Since I've been on the internet, I've had a little time to do some writing which I thoroughly enjoy. Not that I'm a writer you understand because I am not. I do, however, enjoy putting my thoughts to paper on occasion and, on a couple of those occasions, someone decided they'd like the results on their site. So, if you'd like to read some of what I've put to paper you can read one at "DELIRIUM", a net magazine. There's a flying story buzzing around that I've finally put on paper and I've been wanting to do so for years ever since the actual incident happened. So click "Flight" to read it. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.
I've finally gotten around to writing my first book. It's called "Howard's Beginner's Guide To The Internet And Your PC©". Why did I write it? I looked back over the decades I've been using the computer, the last seven years I've been online, and the last three years of working in graphics and web site design. It occurred to me that, over the years, I've spent untold hours (if not days), as we all have at some time, in asking and answering "how to" questions. So, I thought it would be helpful to put together a single source of information relating to the most common questions that beginners ask of experienced computer users.
The typcial "Dummies" books generally focus in on one select area so I thought it would be a better idea to have a lot of varied general information in one illustrated text. It answers a lot of very basic questions that all "newbies" ask all the time including some slightly more advanced topics. How to find files on the computer. How to copy, move, delete and rename files. How to download/upload graphics to/from the internet. How to display graphics on the internet. How to find chat rooms and what to do and not do when you get there. How to protect your hard disk data including the use of antivirus programs and firewalls. The importance of backing up your data in the event of a hard disk crash. How to make free long distance telephone calls through your computer to other computers and/or to other telephones.
These are but a few of the topics covered. The book answers
literally hundreds of questions and is an ideal gift for the novice online computer
user. The nice thing is that the book is written in plain English and "tech-talk"
is avoided wherever possible. It's easy to understand, well illustrated and
it's humorous. I only wish I had something like it when I first started out.
The price is right. It's a downloadble E-Book and it's also available in hard
copy. It's easily downloadble in Adobe™ PDF© format so it can be viewed
and read on any computer that has the free/downloadable Adobe Acrobat reader.
It's also available as a WordPerfect© document. So go here
to check it out.