AT LAST!! We've started recording, so
far there's only one or two songs here from our first few
days of recording but watch this space because soon there
will be more!! Look out for them!! Any feedback would be apreciated. |
Songs by VENTURI:
Can't Avoid (.WMA - 1.8 MB) | The lyrics to this song were written by our drummer Simon Orr. It is about when he was being stalked by a friend of his girlfriend. This is still a very basic version but it gives the main feel of the song. We will improve and add to it when we have more recording time. It is in .ZIP format because Geocities does not support .WMA format files. |
Click here to view
Songs recorded by Robin Watson:
Can't Avoid (Midi) | This is a basic version of one of songs called "Can't Avoid". The song was written about when our drummer Simon was being stalked by a friend of his girlfriend. |
One Way (.WMA - 0.7 MB) | We played this song at our first main gig, at that stage it was only an instrumental. After that we wrote the lyrics to the song about the gig. The .WMA version is in .ZIP format. |
To Play .WMA files:
To play .WMA format files you will need the latest version of WinAmp (2.50e).
Make sure you download the FULL version, because the Lite version has no support for .WMA.
You can download this free from here: