How we're recording our CD

PC Recording

Home PC music recording can be done relatively easily if you learn how. If you are careful about what hardware and software you buy you can achieve professional sounding results on a low budget.

Our band is lucky because we have the use of our High School's sound equipment.This has given us a strong start in our PC based recording ventures. However, if you study the market, buying sound equipment can become a matter of the right place at the right time.

The Setup

The borrowed gear consists of:

  • Peavey 6-channel Powered Mixer + Speakers
  • Toa 6-channel Powered Mixer + Speakers
  • Dean Markley Guitar Amplifier
  • Peavey Bass Amplifier
  • 5 Microphones
  • CryBaby Wah-Wah Pedal
Plus the band's gear:
  • PC - AMD K6-166MHz, 32Meg RAM, 2.5Gig HDD
  • Soundcard - SoundBlaster PCI64
  • Roland PRO-E Intelligent Arranger
  • Technics Keyboard
  • ProAxe Guitars
  • PowerBeat Drums
  • Boss Chorus Pedal