We at SWR thought that this page was a good idea, especially as the other link pages on the web were inadequate in one way or another and did not specify where the gruoups were located so, if you did want to look up what groups were active in say Canada it would take you a very long time indeed. The page was designed to take the drudge out this process through following a series of clickable links. However the rapid turnover of CB pages on the web has made keeping this page up-to-date a drudge in itself! The only way to keep this page current is for everyone who finds a dead link to let us at SWR know. The same applies if you wish to add a new link. If everyone does this then, hopefully, this page will prove as useful as it was intended to be. In any case over the next week or two we will be going through all the links on the page to ascertain if they are still active. Wish us luck!
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If you encounter any dead links or wish to add your page, please e-mail us here. If you feel any of the above links are in the wrong categories then contact us and we will endeavour to put them right.