Greeting and Salutations people! Glad to see you're interested in Iggy. Please sign in to receive your free code name!

phil - 05/30/00 01:09:18
Favourite Animal: kawala
SO where's this code name I'm supposed to have recieved?!! I check day and night, night and day and I still haven't gotten any code name!!! I"M GOING TO SUE!!!!!!!

Iggy - 05/25/00 23:17:18
My URL:This page!
Favourite Animal: me
Phil, I'm pleased to inform you that your free secret code name will be sent via e-mail just for signing on my page. Enjoy!

phil - 05/25/00 01:42:58
WOW!! I can't believe I'm actually the first to sign the Iggy fan club guest book!! I would just like to world to know that I have been a personal friend to Iggy all of her life... that's right, I'm special and you're not! wahahahaha!! (but of course for ll those who are interested the Phil fanclub webpage should be up and running soon and my page will be sooo much more exciting then this one!!!) Philopolus Philocraties. (the great)

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