Hungarian Soaring in the 1950s

Magyar vitorlázórepülés az 1950-es években

Jaszlics Iván (front) and Thury Kornél in the Fergeteg - Békécsaba, April 1955. The M30 Fergeteg was a high-performance two-seater designed during World War II My students from the University of Miskolc Flying Club, Bogáti Marika, Rupert Henrik. The Rubik "Lepke" was used for first solo after dual training in the Rubik "Koma"
Yours truly, instructing a student in the Lepke at the Sajókápolna gliderport in May 1955, just after I have returned from the aerobatics / instructor school at Békéscsaba - as reported in "Repülés"...
Above: The Polikarpov Po-2 of 1927 vintage was a tow plane used in the Hungarian clubs. It was used as a light night bomber by the Russians in WWII. Right: Z-034 Ifjúság two-seater on the production line. I had quite a few flights in HA-5156...