QuickCam on the Questar

Here are the results of some experiments in "quick-and-dirty" astrophotography using a greyscale Connectix QuickCam and a Questar 3.5.

Prime Focus

In this setup, I removed the guts from my old grayscale QuickCam following some instructions for disassembling a QuickCam by Hanno Müler (note - this is not for the faint-of-heart and WILL void your warranty). After remounting the electronics in a small project box and removing the lens to expose the CCD, it was easy to attach the assembly to my Questar to work at prime focus. The approximate plate scale is 2 arc seconds per pixel, or a useful field of 11 x 8.3 arc minutes, for a Questar 3.5.

For starters, here are two shots of a $1 bill, taken with the above setup from about 15 feet away.

Jupiter...10/09/1998 4:30 UT

Jupiter was snapped prime-focus. The images below are averages of several different frames.
prime focus with 2x barlow Moons (composite)
long exposure for moons
and short for Jupiter
From left: Ganymede, Io, Europa (Callisto off-frame)

Now, to the Moon!

Here are some exposures of the Moon. I've undone the mirror-reflection induced by the Questar, and put south at the top.
Here's a spotty mosaic; click here for a larger version. Obtained with the above setup on June 16 1997 Highlight frames appear below. Here's another mosaic from July 11, 1997; click here for a larger version.

Southern region

Moving down the terminator

Continuing down

and down...

Some lightly processed views:

Tycho before Tycho after contrast enhancement

Southernmost region before Southernmost region after contrast enhancement

Simple afocal arrangement

The setup couldn't be simpler; I simply held the unadulterated QuickCam against the eyepice of the telescope with one hand, and used the other hand to control the computer. The setup could have been less awkward, though. Alignment of the camera with the telescope needs to be pretty precise to see much of anything. A simpler method would be to tape the QuickCam to the eyepiece, I suppose.

The QuickCam captures 16 level grayscale images; I've processed these images a bit to enhance contrast.

Waxing gibbous, 80X eyepiece.
Late April, 1996
Waxing gibbous, southern region, 80X and 1.6X barlow.
Late April, 1996
Waxing crescent, 80X and 1.6X barlow.

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