Welcome to my site! My name is Danananananananana. Or Dana. Or even just D. Anyways, this is my first shot at a web page, so have fun looking around!

And sign my guestbook!

Now that my semester is over, I have a life again! Hooray! So I have the "Lyrics" page up now, although it is actually called "The Study". I have to change that :). And the Ren Faire pictures are up, too.


Take my Harry Potter Poll! Also, my hermit crab site is almost done!


I've put up some pictures in the Rob and Me page and the Friends page.


This page is still pretty empty but that's okay. I'm working on it. Hopefully by the time I start school again (February 9th) I'll have most everything up!
Questions? Email me!

Copyright 2004 D.Wayland
About Me!!!! Yeahh!!!!
My Blog
Lyrics and other stuff
"I'm A Fish, And I'm Pretty..."