This is my
schedule for Fall 2006. It is subject to change at the discretion of the
registrar's office and the Bren School and its many esteemed professors and
visiting instructors.
Fall 2006 |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
8:00am |
8:30am |
9:00am |
9:30am |
ESM 201 |
ESM 206 |
ESM 201 |
ESM 206 |
10:00am |
Eco. of Mngd. |
Stats and Data |
Eco. of Mngd. |
Stats and Data |
10:30am |
Ecosystems |
Analysis |
Ecosystems |
Analysis |
11:00am |
ESM 251 |
ESM 203 |
ESM 203 |
11:30am |
Lab/Disc |
Earth System |
Earth System |
12:00pm |
Science |
Science |
12:30pm |
1:00pm |
1:30pm |
2:00pm |
ESM 251 |
ESM 251 |
2:30pm |
MicroEcon for |
MicroEcon for |
3:00pm |
ESM 206 |
Env. Mgmt. |
Env. Mgmt. |
3:30pm |
Lab/Disc |
ESM 203 |
4:00pm |
Lab/Disc |
4:30pm |
ESM 201 |
5:00pm |
Lab/Disc |
5:30pm |
6:00pm |
Statistics Review
Tue/Thurs 9:30 10:45
Dates: September 28; Oct 3, 5, 17,
19, 24, 26, 31; Nov 2
ESM 207: Environmental Law and Policy
Friday, October 6- 2:00 4:45pm
Saturday, October 7- 9:00 11:45am
Sunday, October 8- 12:00 2:45pm
Monday, October 9- 12:30 3:15pm
Tuesday, October 10- 8:00 10:45am
Wednesday, October 11- 12:30 3:15pm
Thursday, October 12- 8:00 10:45am
Friday, October 13- 9:00 11:45am
Saturday, October 14- 9:00 11:45am
Sunday, October 15- 9:00 11:45am
Career Development Workshop
Wednesdays, October 25 November 29,
2:00 3:15pm
Finals Schedule:
I dont even want to think about this now.
Professors, GSIs, TAs and Office Hours:
Fall 2006 Course Info:
ESM 201: Ecology of Managed Ecosystems, Professor Frank Davis
(4 units)
ESM 203: Earth System Science,
Professor Tom Dunne (4 units)
ESM 207: Environmental Law and
Policy, Visiting Professor Jim Salzman (4 units)
ESM 251: Microeconomics Principles
for Environmental Management, Professor Kotchen (2 units)
ESM 206: Statistics and Data
Analysis, (1 unit for fall semester)
ESM 200: Orientation Course (1/2
unit) (September 29, Professor Hunter