Welcome Everyone

to the first page of my many pages & links.

Hi, My name is Michael Sheffield
New pages and links are being added as often as I can work on them. I live in Auckland, the largest city of New Zealand. My Amateur Radio callsign is ZL1ABS. I am the station trustee of the ZL1AB Packet BBS.

For the latest ATV news see Michaels' New Zealand page.

My Club station Aucklands' Amateur TV page

ZL1UX ATV Hamiltons' Amateur TV page

My Club The Auckland VHF Group inc Auckland VHF Group inc. pages

North Shore Branch 29 N.Z.A.R.T. Inc. North Shore (of Auckland) clubs' Home Page

New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters New Zealand Amateur Radio's Home Page. Celebrated 75 years in 2001.
Radio Society of Great Britain Radio Society of Great Britain home page

American Radio Relay League American Radio Relay League - The home page for Amateur Radio in the USA.
My interests are:
Electronics, Computers, Books, Christian radio, craft hobbies

The description of my page is:
personal information


E-mail me at mjsheffield@yahoo.com
Please come back soon and visit me.

In Association with Amazon.com

Links to other sites of interest on the Web

Grant Taylor's New Zealans ATV Web Page ZL1WTT
Links to Slow Scan TV and Fast Scan ATV sites
Michaels' New Zealand links and News
World Amateur Radio links
American Amateur Television links
British Amateur Radio links

My sister Dianne's home page

I am a presentation director at two satellite TV stations called "The Living Channel" & "Food TV". I attend the Windsor Park Baptist Church.

© 2007 mjsheffield@yahoo.com

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