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Welcome to Justin's web page (previously known as "Justin's
Model Rocket Page" and "Perth Rocketry").
Please feel free to email me rocketry pictures, Astronomy Pictures, Model Aircraft/Helicopter Pictures, stories and reviews and anything "HOBBY" to be quite honest, and I will post them in the visitors section. I will try and add new photos and videos as they become available, so please keep checking for updates.
Here is a nice mosaic of the moon taken in July 2001. This image was taken using a webcam, a cheap Dobsonian telescope, and pieced together in LViewPro. Click on the image to enlarge.
The Red Planet
For those not aware, Mars comes to opposition every two years and two months (ie. lies opposite the sun in the sky). On 13th of June, Mars was the brightest it has been for about 15 years (mag -2.1). On June 21st, Mars was also the closet to Earth for 15 years (about 68 Million Km).
QCUIAG RESEARCH is a fantastic website for those interested in amatuer CCD imaging. QCUIAG stands for "QuickCam and Unconventional Imaging Astronomy Group", and the results obtained from the humble webcam are amazing.
Here are a couple of images I recently took of Mars (Second one is an animation taken over a couple of hours). I will add an Astronomy Gallery soon.
Model Rockets
Here is a pic of the first HPR launch held by the Perth Advanced Rocketry Club (October 2001). The rocket is a MinnieMag on an Aerotech "H-180" 29-240 RMS (click on the image to enlarge).
Model Aircraft / Helicopters
A friend of mine has been into model Aircraft for some time, and recently has been learning to fly model Helicopters. To say I am interested is an understatement. This is certainly next on my agenda. I will post some pics and videos soon.
Last updated : 15th Aug 2004
Updated : Dalcon Hobbies Advert. Link to Wing-Dragon.Net