This is a page of various things I've come across in my travels. It is
not archived, nor do I make any guarantees that anything will be here,
or stay here...
Calling all spooks!
The results of poking around HF on a Saturday night. Does this mean I need
to get out more?
Time: 0335 UTC 23 January 2000. Local time: 2235
EST on 22 January. Frequency: 4638 kHz. Plain old AM, as far as I could
The transmission continued like this until 0341 UTC, whereupon it stopped
with the curt anouncement "End".
Another one. I guess even spooks sometimes have little to say. :-)
Time: 2250 UTC 26 March 2000. Local time: 1750 EST. Frequency: 13188
kHz. Mode: AM.