Papers, talks, presentations and downloads
Here are things you can download: documents, information, source code.
This information is for your own amusement, and I'd appreciate it if
you checked with
me before distributing
it to anybody else. In any case, should you find the information here useful,
please consider a donation to
Without further ado, here's what I've got here at the moment:
A quick one pager on printed inductors (snail.pdf,
They Never Told Me Not To: an innocent is seduced by centimeter waves.
The paper I presented on microwaves at the 1997 AMSAT Space Symposium (amsat97.pdf,
Satellites: bringing them down to Earth. The talk I give to clubs
on satellites. It started as a talk to the White Rock ARC in late 1997,
and has evolved. (earth.html, 3.5k).
noise.c, a silly little program that shows some aspects
of sound card I/O under Linux.
SMT kickstart. A desperate attempt to get hams to build something
with surface-mount components. Published in QRP Quarterly, Spring
1998. (smtkick.pdf, 20k and
artwork, 1k). I did the graphics by hand in PostScript. Please let
know if they work for you. Or not.
Erratum: please note that there is a typo in Figure 3, the parts overlay.
The two 680 pF capacitors in the VFO tank circuit should be together, in
line with the 2k2 resistor. The schematic is correct.
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