Due to circumstances beyond our control this is the web page of...

Laura Halliday VA3LDH

Moi? A home page?

Yes. Just remember: you (well, some of you) asked for it.

A couple of things that are important at the moment:

Some of the things I'm up to for fun include:

The Fine Print

You can get a PDF reader from Adobe if you need one. I've recently started playing with MP3, and if you need an MP3 player you can find them everywhere. I use amp to play MP3s, and lame to make them.
If you like, you can email me. I like to get non-junk email. Either English or French will do fine. I may understand you if you write in German or Spanish. I make no promises regarding other languages.
Spammers who don't like to hear about their personal habits, questionable genetics, or the profession of their mother should consider not emailing me.
Like all Web pages, this one is (perpetually) under construction.

Thanks to the folks at Geocities for the web space.