The people are rude, they are extremely lacking in common courtesy and manners. You will almost never hear the words: please, sorry, or excuse me.

    They don't even cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze.

    The men are not at all gentlemen. The women are stuck-up and snobby.

    The people here will take advantage of you if they can.

    Many of the religious people follow Kashrut and Shabbat, i.e., don't drive on the Sabbath, and then lie, cheat, and use people during the week.

    The bureaucracy here is overwhelming.

    Since the government is not allowed to fire employees, service is very poor.

    The above is also true for banks and other institutions.

    Everybody thinks that they are the smartest and know all the answers.

    The smallest, oldest apartments cost US $100,000 starting

    The salaries are in Shekels, but real estate is rented and sold by the US Dollar rate.

    The government here is very corrupt, and the corrupt seem to stay in power.

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