Dixie Radio Club
Laurens County, South Carolina

Regular Meetings
The regular meetings of The Dixie Radio Club are held at the Laurens County Library every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm. All interested Hams and ham wanabees are invited to attend these meetings. Hope to see you there.

October 23, 1999 - Plans are in the making to have a covered dish picnic/cookout at Lake Rabun Park in Laurens County on October 23, 1999 at 3:00 p.m. All interested parties and their families are invited to attend. Some people will be bringing a covered dish and we are planning on cooking hamburgers and/or hotdogs at the park. If you think you and your family might be attending, please respond to the e-mail link below so we can try to get a headcount.

Please send us any comments or questions.