The Dixie Radio Club had it's regular meeting on September 7, 1999 at the library. Plans were made to invite all hams to the next two meetings and to the club picnic to be held at Lake Rabun in October. Keep a check on the Upcoming events page for further details.
The Dixie Radio Club had it's "Family Fun Day" on June 5, 1999 at Lake Rabun. Everyone there had a really good time. If you missed this year's Fun Day be sure to make the next one.
The Dixie Radio Club held it's regular monthly meeting at the Laurens County Library on Tuesday, March 2, 1999. Upcoming field day plans were discussed. We are looking for volunteers to help us man the radios. If you would like to participate in field day this year, please send us an e-mail letting us know when you will be available to help.
The Dixie Radio Club met at the Woodruff Fish Camp for supper on February 20, 1999. We had a real good turn out. Everybody had a good time, good fellowship and good food. Those of you who missed the get together, we hope you can make it next time. See ya then.
February 2, 1999 - The club held it's regular meeting at 7:00p.m. at the Laurens County Library. Mike Burden, gave a treasurer's report and stated the club now has a new checking account. Other items discussed included preliminary plans for field day and distributing flyers advertising the club. Plans were also made to get together at the Woodruff Fish camp on February 20, 1999 for supper.
January 5, 1999 - The club held it's regular meeting at 7:00p.m. at the Laurens County Library. New officers were elected for 1999. They are David Loftis, KF4NXY - President; George Merchant, W4GWM - Vice-President; Mike burden, KF4RUZ - Treasurer; and Bob Watson, W4RGW - Secretary. A committee was formed to begin making plans for field day. The field day committe members are: Bob Watson, W4RGW; Mike Burden, KF4RUZ; Nancy Burden, AF4ET; David Loftis, KF4NXY; and Marie Loftis, KU4RU. Anyone else interested in helping with the field day committee please let us know by sending us an e-mail.