Alan's Astronaut
Autograph Gallery

In-Person Pics with
Alan Bean and Andy Chaikin!!!

Alan Bean, who flew on both the Apollo XII and Skylab missions, is today an accomplished space artist.
One of his most well-known limited edition prints "In The Beginning" is counter-signed by 19 other Apollo astronauts, while another - "Reaching for the Stars" - is counter-signed by a total of 24!

Andy Chaikin, author of "A Man on the Moon" which formed the basis for the HBO mini-series "From the Earth to the Moon," wrote the text for Bean's new book "Apollo: An Eyewitness Account".

I recently had the oportunity to meet both of these great men at a book signing in Tucson, Arizona hosted by Kim & Sally Poor, owners of Novagraphics Space Art Gallery - a great source for purchasing Bean's work.

Pic of my wife and me with Mr. Bean and Andy Chaikin

Pic of Mr. Bean, Andy Chaikin and me enjoying a light moment

Pic of my wife and me with Andy Chaikin