Alan's Aviator
Autograph Gallery
Aviation Pioneers
Yeager, Cardenas, Hoover, Russell, Young, McKendry & Kilanowski
autographs on title page of book "Quest for Mach One"
signed and dated on 50th anniversary of breaking the sound barrier
Other Books & Magazines
Signed by Famous Aviation Pioneers
Robert Cardenas, Bob Hoover, Slick Goodlin,
John Griffith, Scott Crossfield, Pete Everest & Bob Champine
autographs on Richard Hallion's book "Supersonic Flight"
Robert Cardenas, Bob Hoover, Scott Crossfield,
Bill Dana, Gordon Fullerton, John Griffith,
Bob Champine, Pete Everest & Slick Goodlin autographs on
Richard Hallion's book"On the Frontier"
Bud Anderson and Chuck Yeager autographs
on title page of Anderson's autobiography "To Fly & Fight"
Scott Crossfield autograph
on first edition autobio "Always Another Dawn"
Scott Crossfield autograph
on reprint edition autobio "Always Another Dawn"
Scott Crossfield, Bill Dana & Pete Knight autographs
on cover of Air & Space Magazine
Bob Hoover & Chuck Yeager autographs
on title page of Hoover's book "Forever Flying"
Col. Robert Mogan, Pilot of Memphis Belle, autograph
on title page of book "The Memphis Belle: Home at Last"
Francis Gary Powers
U2 spy plane pilot downed over Russia
on autobiography "Operation Overflight"
Chuck Yeager autograph on cover
of Time Magazine dated April, 1949
** Select Items Signed by
Famous Avitaion Pioneers **
WWII Ace & Yeager wingman C.E. "Bud" Anderson
autograph on photo next to his P-51
Robert Cardenas autograph
on "Morph" litho
Chalmers "Slick" Goodlin autograph
on photo while standing next to X-1
Chalmers "Slick" Goodlin autograph on postcard
commemorating first powered flight of Bell X-1
Bob Champine autograph on photo
inside X-1 as NACA test pilot
Vintage photo autographed by
NACA X-1 test pilot Bob Champine
Jerrie Cobb autograph on title page
of her autobiography "Woman Into Space"
Scott Crossfield autograph
on business suit portrait
Scott Crossfield autograph
on litho of D558-II in flight
Scott Crossfield autograph
on litho of X-4
Scott Crossfield autograph
on litho of X-5
Scott Crossfield autograph on photo
over private plane engine compartment
Scott Crossfield autograph
on picture standing next to X-15
Scott Crossfield autograph
on cover of American Space Digest
Scott Crossfield autograph
on Supersonic Flight Anniversary FDC
Scott Crossfield autograph on newspaper headline
reporting forced landing of X-15 during flight #3
Bill Dana autograph on photo next to X-15
Connie Engel autograph on title page of her biography
"Beyond The Clouds" as 1st USAF Female Jet Pilot
Handwritten note by Connie Engel
expressing appreciation for autograph request
Pete Everest autograph on photo
while kneeling in front of X-1
Pete Everest autograph on photo
Standing next to X-2
Pete Everest autograph on postcard
of X-1 in flight
Pete Everest autograph on title page
of his autobiography "Fastest Man Alive"
NACA Test Pilot John H. Griffith autograph
on picture in cockpit of X-1
Typed letter signed by Test Pilot John H. Griffith
describing experiences flying X-1
NACA Test Pilot John H. Griffith autograph
on postcard picture of X-1 in flight
Bob Hoover autograph on "Morph" litho
Bob Hoover & Robert Cardenas autographs
on Supersonic Anniversary FDC
Pete Knight autograph
on International Space Hall of Fame FDC
Autographed photo of Pete Knight
holding model of X-15
Autographed photo of Pete Knight speaking
before audience at ISHOF induction ceremony
John Manke autograph on photo next to X-24B Lifting Body
Chuck Yeager, Bob Hoover and Robert Cardenas
autographs on litho of X-1 in flight
Chuck Yeager autograph on photo
standing in front of jet
Chuck Yeager autograph on postcard
photo of X-1 in flight
Chuck Yeager autograph on 50th Anniversary newsletter
Chuck Yeager autograph
on supersonic commemorative stamps