Hall of Presidents - Republic of Cuba
Jose Marti had predicted that "rascals will struggle to infest politics". After the administration of First President Tomas Estrada Palma (1902-09), who died in poverty, Cuba never knew an honest president.

List of presidents since May 20, 1902

1902-1909 Tomas Estrada Palma
1909-1913 Jose Miguel Gomez
1913-1921 Mario Garcia Menocal
1921-1924 Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso
1924-1930 Gerardo Machado
1930-1933 Ramon Grau San Martin
1933-1933 Alberto Herrera
1933-1933 Carlos de Cespedes y Quesada
1933-1934 Carlos Hevia
1934-1935 Calos Mendieta
1935-1936 Jose Barnet y Vinageras
1936-1936 Miguel Gomez y Arias
1936-1940 Federico Laredo Bru
1940-1944 Fulgencio Batista
1944-1948 Ramon Grau San Martin
1948-1952 Carlos Prio Socarras
1952-1959 Fulgencio Batista
1959-1959 Manuel Urrutia
1959-1976 Osvaldo Dorticos
1976-        Fidel Castro Ruz

T. Estrada Palma
R. Grau San Martin
Jose Miguel Gomez F. Laredo Bru
C. Prio Socarras
M. Garcia Menocal
A. Zayas Alfonso
Gen. F. Batista
Fidel Castro Ruz
Gerardo Machado
Osvaldo Dorticos