Hall of Presidents - Republic of Cuba |
Jose Marti had predicted that "rascals will struggle to infest politics". After the administration of First President Tomas Estrada Palma (1902-09), who died in poverty, Cuba never knew an honest president.
http://cuban-exile.com/doc_201-225/doc0206.html |
List of presidents since May 20, 1902
1902-1909 Tomas Estrada Palma 1909-1913 Jose Miguel Gomez 1913-1921 Mario Garcia Menocal 1921-1924 Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso 1924-1930 Gerardo Machado 1930-1933 Ramon Grau San Martin 1933-1933 Alberto Herrera 1933-1933 Carlos de Cespedes y Quesada 1933-1934 Carlos Hevia 1934-1935 Calos Mendieta 1935-1936 Jose Barnet y Vinageras 1936-1936 Miguel Gomez y Arias 1936-1940 Federico Laredo Bru 1940-1944 Fulgencio Batista 1944-1948 Ramon Grau San Martin 1948-1952 Carlos Prio Socarras 1952-1959 Fulgencio Batista 1959-1959 Manuel Urrutia 1959-1976 Osvaldo Dorticos 1976- Fidel Castro Ruz
T. Estrada Palma |
R. Grau San Martin |
Jose Miguel Gomez |
F. Laredo Bru |
C. Prio Socarras |
M. Garcia Menocal |
A. Zayas Alfonso |
Gen. F. Batista |
Fidel Castro Ruz |
Gerardo Machado |
Osvaldo Dorticos |