Thank you for your interest in the Applied Mathematics and Science
Academy's Exploring Technology curriculum! Please feel free to
download and implement our curriculum as you see fit. We only ask
that you display the cover pages so that people become familiar with
our name. You will need a decompressor to use the files.
Decompressors are available for free at any of a variety of web
sites. Visit tucows to
download a free version or a registered version of decompressors for
your platform (Unix, MacOS, Win.xx).
Click on the hyper text below to download
AMSA curriculum!
- Flight part
I, Part
II (Claris Works 4.0 for Mac)- This module is designed
to introduce students to the fundamentals of aerodynamics as well
as flight simulation. The equipment you need to run this module is
a PC-486 with 16 Mb of RAM, and a flight yoke. The software
needed: Aviation Adventure, Whitewings and Microsoft Flight
- Plastics
(Claris Works 4.0 for Mac) - Polymers and their applications are
studied in this module. The equipment you need to run this module:
A vacuum former, rotational molder oven, an injection molder, a
strip heater.
- Telecommunications
(Word 7.0 for Win95)- Video Conferencing using Microsoft's
NetMeeting 2.0 is the topic of this module. Students prepare a
presentation and then conduct a video/audio conference while doing
file sharing in real time! NetMeeting is available for download at All you need is an upper end PC with at least a
Pentium 133 MHz processor, 32MBs of RAM, a 33.6 speed modem, a
video capture device (Connectix cameras start at $80.00) a
microphone and an Internet Service Provider (ISP). NetMeeting is
not designed to run through firewalls (combination of hardware and
software designed to ward of hackers and give you access to the
net ).
- Web
Publishing (Claris Works 4.0 for Mac)- Students use
Claris Home Page 3.0 to create a multimedia web page. The emphasis
is on language arts as students prepare an autobiography and two
descriptive paragraphs on sharks and trains while they insert
their 360 degree QuickTime VR movie as well as a QuickTime
standard film clip. You will need an upper end PowerMac with a G3
processor and the QuickTime 3.0 Plug-In available for free at Claris Home Page 3.0 averages 50 dollars at
most online stores or you may download an evaluation copy at
- Digital Imaging with the Sony Mavica MVC
FD-83 and Epson PC 750-Z Mavica,
Mavica for Goo, Mavica
for Morph, Epson, (Claris
Works 4.0 for Mac)- These are simply enhancers that will allow
students to take Joint Photographic Expert Group (jpeg's) and
maybe some Movie Photographic Expert Group (mpeg's) images for
whatever activities require digital imaging i.e. Kai's Power Goo,
Griffin's Morph 2.5, and web page publishing.