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Last updated 6/24/2003
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USS Von Steuben (SSBN 632)
Visit one of the "42 for Freedom" Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine Web Sites The USS Von Steuben (SSBN 632)
She was commissioned September 30, 1964. A United States Nuclear Submarine capable of launching 16 nuclear missiles over 3000 miles. She protected America during the hottest periods of the Cold War
During her 30 years she was homeported in three different locations:
(1) Charleston, SC
(2) Rota, Spain
(3) Holy Loch, Scotland
I made 8 patrols on the USS Von Steuben from September 1988 to February 1993. I was a member of the Blue Crew and held the rating of Fire Control Technician.

We were responsible for maintaining and operating the missile launching computers (called "Fire Control" in the Navy), maintaining "Alert" missile targeting, and of course, responsible for the security of the weapons and the ship.
Visit the St. Marys Submarine Museum
Ensure you visit my main site at www.jimbarbe.com
Site activated July 10, 1999
Last updated June 24, 2003
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