1/12th Scale Radio Controlled Air Combat

The ME109 screams past your Spitfire's tail. With sweat on your forehead, you push the stick forward, and force the aircraft into a shallow dive, to build up speed. With a halfloop quickly followed by a sharp turn, you line up on the 109. A wave of relief rushes through you, because now you are the hunter instead of the hunted...
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In aircombat, you fly a 1:12th scale or semi-
scale model of a single or multi-engined fighter from the period 1935-45. The model is simple, cheap to build, and easily repairable. You can fit a 0.15, 0.21 or 0.25 engine, based upon how
big the original fighter was.
2009 Mission Diary
!! Nat Date changed to 6th June !!
1/12th FunDay

Each aircraft tows a streamer. Try to cut the streamers of the other enemy aircraft with your prop or wing, and avoid having your own streamer cut by them. You get points for cutting streamers, and for the flight time that you can accumulate.
Other This site last updated Jan 2009