Ordinary. I don't like that word. Maybe because I'm not. Maybe because I'm jealous of those
who are. I don't know and I don't think I ever will. I'm okay with that though. Wanna know
why? You know what, if you don't click on the little 'x'. Do yourself a favor okay? Just
leave if you don't like my feelings and opinions because they are me.
For the most part I like myself. There's lots of stuff I want to change, but who doesn't? I am
comfortable with me. It's other people that aren't comfortable with me. I'm not sure why,
but maybe they feel intimidated by me. Or just don't understand. Probably both mixed with
other things.
Let's say that I am you and you are me. Just step into my shoes for a few moments and tell
me what you feel. Go ahead e-mail it to me. If you're not sure look around my site some
more and tell me what you think of me. Tell me who you think I am. I'm curious to find
PS-please maximize your screen or the navigation menu (to the left...under the pic) will not show up. Thank ya!
I am feeling,
I reserve any rights I may have, and probably some I don't too. This site is (C) me 2001 and beyond