Previous Posts
Just in case you care what I've said in the past...
22 Aug 06
Well, it's been quite the summer. A lot of picnics, a lot of hiking, and a lot of Motorcycling. Oh yeah, and a TON of flying. Life is definately different as a Captain here. Better pay, better job, and better opportunities for improvement. Yep, I'm livin it up here right now. Now, as long as the snow stays away for a while... Kelly
24 June 06
Hello All. It's been a while again, but I have an excuse. I've been busy! Work is going great, especially as a Captain on the Jetstream 31 and 32. We're very busy, and I'm working near the legal limits in terms of hours flown per month. Free time is down substantially, but that's life in the fast lane. It'll slow back down come the fall. I think... Oh yeah, and check out the weather over the past month or two. Yeah, 25-30 degrees and no rain. I though the north was supposed to be cold!! Kelly
22 Jan 06
Well, not much is happenening up here right now. It's cold, but not too cold. I'm working hard, but not too hard. I miss my motorcycle, but I'll miss it more if I take it out and careen into the Rapids of the Drown. I've added a little bit about my astronomical career in the hobbies section. Doesn't say much yet, but that's because I don't know much yet. I've been mostly studying, working, and sleeping. Ah, the glamorous life of a pilot in the north... Oh well, I'd best get outside and clean the chimney and cut some more wood. Next week's gona be a busy one... Kelly
3 Jan 06
Hello Folks. Well, Christmas was a blast. My parents were up here in Ft. Smith for Christmas, and I didn't work too hard the week thereafter. Actually, that's a lie, but I'll pretend I had a relaxing holiday so as to be prepared for another year of life in the North. Hopefully everyone had a great holiday. Happy New Year, and best wish es for 2006. Kelly
4 Aug 2005
So, I finally updated the hobbies page a little bit. I added a couple pictures of my new motorcycle. I will do more work on the page in the winter, honest... Kelly
4 Aug 2005
Well, I'
ve been pretty busy as you can porobably tell. I've been working a lot, and also playing a little. I haven't made any changes to the site lately, however, come winter I will. Kelly
6 MAY 2005
Okay, so I finally updated my page. I have enclosed a picture of the finished bike, and added a few quick notes. Upcoming will be a section with pictures of our daily lives up here. Included will be such things as pictures of the town, trailer, dog, etc... Kelly
26 APR 2005
I know it's been a while since I updated the page, but I will be soon. I passed my Class 6 Motorcycle License last Thursday. I did the test on a co-workers Honda 250, since my bike isn't quite ready yet. However, the last of the parts should be on the plane today or tomrrow, and I'll have 'er up and running shortly thereafter. That hopefully means that in the next few days I'll have my bike on the road. At that point, I'll be sure to take some new pictures of the completed bike and put them on the page. And, beside the bike, I've been spending most of my free time on my new Play Station 2. Yep, Kara sure knows how to buy birthday presents!! So, between the games and the bike, I've been kind of neglegent of my yard work. I did however manage to get my new shed on the lot and filled up with stuff. In other news, I have a friend and his fiance rooming with me for the time being until they can get settled. Otherwise, life in the North is as it usually is. It's warming up nicely here, but the bugs are already starting to appear. Kelly
21 Jan 2005
Well, I've done some more work on the site. The pictures in Hobbies and Aviation should work now, though you still may have to right click and select show pictures. This may just be a problem with my slow internet, but if you have the same problem, you know what to do. I've done some more work on my bike, and I will update the hobbies page accordingly. Kelly
13 Jan 2005
Happy New Year everyone!!
So, I've done little on the site over the holidays, so I've been hard at it today. There are some issues I still have to work out. I am having picture problems, but I'll sort them out. There is a bandwidth limitation with Geocities, so the pictures are being retrieved from a third party server. On the Aviation Page and the Hobbies Page, you may have to right click on the spot the image should be, and select "Show Picture" for each. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have created the Previous Posts page and have started sorting out the older posts. This will help to keep the page from becoming cluttered.
Anyways, I'll be working on the site a bit more now, and will hopefully be able to update my Hobbies page to include some of the progress I've made on my bike. Kelly
24 Dec 2004
Kara and I are out and about, visiting family and friends down in Alberta. We managed to make it south using the "Winter Road", but only barely. I think the term should be "Winter Dog Sled Run". It may be a nice trip in a truck, but a nice shinny mini-van is not the right tool for the job. Anyways, we'll be out here having fun until into the New Year. So, Merry Christmas everyone, and have a Happy New Year!! Kelly
Christmas Wish Lists
Kara’s Christmas Wish List
- Shrek 2 DVD
- Gilmore Girls (Second season on DVD)
- Clothing (i.e. Sweaters, blouses). I am a size large for shirts
- Sewing stuff (i.e. rulers, thread)
- Computer Games (not flight simulators!!!)
- Waffle maker
- Winter Skates (Walmart has some soft blue skates for ladies) I am a size 7½
- Camping gear (anything as we do not have any camping equipment what so ever)
- Snow sleds (krazy carpets, saucers, anything that goes down a hill in the winter)
- Modem for our laptop (Dell Latitude)
- Wireless mouse for our laptop
- Office Supplies for home or work
- Anything else that you think that I might like.
Kelly’s Christmas Wish List
- Cowboy Boot Gift Certificate
- Radio Controlled Airplane Power Panel for glow plug, starter, etc…
- Dot approved full faced motorcycle helmet
- Wireless adapter for HP iPaq H3800
- Flight Yoke with power levers, for computer
- Rudder pedals for computer
- Razor blades for Philashave 3605
- Fate is the Hunter(book)
- Camping sleeping bag
- Camp stove
- Tent
- Winged combat, book by Art Bishop
- Gift certificate for motorcycle parts (spark plugs, oils, seals, handlebars, etc…)
12 Dec 2004
Well, I have finally added the Avation Page to the site. It is filled with lots of photos and a little bit of information. It is a large page with big pictures. In fact, the pictures are full resolution, so it may take a while to view. The family page is being held until I decide whether or not I want to post that kind of information. If I do, I will ask permission before I put you on. Kelly
26 November 2004
What better way to start of the news and
reviews part of the site than to explain the new site. I was getting
bored with my previous site, so I destroyed it. Actually, most of
it is contained in the links section. My new site will be a way for
me to have access to the links I like, as well as express some of my passions
and opinons to you. The links above will take you through some of
the imporant things in my life, and show you what it's like being me.
So, snoop away, and let me know if you have any comments. Kelly
26 Nov 2005
Wow, am I ever good at updating this page... Okay, so it's been a while. Suck it up. Anyways, things are going good up here. We're both working hard and paving our future. I have added some pictures to the Aviation page. As well, I will post our Christmas Wish Lists. Yay, presents :> Anyhoo, for ideas for you folks that care, here we go.
Kelly's Wish List
For the Honda V65 National Cycle Windshield (Plexifairing 3 #N8853)
A Throttle lock
A set of Highway Pegs to go on the front crash bar
A 12 V 18 Amp/Hr Battery
Not for the Honda Snap Ring Pliers
Metric Sockets #20mm and #30mm
Open/Box Wrenches Metric #11,14,16,20,32
An ATPL Pilot License Wallet
Kara's Wish List
Sweaters, nice shirts, etc...
Hockey Gear-Cup, Shin Pads, Gloves(sm)
iPod Stuff
Books, anything
Craft Stuff, anything
Underwear, Socks, Long Johns, Undershirts,...
2005 Christmas Ornament