The main structure
is a copy of the Bensen B8 in terms of geometry and balance but it departs
from the original after that. The main axle is styled on the Gyrobee layout
although more involved to construct I believe it to be more forgiving of
abuse than the rigid Bensen style. The nose wheel assembly has yet to be
constructed but is going to follow the lines of the Wallis gyro, again
more involved but as I enjoy the engineering part of this project it is
not a chore.
The fin/rudder
assembly is mounted in the same manner as the Cricket, i.e.
on top of the keel tube with two struts either side down to stand-offs
on the keel tube.
I have taken ideas
from several gyros that I particularly like and incorporated them into
my gyroglider, all I need now is a Merlin enclosure (I wish).
Two pictures showing
the general shape of things to come! and a closer look at the brackets
joining the U/C parts together, the two vertical bolts in the U bracket
also hold the stub axle to the axle tube.