Beneath A Giant Oak [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A warrior clad in plates of midnight stands here, looking down upon you. A pig is here rooting around for food. The Obsidian Knight knocks you down with a powerful headbutt! A little dazed you wake and stand up. The black aura around you crackles to life, protecting you. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You obliterate the Obsidian Knight with your horrific slash! The Obsidian Knight blocks your slash. The Obsidian Knight is slightly scratched. (HP:239/298 MA:116/316 MV:302/306 HP:80% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> You pivot, kicking the Obsidian Knight in the chest with a spinning kick. (HP:239/298 MA:116/316 MV:302/306 HP:80% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> Brilliant red-orange and dark purple clouds blanket the western sky. (HP:239/298 MA:116/316 MV:302/306 HP:80% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> The Obsidian Knight quickly attacks and hits 5 times. A long black silk robe is damaged as it is hit! The Obsidian Knight slashes you extremely hard. The black aura around you crackles to life, protecting you. You block the Obsidian Knight's slash. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You slash the Obsidian Knight extremely hard. The Obsidian Knight blocks your slash. The Obsidian Knight has a few bruises. (HP:231/298 MA:116/316 MV:304/306 HP:77% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> bash You tumble out of the way as the Obsidian Knight tries to headbutt you! The Obsidian Knight quickly attacks and hits 5 times. The Obsidian Knight barely slashes you. The black aura around you sputters, failing to protect you. Poison courses through your veins! You block the Obsidian Knight's slash. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You obliterate the Obsidian Knight with your horrific slash! The Obsidian Knight blocks your slash. The Obsidian Knight has some cuts. (HP:228/298 MA:116/316 MV:305/306 HP:76% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> The Obsidian Knight quickly jumps out of the way of your bash, sending you to clear stand the ground. (HP:228/298 MA:116/316 MV:305/306 HP:76% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Sitting)> [Chat] Elisa: bye for now, pud'ns! (HP:228/298 MA:116/316 MV:305/306 HP:76% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Sitting)> Input buffer cleared. (HP:228/298 MA:116/316 MV:305/306 HP:76% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Sitting)> The Obsidian Knight quickly attacks and hits 4 times. The Obsidian Knight decimates you with his powerful slash! Blood oozes from your new wound. The black aura around you crackles to life, protecting you. You block the Obsidian Knight's slash. You quickly attack and hit 4 times. You massacre the Obsidian Knight with your slash. The Obsidian Knight blocks your slash. The Obsidian Knight has some cuts. (HP:189/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:63% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Sitting)> bash (HP:189/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:63% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Sitting)> The Obsidian Knight knocks you down with a powerful headbutt! A little dazed you wake and stand up. The black aura around you crackles to life, protecting you. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. A lion-skin cloak is damaged as it is hit! You decimate the Obsidian Knight with your powerful slash! You send poison coursing through the Obsidian Knight's veins! The Obsidian Knight has several wounds. (HP:154/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:51% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> You are already standing. (HP:154/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:51% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> You try to bash the Obsidian Knight but fall on your butt. clear stand (HP:154/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:51% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Sitting)> Input buffer cleared. (HP:154/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:51% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Sitting)> kick [Chat] CLeo: ;) The Obsidian Knight quickly attacks 5 times and hits 4 times. You parry an attack from the Obsidian Knight! You block the Obsidian Knight's slash. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You pulverize the Obsidian Knight with your slash. The Obsidian Knight blocks your slash. The Obsidian Knight has many nasty wounds. (HP:154/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:51% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Sitting)> (HP:154/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:51% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Sitting)> Leaning into you with an amazing amount of force, the Obsidian Knight drives his elbow into your comb decorated with a tuft of eagle feathers. The Obsidian Knight quickly attacks 5 times and hits 4 times. A pair of cheetah fur leggings is damaged as it is hit! The Obsidian Knight obliterates you with his horrific slash! The black aura around you crackles to life, protecting you. You block the Obsidian Knight's slash. You quickly attack 5 times and hit 3 times. You slash the Obsidian Knight extremely hard. The Obsidian Knight blocks your slash. The Obsidian Knight has many nasty wounds. (HP:93/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:31% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Sitting)> You roll out of the way of the Obsidian Knight's attack and stand up! (HP:93/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:31% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> You kick the Obsidian Knight in the solar plexus, rendering him breathless. (HP:93/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:31% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> The Obsidian Knight quickly attacks and hits 4 times. The Obsidian Knight slashes you. The black aura around you crackles to life, protecting you. A comb decorated with a tuft of eagle feathers is damaged as it is hit! You block the Obsidian Knight's slash. You quickly attack and hit 4 times. You slash the Obsidian Knight. The Obsidian Knight blocks your slash. The Obsidian Knight is bleeding freely. (HP:87/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:29% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> kick The Obsidian Knight's bash sends you flying to the ground. You somersault right back to your feet! The Obsidian Knight quickly attacks and hits 5 times. A shiny green serpent's scale is damaged as it is hit! You block the Obsidian Knight's slash.(No damage taken this round) You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You demolish the Obsidian Knight with your slash! The Obsidian Knight blocks your slash. The Obsidian Knight is covered in blood. (HP:73/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:24% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> You kick the Obsidian Knight's chest. (HP:73/298 MA:116/316 MV:306/306 HP:24% XP to Lvl:495881 W/A:3 Standing)> The Obsidian Knight quickly attacks 5 times and hits 4 times. A silver serrated sword is damaged as it is hit! The Obsidian Knight obliterates you with his horrific slash! You sure are BLEEDING! You panic, and attempt to flee. Master's Hall [Exits: n e s w] A bit of paper has been left here. (HP:43/298 MA:117/316 MV:304/306 HP:14% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> łeat 5*roots (HP:43/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:14% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> You eat some glowing roots. You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. You feel quite a bit better. You eat some glowing roots. You feel quite a bit better. (HP:219/298 MA:117/316 MV:306/306 HP:73% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> e kick zab Beneath A Giant Oak [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A warrior clad in plates of midnight stands here, looking down upon you. A pig is here rooting around for food. (HP:219/298 MA:117/316 MV:303/306 HP:73% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> You kick the Obsidian Knight in the solar plexus, rendering him breathless. (HP:219/298 MA:117/316 MV:304/306 HP:73% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> The Obsidian Knight grabs you and smashes his thick skull into yours, knocking you down! (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> kick zaba kick zaba kick zaba kick zaba kick zaba kick zaba kick zaba kick zaba kick zaba (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> kick zaba kick zaba You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> kick zaba kick zaba You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316kick zaba kick zaba MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:kick zaba kick zaba kick zaba 3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 kick zaba MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:kick zaba kick zaba kick zaba 496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. kick zaba (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:kick zaba kick zaba kick zaba 71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You arekick zaba too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:kick zaba kick zaba 305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!kick zaba kick zaba kick zaba )> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:kick zaba 117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 kick zaba kick zaba W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:kick zaba kick zaba 214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. A little dazed you wake and stand up. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:kick zaba kick zaba 305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> The Obsidian Knight misses you with a pathetic kick. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> You kick the Obsidian Knight in the solar plexus, rendering him breathless. (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% kick zaba XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:214/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:71% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> clear You quickly attack 5 times and hit 4 times. You demolish the Obsidian Knight with your slash! The Obsidian Knight blocks your slash. The Obsidian Knight is almost dead. The Obsidian Knight quickly attacks and hits 5 times. The Obsidian Knight demolishes you with his slash! The black aura around you crackles to life, protecting you. A shiny green serpent's scale is damaged as it is hit! You block the Obsidian Knight's slash. (HP:193/298 MA:117/316 MV:305/306 HP:64% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> Input buffer cleared. (HP:193/298 MA:117/316 MV:306/306 HP:64% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> kick You quickly attack 5 times and hit 4 times. You send the Obsidian Knight to the grave with your mighty slash. The Obsidian Knight is DYING. The Obsidian Knight quickly attacks 5 times and hits 4 times. The Obsidian Knight demolishes you with his slash! The black aura around you crackles to life, protecting you. You block the Obsidian Knight's slash. (HP:170/298 MA:117/316 MV:306/306 HP:57% XP to Lvl:496202 W/A:3 Standing)> Your perfectly executed kick crushes the Obsidian Knight's head! You receive 11900 experience. [Info]: Thanks to Vampyr, Zaba's deathcry is heard 'round the world! You hear the Obsidian Knight's death cry.