In The Druid Compound [Exits: n s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. A balding man in a brown homespun robe hrumphs noisily at you. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. A skinny pig is here rooting for food. A young boy in a black homespun robe dawdles while doing some task for his master. (HP:527/527 MA:393/418 MV:458/466 HP:100% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:527/527 MA:393/418 MV:458/466 HP:100% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:527/527 MA:393/418 MV:459/466 HP:100% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> n kick semper A Path Through The Wood [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. Semper is standing here. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. [2] A grey squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. The hedgehog is sitting here. (HP:527/527 MA:393/418 MV:457/466 HP:100% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:527/527 MA:393/418 MV:457/466 HP:100% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You pivot, kicking Semper in the chest with a spinning kick. Themus throws his head back and cackles with insane glee! (HP:527/527 MA:393/418 MV:457/466 HP:100% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You quickly jump out of the way of Semper's bash, sending Semper to the ground. (HP:527/527 MA:393/418 MV:458/466 HP:100% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Semper quickly attacks and hits 5 times. A shiny green serpent's scale is damaged as it is hit! You block Semper's slash. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. A tiny gold bee is damaged as it is hit! You decimate Semper with your powerful slash! The black aura around Semper crackles to life. Semper has a few bruises. (HP:527/527 MA:393/418 MV:459/466 HP:100% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> kick kick kick (HP:527/527 MA:394/418 MV:460/466 HP:100% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:527/527 MA:394/418 MV:460/466 HP:100% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:527/527 MA:394/418 MV:460/466 HP:100% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Semper quickly attacks and hits 5 times. Semper demolishes you with his slash! You block Semper's slash. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You rip Semper to shreds with your amazing slash! The black aura around Semper crackles to life. Semper has some cuts. (HP:509/527 MA:394/418 MV:460/466 HP:96% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You kick Semper's chest. (HP:509/527 MA:394/418 MV:461/466 HP:96% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Semper rolls out of the way of your attack and comes at you viciously. (HP:509/527 MA:394/418 MV:461/466 HP:96% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Semper withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. You feel your magical powers replenishing as you steal the mana from Semper's spell! (HP:509/527 MA:418/418 MV:462/466 HP:96% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Semper quickly attacks 5 times and hits 4 times. You parry an attack from Semper! A black leather longcoat is damaged as it is hit! Semper decimates you with his powerful slash! You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You decimate Semper with your powerful slash! The black aura around Semper crackles to life. Semper blocks your slash. Semper has many nasty wounds. (HP:463/527 MA:418/418 MV:462/466 HP:87% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> A boggle snickers quietly to itself. (HP:463/527 MA:418/418 MV:462/466 HP:87% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Semper sends you sprawling with a powerful bash. (HP:450/527 MA:418/418 MV:463/466 HP:85% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> clear st kick Semper quickly attacks 4 times and hits 3 times. Semper slashes you extremely hard. Blood oozes from your new wound. You block Semper's slash. You quickly attack and hit 4 times. You obliterate Semper with your horrific slash! The black aura around Semper crackles to life. Semper blocks your slash. Semper has many nasty wounds. (HP:440/527 MA:418/418 MV:464/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> Input buffer cleared. (HP:440/527 MA:418/418 MV:464/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> kick kick (HP:440/527 MA:418/418 MV:465/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> kick (HP:440/527 MA:418/418 MV:465/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> (HP:440/527 MA:418/418 MV:465/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> Semper quickly attacks and hits 5 times. The tunic of flame is damaged as it is hit! Semper decimates you with his powerful slash! You block Semper's slash. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You decimate Semper with your powerful slash! The black aura around Semper crackles to life. Semper is bleeding freely. (HP:396/527 MA:418/418 MV:465/466 HP:75% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> You spring back to your feet, ready to face Semper! (HP:396/527 MA:418/418 MV:466/466 HP:75% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You kick Semper in the solar plexus, rendering him breathless. (HP:396/527 MA:418/418 MV:466/466 HP:75% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Semper quickly attacks and hits 5 times. Semper slashes you hard. You block Semper's slash. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You decimate Semper with your powerful slash! The black aura around Semper crackles to life. Semper blocks your slash. Semper is leaking guts. (HP:386/527 MA:418/418 MV:466/466 HP:73% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Semper withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. You feel your magical powers replenishing as you steal the mana from Semper's spell! (HP:386/527 MA:418/418 MV:466/466 HP:73% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> kick kick kick (HP:386/527 MA:418/418 MV:466/466 HP:73% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:386/527 MA:418/418 MV:466/466 HP:73% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Semper quickly attacks and hits 5 times. Semper decimates you with his powerful slash! You block Semper's slash. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. Herne's hunting horn is damaged as it is hit! You obliterate Semper with your horrific slash! The black aura around Semper fails to protect him. Semper blocks your slash. Semper is leaking guts. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:466/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Jumping into the air, you kick Semper in the face, knocking him back a few feet. Semper panics, and attempts to flee. Semper leaves south. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:466/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> clear s Input buffer cleared. Themus sends flames flying out of his fingertips to himself. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:466/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> kick semp (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:466/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> s In The Druid Compound [Exits: n s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. A balding man in a brown homespun robe hrumphs noisily at you. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. A skinny pig is here rooting for food. A young boy in a black homespun robe dawdles while doing some task for his master. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:463/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:463/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> kick semp Wiz cackles gleefully at Themus - whatever he's going to do to him, glad it's not you! A skinny pig oinks and snorts to itself. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:463/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Beneath A Giant Oak [Exits: n e s w u] A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:460/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:461/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> hunt semp You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads north. It is faint. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:462/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> kick semp (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:462/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> n kick semp (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:463/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:463/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> In The Druid Compound [Exits: n s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. A balding man in a brown homespun robe hrumphs noisily at you. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. A skinny pig is here rooting for food. A young boy in a black homespun robe dawdles while doing some task for his master. The trail to your prey leads north. It is cold. north (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:460/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:460/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> A Path Through The Wood [Exits: n s w] A bit of paper has been left here. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. [2] A grey squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. The hedgehog is sitting here. The trail to your prey leads north. It is cold. north (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:457/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Wiz glances around the room. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:458/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Under A Stone Dolmen [Exits: n e s] You catch the odor of something unpleasant growing here. The trail to your prey leads east. It is cold. east (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:455/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> A Game Trail In The Forest [Exits: e s w u d] An eerie-looking, completely dark purple plant lurks in the underbrush here. The hedgehog is sitting here. The trail to your prey leads south. It is poor. south (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:451/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Wiz glances around the room. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:452/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Moy Tura [Exits: n e s d] An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here. The trail to your prey leads east. It is poor. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:448/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> e s e e e e e A Wooded Dell [Exits: n e s w u d] A tall spike of red-violet flowers is growing here. Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. A wild boar is here, about to charge! A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. The trail to your prey leads east. It is poor. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:445/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:445/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> A Dusty Road [Exits: n e w] You nearly miss spotting a 3" dark green, hairy plant growing here. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. e (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:442/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:442/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> e The Fomori Camp [Exits: n e w] An angelica plant is here, looking like hugely overgrown celery. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:439/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:349/527 MA:e 418/418 MV:439/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> A Rocky Beach [Exits: e w] A grey squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. An old man is here 'watching' the boats. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:436/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> e e A small canoe forges through the waters. On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: n e s w] (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:435/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:435/466 HP:66% GP:e 449 W/A:3 Standing)> On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: n e s w] A small perch swims in the water. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:433/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: e s w] (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:431/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:431/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> hunt semper On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: n w] (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:429/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:430/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:430/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:430/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:430/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:430/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads west. It is relatively good. west (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:430/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:431/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> clear On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: e s w] The trail to your prey leads south. It is relatively good. south (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:429/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Input buffer cleared. On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: n s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is easily seen. south (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:427/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> On the Beach at Segontium [Exits: n s w] A sea gull seems to hover here in the air as it takes advantage of the wind. The trail to your prey leads south. It is easily seen. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:424/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> rem collar,collar,horn get bonsai shoulder wear bonsai You take off your bronze horse collar. You take off your bronze horse collar. You stop using Herne's hunting horn. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:425/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> chant kere drva vant ex You get a bonsai tree from a plain brown wool shoulder bag. (HP:349/527 MA:418/418 MV:425/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You hold a bonsai tree in your hands. (HP:349/516 MA:418/418 MV:425/455 HP:67% GP:449 W/A:3 Stchant kere drva vant ex anding)> chant kere drva vant ex Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (HP:349/516 MA:394/418 MV:426/455 HP:67% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:349/516 MA:394/418 MV:426/455 HP:67% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Themus throws his head back and cackles with insane glee! (HP:349/516 MA:394/418 MV:426/455 HP:67% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Wiz says to you, 'u hurt!' (HP:349/516 MA:394/418 MV:427/455 HP:67% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (HP:349/516 MA:370/418 MV:427/455 HP:67% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a handful of small glowing roots! (HP:349/516 MA:346/418 MV:428/455 HP:67% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Wiz looks at you and shudders. (HP:349/516 MA:346/418 MV:428/455 HP:67% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> rem bonsai put bonsai bag wear collar,collar,horn n You stop using a bonsai tree. (HP:349/527 MA:346/418 MV:429/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You put a bonsai tree in a plain brown wool shoulder bag. (HP:349/527 MA:346/418 MV:430/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You wear a bronze horse collar around your neck. You wear a bronze horse collar around your neck. You hold Herne's hunting horn in your hands. (HP:349/527 MA:346/418 MV:eat roots eat roots 430/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> A small canoe forges through the waters. On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: n s] (HP:349/527 MA:346/418 MV:427/466 HP:66% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> eat roots You eat some glowing roots. You feel quite a bit better. (HP:387/527 MA:346/418 MV:427/466 HP:73% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You eat some glowing roots. You feel quite a bit better. (HP:397/527 MA:346/418 MV:427/466 HP:75% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> hunt semper You eat some glowing roots. You feel quite a bit better. (HP:442/527 MA:346/418 MV:427/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads south. It is easily seen. (HP:442/527 MA:346/418 MV:428/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> kick semper s kick semper They're not here. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:429/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> On the Beach at Segontium [Exits: n s w] A sea gull seems to hover here in the air as it takes advantage of the wind. The trail to your prey leads south. It is easily seen. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:426/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> s They're not here. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:427/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> kick semper A Roman Road Outside Viroconium [Exits: n s] The area around you is covered by the reedy stalks of some brownish plant. Orange-red berries grow on a many-branched shrub here. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:424/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:424/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:424/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> s kick semper A Bridge Across the Sabrina [Exits: n e s] A person wrapped in a blanket is here, herding sheep. A pig is here rooting around for food among the brush. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:422/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:422/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> s kick semper Outside Aquae Sulis [Exits: n e s] A Roman farmwife is in town for the day. A novice Roman legionary is here. A well-muscled Roman legionary is here. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:420/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:420/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> s kick semper Outskirts of Aquae Sulis [Exits: n e s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is very fresh. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:417/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:418/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> s kick semper The Sandstone Gate [Exits: n s w] The wife of a Roman citizen is out doing some shopping. A poorly equipped soldier guards the gate. The trail to your prey leads south. It is very fresh. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:416/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> s They're not here. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:416/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> kick semper A Paved Street [Exits: n e w] Semper is standing here. A household servant waits on his master's orders. You have found your prey! (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:415/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You quickly jump out of the way of Semper's bash, sending Semper to the ground. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:415/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You kick Semper's chest. (HP:442/527 MA:347/418 MV:415/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You suffer from your bleeding wounds. (HP:439/527 MA:347/418 MV:415/466 HP:83% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> clear Semper quickly attacks 5 times and hits 4 times. Semper demolishes you with his slash! You block Semper's slash. You quickly attack 5 times and hit 4 times. You slash Semper hard. The black aura around Semper crackles to life. Semper blocks your slash. Semper is almost dead. (HP:416/527 MA:347/418 MV:416/466 HP:78% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> kick kick kick Input buffer cleared. (HP:416/527 MA:347/418 MV:416/466 HP:78% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Semper quickly attacks and hits 5 times. Semper massacres you with his slash. You block Semper's slash. You quickly attack 5 times and hit 4 times. You decimate Semper with your powerful slash! The black aura around Semper crackles to life. Semper is almost dead. (HP:402/527 MA:348/418 MV:416/466 HP:76% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> Semper slowly gets back to his feet. (HP:402/527 MA:348/418 MV:417/466 HP:76% GP:449 W/A:3 Standing)> You kick Semper in the solar plexus, rendering him breathless. Semper's bash sends you flying to the ground. (HP:388/527 MA:348/418 MV:417/466 HP:73% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> Semper quickly attacks and hits 5 times. Semper obliterates you with his horrific slash! You block Semper's slash. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You send Semper to the grave with your mighty slash. The black aura around Semper crackles to life. Semper is DYING. (HP:360/527 MA:348/418 MV:417/466 HP:68% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> clear st Input buffer cleared. (HP:360/527 MA:348/418 MV:418/466 HP:68% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> kick (HP:360/527 MA:348/418 MV:418/466 HP:68% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> (HP:360/527 MA:348/418 MV:418/466 HP:68% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> Themus tells you, 'almost dead' (HP:360/527 MA:348/418 MV:418/466 HP:68% GP:449 W/A:3 Sitting)> Semper quickly attacks 4 times and hits 3 times. Semper decimates you with his powerful slash! Blood oozes from your new wound. You quickly attack and hit 4 times. You send Semper to the grave with your mighty slash. Semper is DEAD!! You receive 19600 experience. [Info]: Courtesy of Vampyr, Semper is sleeping with the fishes. You hear Semper's death cry.