Poi v. Trake You see nothing special about him. Lord Trake is in perfect health. Lord Trake is using: a bronze horse collar (minorly damaged) a bronze horse collar (slightly damaged) a green Sidhe tunic (minorly damaged) a catcher's mask (slightly damaged) a pair of sturdy brown breeches (slightly damaged) a pair of worn riding gloves (slightly damaged) a cloak of sunlight (slightly damaged) an aged leather belt (slightly damaged) a gold bracelet a silver serrated sword (slightly damaged) a rush-light Herne's hunting horn a diamond stud Cuchullain's shield a rush-light a leather waterskin a small rowboat Lord Trake leaves west. (HP:297 MV:198 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> n Beneath A Giant Oak [Exits: n e s w u] A bit of paper has been left here. A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. An impressive knight clad in battle worn armor sits here upon his horse. A pig is here rooting around for food. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here studying the earth beneath his feet. A plump pig is here rooting for food. (HP:297 MV:197 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> (HP:297 MV:197 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> Lord Trake knocks you down with a powerful headbutt! You are too stunned to do that. (HP:293 MV:197 XP to Lvl:191931 STUNNED!)> kic You are too stunned to do that. (HP:293 MV:197 XP to Lvl:191931 STUNNED!)> kic kic kic You are too stunned to do that. You are stunned, but will probably recover. A little dazed you wake and stand up. (HP:271 MV:197 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> backst trak You can't backstab a fighting person, too alert. You can't backstab a fighting person, too alert. Lord Trake quickly attacks and hits 4 times. Lord Trake massacres you with his slash. You block Lord Trake's slash. You quickly attack and hit 12 times. You decimate Lord Trake with your powerful pierce! You pierce Lord Trake extremely hard. Lord Trake has a few bruises. (HP:254 MV:199 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> You can't backstab while fighting. (HP:254 MV:199 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> Lord Trake rolls out of the way of your attack and comes at you viciously. You can't backstab while fighting. (HP:254 MV:199 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> You tumble out of the way as Lord Trake tries to headbutt you! Input buffer cleared. (HP:254 MV:200 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> Jumping into the air, you kick Lord Trake in the face, knocking him back a few feet. (HP:254 MV:200 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> Lord Trake quickly attacks 3 times and hits 2 times. Lord Trake massacres you with his slash. You block Lord Trake's slash. You quickly attack and hit 11 times. A black serpent dagger is damaged as it strikes armor! You demolish Lord Trake with your pierce! You pierce Lord Trake extremely hard. Lord Trake has some cuts. (HP:238 MV:200 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> bas (HP:239 MV:201 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> [Auction] Gretschen: wtb serpent shield (HP:239 MV:201 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> clear Input buffer cleared. (HP:239 MV:201 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> You are starving. You are dehydrated. Your spectrum of vision returns to normal. Your feet settle to the ground. You feel as if your good fortune may be running out. (HP:239 MV:201 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> Lord Trake quickly attacks 4 times and hits 3 times. Lord Trake pulverizes you with his slash. You block Lord Trake's slash. You quickly attack 11 times and hit 10 times. You obliterate Lord Trake with your horrific pierce! You pierce Lord Trake hard. Lord Trake has many nasty wounds. (HP:224 MV:201 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> kic Lord Trake grabs you and smashes his thick skull into yours, knocking you down! (HP:220 MV:201 XP to Lvl:191931 STUNNED!)> (HP:220 MV:201 XP to Lvl:191931 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:220 MV:201 XP to Lvl:191931 STUNNED!)> You are stunned, but will probably recover. A little dazed you wake and stand up. (HP:178 MV:201 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> kic You pivot, kicking Lord Trake in the chest with a spinning kick. (HP:178 MV:203 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> Lord Trake quickly attacks and hits 4 times. Lord Trake decimates you with his powerful slash! You quickly attack and hit 11 times. You obliterate Lord Trake with your horrific pierce! You pierce Lord Trake hard. Lord Trake is bleeding freely. (HP:132 MV:203 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> Lord Trake knocks you down with a powerful headbutt! (HP:128 MV:204 XP to Lvl:191931 STUNNED!)> flee (HP:128 MV:204 XP to Lvl:191931 STUNNED!)> A little dazed you wake and stand up. You quickly attack and hit 12 times. You massacre Lord Trake with your pierce. You pierce Lord Trake. Lord Trake is covered in blood. (HP:106 MV:204 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> A pig roots around in the mud, looking for any overlooked morsels of food. (HP:106 MV:204 XP to Lvl:191931 Standing)> backst trak You panic, and attempt to flee. The Corral [Exits: n e s] A bit of paper has been left here. A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. (HP:106 MV:201 XP to Lvl:192224 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:106 MV:201 XP to Lvl:192224 Standing)> backst trak backst trak backst trak backst trak Lord Trake has arrived from the north. You sneak up behind Lord Trake and place a black serpent dagger in his back. (HP:106 MV:202 XP to Lvl:192224 Standing)> backst trak backst trak (HP:106 MV:202 XP to Lvl:192224 Standing)> backst trak (HP:106 MV:202 XP to Lvl:192224 Standing)> (HP:106 MV:202 XP to Lvl:192224 Standing)> (HP:106 MV:202 XP to Lvl:192224 Standing)> Lord Trake grabs you and smashes his thick skull into yours, knocking you down! (HP:102 MV:202 XP to Lvl:192224 STUNNED!)> clear Input buffer cleared. (HP:102 MV:202 XP to Lvl:192224 STUNNED!)> You are stunned, but will probably recover. (HP:80 MV:202 XP to Lvl:192224 STUNNED!)> flee You are too stunned to do that. (HP:80 MV:202 XP to Lvl:192224 STUNNED!)> A little dazed you wake and stand up. You can't take much more of this! You quickly attack and hit 12 times. You demolish Lord Trake with your pierce! You pierce Lord Trake extremely hard. Lord Trake is almost dead. (HP:60 MV:202 XP to Lvl:192224 Standing)> fl ee flee You panic, and attempt to flee. A Pigsty [Exits: w] A man dressed in deep green robes stands here studying the earth beneath his feet. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. (HP:60 MV:199 XP to Lvl:192517 Standing)> You go EEK! in distress. (HP:60 MV:199 XP to Lvl:192517 Standing)> You panic, and attempt to flee. The Corral [Exits: n e s] A bit of paper has been left here. A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. An impressive knight clad in battle worn armor sits here upon his horse. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. (HP:60 MV:196 XP to Lvl:192517 Standing)> backst trak backst trak backst trak backst trak backst trak Lord Trake is too alert to be backstabbed. (HP:60 MV:197 XP to Lvl:192517 Standing)> backst trak backst trak (HP:60 MV:197 XP to Lvl:192517 Standing)> Lord Trake knocks you down with a powerful headbutt! You are too stunned to do that. (HP:56 MV:197 XP to Lvl:192517 STUNNED!)> You are too stunned to do that. (HP:56 MV:197 XP to Lvl:192517 STUNNED!)> A little dazed you wake and stand up. You can't take much more of this! You quickly attack and hit 12 times. You decimate Lord Trake with your powerful pierce! You pierce Lord Trake hard. Lord Trake is DYING. (HP:8 MV:197 XP to Lvl:192517 Standing)> kic trak kic trak kic trak You kick Lord Trake in the chest, crushing bones into his heart, and he falls over, dead! You receive 8617 experience. [Info]: Trake is taking a dive off the Big Dipper, launched by Poi! You hear Lord Trake's death cry. (HP:8 MV:198 XP to Lvl:183900 Standing)>