You throw a glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid at Obelisk! A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid shatters on impact! You make Obelisk's muscles loose, rendering him weak. You make Obelisk's muscles rigid, rendering him clumsy. You slow Obelisk's brain and thoughts. (HP:205/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Obelisk bounces away east, grinning from ear to ear. A bootblack loudly yells, 'Cor! Didja know Obelisk wuz in town?' (HP:205/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> (HP:205/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> clear w Input buffer cleared. (HP:206/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> (HP:206/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> e (HP:206/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe The Hospital Faint light from cloudy glass oil lamps illumines a pathetic sight. Rough cots with mouldy bedding line the damp walls. The sound of coughing seems muffled, and the nurses who move between the patients with lung fever, with the syphilitic pox, with scurvy, seem like pale ghosts. The open doorway has been hastily covered with a ragged old blanket, but it hardly serves to keep out the acrid smell of fog and salt. The poor men in hospital die more often than not, and women have been known to prefer Bedlam or suicide to staying here. [Exits: e s] A tired but still pretty young woman is nursing the ill here. (HP:206/210 MV:242/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> St. Stephen's Street A quaint London street is around you, marred only by the increasingly poor and dilapidated picture the shops and buildings present. You think you see a small alley leading south between the side of an inn and an abandoned warehouse. North of you is a curious little shop with all sorts of curios and knick- knacks in the window. West there is a rather grungy looking building that claims to be a hospital of sorts; you feel sure it usually caters to drunkards. St. Stephen's continues east from here. [Exits: e s w] Gardus is standing here. A grey rat scuttles across the ground. (HP:206/210 MV:239/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:206/210 MV:240/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe bash obe bash obe They're not here. (HP:206/210 MV:240/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:206/210 MV:240/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:206/210 MV:241/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> hunt obe You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads east. It is easily seen. e (HP:206/210 MV:242/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe (HP:206/210 MV:242/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> (HP:206/210 MV:242/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> St. Stephen's Street and Parker Lane Here venerable old St. Stephen's Street meets the newer Parker Lane, which leads north into London Town. St. Stephen's Church sits on the corner to the north-east. The few lampposts around must provide hardly any illumination at night, and they seem to exist only right around here, the nice part of the district. The street continues east and west. The smell of the sea is strong. [Exits: n e w] A black rat scuttles across the ground. A woman decked out in parasol and high-necked dress is here. A rough sailor stands here, looking for something to do. A plump merchant ambles along, checking his pocketwatch and pacing nervously. A street urchin of indeterminate gender is running around here. A young lad stands here, holding a small wood stool and a pot of some sort of black gunk. The trail to your prey leads east. It is fresh. e A bootblack says to you, 'Shine your shoes, sir?' A bootblack loudly yells, 'Cor! Didja know Matt wuz in town?' (HP:207/210 MV:241/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:207/210 MV:241/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe St. Stephen's Street and Harbor Row This is one end of St. Stephen's Street, so named for the old church which sits directly north of you. The building has been boarded up, however, and looks structurally unsound. Harbor Row leads south, a much more prosperous avenue, lined with places of business, the first of which is an expedition outfitters' directly to your east, which must cater to the seafaring clientele that frequents this neighborhood. An ornate lamppost has been set up in front of the store, which proudly advertises its 'round the clock hours. It must be run by Cockneys. [Exits: e s w] The corpse of a pigeon is lying here. A silvery grey bird is searching for food here. A rough sailor stands here, looking for something to do. A street urchin of indeterminate gender is running around here. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. s (HP:207/210 MV:238/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe They're not here. (HP:207/210 MV:239/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Harbor Row A wide street full of hustle and activity, Harbor Row serves as the main artery to the docks on this side of town. The cobblestones in the paving are worn smooth, and more than a few have been pried loose by sailor's wives to give to their husbands as a token of home. The Row, as it is familiarly called, leads north to abandoned old St. Stephen's Church and south to the docks. A large inn is west and the postal office is to the east. [Exits: n e s w] The corpse of a pigeon is lying here. A rough sailor stands here, looking for something to do. A skeletal whippet is wandering about here. A rat scuttles across the ground. The trail to your prey leads west. It is very fresh. w (HP:207/210 MV:236/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> (HP:207/210 MV:236/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe They're not here. (HP:207/210 MV:236/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> The Jolly Beggar The interior of this inn does not bode well for the quality of your night's sleep. The walls are covered with old faded nautical charts in an attempt to provide an atmosphere congenial to the people likely to stop by, but all you can see as you turn your head from wall to wall to wall is 'here there be dragons' over and over again. There seems to be a small kitchen, and plenty of rooms available. A small table flanked by a couple of chairs sits to one side of the room and a couch sits agains the opposite wall. [Exits: e] A box sits against the back wall serving as storage for lost and found items. A directory board holding both news and 'welcome' information stands here. Obelisk is standing here. A stocky fellow seems to be the innkeeper here. You have found your prey! Samuel Norton says to you, 'May I offer you a room for the night, sir?' A whippet has arrived from the east. (HP:207/210 MV:235/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> (HP:207/210 MV:235/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> You send Obelisk sprawling with a powerful bash. Obelisk somersaults right back to his feet! (HP:207/210 MV:235/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Obelisk fires his composite bow at you! Waves of pain course through your body as Obelisk's shot tears your flesh. Obelisk's shot sends you sprawling. (HP:194/210 MV:235/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Sitting)> Obelisk quickly attacks and hits 9 times. Obelisk obliterates you with his horrific pierce! You quickly attack and hit 4 times. You obliterate Obelisk with your horrific claw! Obelisk panics, and attempts to flee. Obelisk bounces away east, grinning from ear to ear. (HP:168/210 MV:235/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Sitting)> e (HP:168/210 MV:237/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Sitting)> bash obe (HP:168/210 MV:238/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Sitting)> [Chat] Drakkon: sounds like stockman isn't very trustwrothy :P (HP:168/210 MV:239/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Sitting)> You can't do that sitting down. (HP:169/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Sitting)> You can't do that sitting down. (HP:169/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Sitting)> st e You stand up. (HP:169/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe Harbor Row A wide street full of hustle and activity, Harbor Row serves as the main artery to the docks on this side of town. The cobblestones in the paving are worn smooth, and more than a few have been pried loose by sailor's wives to give to their husbands as a token of home. The Row, as it is familiarly called, leads north to abandoned old St. Stephen's Church and south to the docks. A large inn is west and the postal office is to the east. [Exits: n e s w] The corpse of a pigeon is lying here. Obelisk is standing here. A rough sailor stands here, looking for something to do. A rat scuttles across the ground. (HP:170/210 MV:241/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Your bash sends Obelisk flying to the ground! (HP:170/210 MV:241/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Obelisk quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. Obelisk pulverizes you with his pierce. You quickly attack 4 times and hit 3 times. You obliterate Obelisk with your horrific claw! You demolish Obelisk with your pierce! Obelisk has many nasty wounds. (HP:149/210 MV:241/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Obelisk quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. Obelisk pulverizes you with his pierce. You quickly attack 4 times and hit 3 times. You decimate Obelisk with your powerful claw! You massacre Obelisk with your pierce. Obelisk is almost dead. (HP:131/210 MV:243/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Obelisk rolls out of the way of your attack and comes at you viciously. (HP:131/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> [Chat] Strife: no stockman was useing "backstab s" =Palways use at least to letters=P Obelisk panics, and attempts to flee. Obelisk bounces away south, grinning from ear to ear. (HP:132/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Looking panicked, Obelisk has arrived from the south. (HP:132/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> s n (HP:132/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> (HP:132/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe Obelisk bounces away south, grinning from ear to ear. (HP:132/210 MV:244/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Harbor Row South of you spreads out the magnificent sight of the Port of London's ample bay--framed by the tall sides of the warehouses and buildings that line the docks. Harbor Row threads its way between the brick edifices, leading north and south. There are no storefronts here; the wall to your east is instead covered with a huge painting of the East India Company's trademark. The wall on the other side is unadorned, unless you count what seem to be occasional splotches of dried blood and bricks chipped from stray rifle balls. [Exits: n s] A London bobby, wearing a black cape and blue helmet, guards the street here. A woman decked out in parasol and high-necked dress is here. A street urchin of indeterminate gender is running around here. A boy trudges along here, heading home after a rough day of cleaning chimneys. A silvery grey bird is searching for food here. (HP:132/210 MV:241/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Harbor Row A wide street full of hustle and activity, Harbor Row serves as the main artery to the docks on this side of town. The cobblestones in the paving are worn smooth, and more than a few have been pried loose by sailor's wives to give to their husbands as a token of home. The Row, as it is familiarly called, leads north to abandoned old St. Stephen's Church and south to the docks. A large inn is west and the postal office is to the east. [Exits: n e s w] The corpse of a pigeon is lying here. A rough sailor stands here, looking for something to do. A rat scuttles across the ground. (HP:132/210 MV:239/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:132/210 MV:239/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> s s Harbor Row South of you spreads out the magnificent sight of the Port of London's ample bay--framed by the tall sides of the warehouses and buildings that line the docks. Harbor Row threads its way between the brick edifices, leading north and south. There are no storefronts here; the wall to your east is instead covered with a huge painting of the East India Company's trademark. The wall on the other side is unadorned, unless you count what seem to be occasional splotches of dried blood and bricks chipped from stray rifle balls. [Exits: n s] A London bobby, wearing a black cape and blue helmet, guards the street here. A woman decked out in parasol and high-necked dress is here. A street urchin of indeterminate gender is running around here. A boy trudges along here, heading home after a rough day of cleaning chimneys. A silvery grey bird is searching for food here. (HP:132/210 MV:237/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe On the Docks Harbor Row leads north into the town of the port of London here, and the docks line the water, east and west of you, one edge of the magnificent view that the tall clipper ships, graceful and three-masted, provide of the Bay. Although perpetual mist shrouds the docks, you can see the ghostlike sails rise out of the gray, the hulls of the ships great dark looming shapes that whisper of foreign climes and riches. This particular berth, No.2, seems to be set aside for ships going between England and the Dark Continent of Africa, which remains a mystery despite the best efforts of science and the Royal Geographic Society. [Exits: n e s w] A woman decked out in parasol and high-necked dress is here. [3] A swarthy captain stands here. A swarthy captain says, 'If ye're goin' ta Africa, give me yer tickets.' (HP:132/210 MV:235/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:132/210 MV:235/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> hunt obe You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fair. s (HP:133/210 MV:236/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> (HP:133/210 MV:237/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> A small canoe forges through the waters. Berth 2: The Africa Wharf Your vessel is gently jostled by the waves underneath you as you sit here in the wharf for ships making the voyage between here and the Dark Continent. It seems to you that you can already hear the beat of tribal drums. [Exits: n s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is cold. s (HP:133/210 MV:235/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> In the Bay The dilapidated buildings on one end of the Port of London stain the horizon. You can see multiple berths ahead, marked clearly as to what vessels should dock there. Ships arriving from the Americas are supposed to steer west, and vessels on the Africa run should go straight north. To the south lies the open sea, and to the east the other side of the Bay. [Exits: n e s w] The trail to your prey leads south. It is cold. s (HP:133/210 MV:233/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Off the English Channel The cold Atlantic water is a deeper color of gray than that of the channel, which lies to the east. The water's surface tends to roll here, unlike the choppy waves of the channel. Looking to the west, nothing appears but the sky above the horizon and the deep ocean below. [Exits: n e s w] A sparrow flutters about, chirping innocently. A fish swims in the water. The trail to your prey leads south. It is cold. s (HP:133/210 MV:227/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Along the Coast of France Brittany lies somewhere off to the east, but it doesn't concern you now. Instead, you are exhilarated by the fresh salt spray, the strong sea breeze, the vigorous waves that rise and fall and rise and fall beneath you, an eternal swell, the lifeblood of the planet. [Exits: n e s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is cold. s (HP:133/210 MV:226/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> The Northern Coast of Spain Southeast of you are the arid brown and green slopes of northern Spain, and beyond them the rising peaks of the Pyrenees. There blows a warm breeze here off the plains of Spain, but a strong cold current brings cold air from the open ocean. [Exits: n s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is cold. s (HP:133/210 MV:224/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Off the Coast of Portugal If you had time, you could stop at the great port of Lisbon. But you don't-- your thirst for adventure drives you on. The current here is strong, a great circle that moves in the Atlantic. [Exits: n s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is poor. s (HP:133/210 MV:223/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> [Chat] Drakkon: i usually use 3 (HP:133/210 MV:223/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Before the Straits of Gibraltar The famed Straits of Gibraltar lie to the east of you, offering passage into the Mediterranean. The waters are usually stormy and dangerous, and for those who do not seek anything in the balmy waters that are the heart of Europe, the normal sea route leads north and south. [Exits: n e s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is poor. s (HP:133/210 MV:222/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Off the African Coast From here you fancy you could hear the call of muezzins summoning the faithful to prayer--but you would be kidding yourself. You are many leagues from the dry desert coast, in the vast Atlantic Ocean. A few seabirds timorously circle overhead, as if they knew that you were embarked upon a momentous journey. [Exits: n s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is poor. s (HP:133/210 MV:220/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Tacking off the Coast of Africa The bulge of western Africa forces you to tack here, to avoid ramming your vessel into land. The air is hot and humid at these latitudes, and you can't help but wish you had brought more oranges and lemons on board, for fear of scurvy. [Exits: n w] The trail to your prey leads west. It is fair. w (HP:133/210 MV:219/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Amidst the Canary Islands These islands are a major stopping point on the tea trade shipping lanes. They look like paradise to you, who have been at sea for so long. They are a customary last port before attempting to cross the Atlantic to the Americas, a voyage fraught with danger. They are also a good signpost to indicate you are halfway along the long roundabout path around the western bulge of Africa. You can land at one tiny island north of you. [Exits: n e s w] The trail to your prey leads south. It is fair. s (HP:134/210 MV:217/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Off the Coast of Africa The jungle meets the desert on the coast you can just barely see through a spyglass. This part of the Dark Continent is fertile grounds for the slave trade, and boasts a thriving economy based on trafficking in flesh. It is not a safe place to visit, however, as the traffickers are rough, ignoble men and aren't too particular about whose flesh they traffic in, nor about its condition. [Exits: n s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is relatively good. s (HP:134/210 MV:216/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Off the Coast of Africa Far to the east you see a faint line of darker smudge which you take to be the coast of Africa, and not a storm rising. You hope. The currents are strong here, and southwards they carry ships out to sea. To the north the seas are more favorable and bring you closer to land. [Exits: n s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is relatively good. s (HP:134/210 MV:214/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> In the Atlantic Strong currents push the vessel south, but you think you're not totally at their mercy. The coast of Africa has faded from sight far to the east, but you feel sure you can find it again. After all, it IS a very large continent, right? The shipping lanes lead west straight to it, and only rarely does one hear of a lost ship, its crew and passengers kidnapped and sold as slaves, or eaten by cannibals, or lost to the infamous sea serpents that lurk in the deeps, or sunk in a freak storm or swallowed by a maelstrom or... You try to think about sailing. And getting where you're going. [Exits: n e] The trail to your prey leads east. It is relatively good. e (HP:134/210 MV:213/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Off the Coast of Africa To the north and east of you lies the enormity that is Africa. This is what is called the Ivory Coast, where traders come to collect the elephant tusks that fetch such high prices on the open market. South along the coast are countless small colonies of supposedly more civilized Europeans. [Exits: s w] The trail to your prey leads south. It is easily seen. s (HP:134/210 MV:212/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> A small canoe forges through the waters. Off the Coast of Africa The mighty Congo river meets the ocean a few leagues to your eastern side. The Belgians have colonized this part of Africa, and seem to be doing a bang-up job of it too. This part of the continent is rich in resources and ripe for colonies. [Exits: n s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is easily seen. s (HP:134/210 MV:210/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> A small canoe forges through the waters. Off the Coast of Africa There is a strong current pulling out to sea here, but you feel confident that a steady hand on the tiller will keep you on course. The land you can barely see to the east of you is by reputation full of broad plains, fertile farmland, and precious gemstones. Perhaps someday you will visit there--but for today, your path lies on the open seas. [Exits: n s] The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. s (HP:134/210 MV:209/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Rounding the Cape of Good Hope The waters around you toss and storm, and your feet are none too steady. The Cape of Good Hope on the southern tip of Africa has a well-deserved reputation for being one of the stormiest stretches of sea in the world. You are currently so far out to sea you can't even see land, but you hope to soon remedy that situation. [Exits: n e] The trail to your prey leads east. It is fresh. e (HP:134/210 MV:205/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Off the Cape of Good Hope This cape is certainly misnamed. Nothing about the raging seas around you gives you hope. North of you somewhere is Cape Town, but you certainly can't find it; you have enough trouble just keeping the sails trimmed in the fierce winds. [Exits: e w] The trail to your prey leads east. It is fresh. e (HP:134/210 MV:202/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Off the Coast of Africa The terrible passage past the Cape of Good Hope lies directly west of you, and from what you can see from here, you really wonder at the bravery of the captains of the ships that regularly make the trip through the dangerous waters on the southern tip of Africa. [Exits: e w] The trail to your prey leads east. It is fresh. e (HP:134/210 MV:200/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> [Chat] Drakkon: unless it's a 3 letter name, then i use In the Indian Ocean Balmy waters are all around you, and you feel quite sure that the fins you've seen cutting through the waters belong to quite sizable sharks. You can just barely see the coast of Africa off to the west from here, if you use a spyglass and the weather is clear. [Exits: n e w] The trail to your prey leads east. It is fresh. e (HP:134/210 MV:199/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> [Chat] Drakkon: 2 (HP:134/210 MV:199/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Sailing on an Endless Sea You are beginning to feel as if this trip has been going for years, not just weeks, and you long for the sight of land, any land, even if it is just a desert island. Wait! Is that land you glimpse through the heaving seas to the north of you? It's impossible to tell now, since the seas have risen again and all you can see in any direction is rolling water. [Exits: e w] The trail to your prey leads east. It is very fresh. e (HP:134/210 MV:195/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe West of Bass Straight You have been sailing for days without the sight of land, but you know from your charts that Bass Straight must lie just east of you now. You are many weeks sail from London port, and as the decks toss and heave beneath you in these stormy waters you begin to wish you'd never set forth upon this journey. [Exits: e w] The trail to your prey leads east. It is very fresh. e (HP:135/210 MV:190/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe They're not here. (HP:135/210 MV:191/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Passing Through the Heads As you pass through the heads at Port Phillip Bay, your craft is picked up in a swift current. Swiftly moving into action, it is only with great skill that you turn it in time to avoid being smashed on rocks which look like devil's teeth. Adrenalin courses through your body as you sail into calmer waters. [Exits: n e w] Obelisk is standing here in a wine colored boat. You have found your prey! (HP:135/210 MV:188/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> bash obe (HP:135/210 MV:188/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Your bash sends Obelisk flying to the ground! (HP:135/210 MV:188/244 XP to Lvl:89837 GP:512 Standing)> Obelisk quickly attacks and hits 9 times. Obelisk pulverizes you with his pierce. You quickly attack 4 times and hit 3 times. You send Obelisk to the grave with your mighty claw. Obelisk blocks your claw. You send Obelisk to the grave with your mighty pierce. Obelisk is DEAD!! get coins corpse You receive 9958 experience. [Info]: Obelisk is sleeping with the fishes, courtesy of Matt. You hear Obelisk's death cry.