Flaco, Delandel, and Tegid vs. DoC, Rahvin, and Herra Somebody fills Suger's chalice from a leather waterskin. (HP:728 MA:364 MV:726 Standing)> Somebody puts Suger's chalice in a holster belt. (HP:728 MA:364 MV:726 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the west, looking everywhere for something more to have. Herra arrives from the west with a smile on her face. (HP:728 MA:365 MV:726 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard's thief-like skills enable him to sneak up behind a solemn knight cloaked in shadows, placing His probe in his back. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard paralyzes a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with his ruthless backstab! High Lord Rahvin kicks a solemn knight cloaked in shadows in the chest with a spinning kick. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows stares at you blankly, paralyzed and unable to move. (HP:728 MA:365 MV:726 Standing)> o all kil doc chant kere vya lak ex You issue the order, 'kil doc.' (HP:728 MA:365 MV:726 Standing)> Chanting the words 'kere vya lak ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You close your eyes as a blinding flash of terribly bright light silently explodes in the room! The black aura around High Lord Rahvin crackles to life, draining the mana from you before your spell can form! The black aura around Herra crackles to life, draining the mana from you before your spell can form! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard's black aura is no match for your spell! It sputters, failing to protect him. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard appears to be blinded! A squirrel appears to be blinded! (HP:728 MA:335 MV:726 Standing)> Tegid fades into existence. Tegid jumps into the air and kicks High Lord Rahvin in the face. (HP:728 MA:335 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin quickly attacks 10 times and hits 9 times. High Lord Rahvin decimates a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with his powerful pierce! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows stares at you blankly, paralyzed and unable to move. The black aura around a solemn knight cloaked in shadows crackles to life. Tegid quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. High Lord Rahvin parries an attack from Tegid! Tegid pulverizes High Lord Rahvin with his pierce. High Lord Rahvin reels from the poison coursing through his veins! High Lord Rahvin blocks Tegid's pierce. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks and hits 9 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard obliterates a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with his horrific pierce! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows stares at you blankly, paralyzed and unable to move. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows reels from the poison coursing through his veins! Flaco barely hits a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard. You block a squirrel's bite. You block a squirrel's claw. (HP:728 MA:335 MV:726 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard grabs a solemn knight cloaked in shadows and smashes his head into his head, knocking him down! (HP:728 MA:335 MV:726 Standing)> Herra withdraws inward and begins chanting under her breath. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin quickly attacks 10 times and hits 9 times. High Lord Rahvin decimates a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with his powerful pierce! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows is stunned, but will probably recover. Tegid quickly attacks and hits 8 times. Tegid massacres High Lord Rahvin with his pierce. High Lord Rahvin blocks Tegid's pierce. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks and hits 8 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard decimates a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with his powerful pierce! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Flaco barely hits a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard. You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You send a squirrel to the grave with your mighty crush. A squirrel is DEAD!! take coins corpse You receive 0 experience, your share of 0. You hear a squirrel's death cry. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows quickly attacks and hits 5 times. A dark raggedy cloak is damaged as it is hit! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows decimates a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with his powerful slash! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard blocks a solemn knight cloaked in shadows's slash. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. The black aura around a solemn knight cloaked in shadows crackles to life as it absorbs the power from High Lord Rahvin's spell! (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows's bash sends High Lord Rahvin flying to the ground! You see nothing like that in the corpse. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> Herra withdraws inward and begins chanting under her breath. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows's black aura sputters, unable to protect him from the arcane powers of Herra! Herra stuns a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with a powerful blast of Power!! (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> Tegid jumps into the air and kicks High Lord Rahvin in the face. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> bas rah High Lord Rahvin quickly attacks and hits 10 times. High Lord Rahvin decimates a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with his powerful pierce! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows panics, and attempts to flee. Herra quickly attacks 12 times and hits 11 times. Herra decimates a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with her powerful pierce! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows panics, and attempts to flee. Tegid quickly attacks and hits 8 times. Tegid pulverizes High Lord Rahvin with his pierce. High Lord Rahvin blocks Tegid's pierce. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks and hits 8 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard decimates a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with his powerful pierce! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows panics, and attempts to flee. Flaco misses a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows quickly attacks 5 times and hits 3 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard parries an attack from a solemn knight cloaked in shadows! A dark raggedy cloak is damaged as it is hit! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows decimates a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with his powerful slash! (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard tries to headbutt a solemn knight cloaked in shadows but falls flat on his face. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> You send High Lord Rahvin sprawling with a powerful bash. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> [Chat] Nop: Personally, I thank god those days are over. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard suffers from his bleeding wounds. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows suffers from the poison in his veins. You are starving. get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag High Lord Rahvin suffers from the poison in his veins. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin quickly attacks and hits 10 times. High Lord Rahvin demolishes a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with his pierce! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows panics, and attempts to flee. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows gracefully walks off west, bowing his head slightly as he goes. Tegid quickly attacks and hits 8 times. A jade-handled dagger engraved 'Rahvin' is damaged as it is hit! Tegid demolishes High Lord Rahvin with his pierce! High Lord Rahvin blocks Tegid's pierce. Flaco barely hits a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard. You quickly attack 9 times and hit 7 times. High Lord Rahvin parries one of your attacks! You pulverize High Lord Rahvin with your crush. High Lord Rahvin blocks your crush. High Lord Rahvin has several wounds. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> Herra withdraws inward and begins chanting under her breath. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> Tegid misses High Lord Rahvin with a pathetic kick. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin quickly attacks 10 times and hits 9 times. An ornate headdress of shells is damaged as it is hit! High Lord Rahvin demolishes Tegid with his pierce! Tegid panics, and attempts to flee. Tegid flies right over the steep part! Tegid smiles enigmatically and disappears up. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard decimates Flaco with his powerful pierce! Flaco reels from the poison coursing through his veins! Flaco barely hits a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard. You quickly attack 8 times and hit 6 times. High Lord Rahvin parries one of your attacks! You decimate High Lord Rahvin with your powerful crush! High Lord Rahvin has many nasty wounds. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard rolls out of the way of Flaco's attack, charging back into battle. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard grabs Flaco and smashes his head into his head, knocking him down! High Lord Rahvin rolls out of the way of your attack and comes at you viciously. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin panics, and attempts to flee. With a sneer, High Lord Rahvin turns on his heel and walks away north. (HP:728 MA:336 MV:726 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks and hits 8 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard decimates Flaco with his powerful pierce! Flaco is stunned, but will probably recover. Flaco slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> incite High Lord Rahvin strides in from the north, his face twisted into a cold, cruel smile. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> You get a magickal cast iron cauldron from a deerskin bag. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> You are too full to drink any more. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. Your container is full. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> You put a magickal cast iron cauldron in a deerskin bag. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> Hard to inspire somebody without eloquent words or stirring music. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> Herra kicks Flaco in the chest. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> Tegid strolls in from above, shrouded in mystery. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> Herra quickly attacks and hits 12 times. Herra obliterates Flaco with her horrific pierce! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks and hits 8 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard obliterates Flaco with his horrific pierce! Flaco barely hits Herra. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> Tegid kicks High Lord Rahvin in the chest. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> head doc You grab a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard and smash him in the head with your head, knocking him down! (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin quickly attacks 10 times and hits 9 times. Tegid parries an attack from High Lord Rahvin! High Lord Rahvin massacres Tegid with his pierce. Tegid blocks High Lord Rahvin's pierce. Tegid quickly attacks 9 times and hits 7 times. High Lord Rahvin parries an attack from Tegid! Tegid pulverizes High Lord Rahvin with his pierce. Herra quickly attacks and hits 11 times. Herra obliterates Flaco with her horrific pierce! Flaco hits Herra. You quickly attack and hit 9 times. Cuchullain's shield is damaged as it is hit! You rip a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard to shreds with your amazing crush! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard has some cuts. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks and hits 8 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard pulverizes Flaco with his pierce. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard grabs Flaco and smashes his head into his head, knocking him down! (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin panics, and attempts to flee. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin quickly attacks and hits 10 times. High Lord Rahvin obliterates Tegid with his horrific pierce! Tegid blocks High Lord Rahvin's pierce. Tegid quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. Tegid demolishes High Lord Rahvin with his pierce! High Lord Rahvin blocks Tegid's pierce. Herra quickly attacks 11 times and hits 10 times. Herra decimates Flaco with her powerful pierce! Flaco slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Flaco turns to attack a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard! resc You quickly attack 8 times and hit 5 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard parries one of your attacks! You obliterate a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with your horrific chant kere kala anna ex crush! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard has several wounds. Flaco barely hits a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks and hits 8 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard decimates Flaco with his powerful pierce! (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> Herra withdraws inward and begins chanting under her breath. Flames leap out of the air and explode around Flaco! (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin manages to calm everyone down with his rich voice and persuasive manner. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> Tegid kicks High Lord Rahvin in the chest. (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> Rescue whom? (HP:728 MA:337 MV:726 Standing)> Chanting the words 'kere kala anna ex', you feel the Power gather within you, but you cannot control it, and your spell fails. (HP:728 MA:325 MV:726 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the south with the grace of a courtier. (HP:728 MA:325 MV:726 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows's bash sends High Lord Rahvin flying to the ground! (HP:728 MA:325 MV:726 Standing)> bas raj High Lord Rahvin quickly attacks 10 times and hits 9 times. High Lord Rahvin pulverizes Tegid with his pierce. Tegid blocks High Lord Rahvin's pierce. Tegid quickly attacks and hits 9 times. Tegid's massive flurry of attacks sends him sprawling to the ground! Tegid demolishes High Lord Rahvin with his pierce! High Lord Rahvin blocks Tegid's pierce. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows quickly attacks and hits 5 times. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows slashes High Lord Rahvin extremely hard. High Lord Rahvin blocks a solemn knight cloaked in shadows's slash. (HP:728 MA:326 MV:726 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:728 MA:326 MV:726 Standing)> bas ra You send High Lord Rahvin sprawling with a powerful bash. High Lord Rahvin quickly attacks 10 times and hits 9 times. High Lord Rahvin pulverizes Tegid with his pierce. Tegid blocks High Lord Rahvin's pierce. Tegid quickly attacks and hits 8 times. Tegid obliterates High Lord Rahvin with his horrific pierce! High Lord Rahvin blocks Tegid's pierce. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows quickly attacks and hits 5 times. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows sends High Lord Rahvin to his grave with his powerful slash. High Lord Rahvin is DEAD!! take coins corpse You receive 6900 experience, your share of 19458. [Info]: Delandel has killed Rahvin. You hear High Lord Rahvin's death cry. (HP:728 MA:326 MV:726 Standing)> Herra withdraws inward and begins chanting under her breath. (HP:728 MA:326 MV:726 Standing)> (HP:728 MA:326 MV:726 Standing)> [Info] Kilrain: ick That's not yours! Looking panicked, a solemn knight cloaked in shadows has arrived from the east. head doc (HP:728 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> You knock a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard down with a powerful headbutt! (HP:728 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> head doc head doc head doc (HP:728 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> (HP:728 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> clear Input buffer cleared. (HP:728 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You decimate a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with your powerful crush! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard has many nasty wounds. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks and hits 9 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard demolishes you with his pierce! You block a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard's pierce. (HP:705 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> gtel DOC now A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard panics, and attempts to flee. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard leaves east, seeking to acquire more and more. (HP:705 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> (HP:705 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the east, looking everywhere for something more to have. Tegid's spinning kick misses a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard, almost throwing him off balance. (HP:705 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> st (HP:705 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard panics, and attempts to flee. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard leaves west, seeking to acquire more and more. (HP:705 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> gtel bash head You tell the group, 'DOC now' (HP:705 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> You are already standing. (HP:705 MA:327 MV:726 Standing)> chant guh lak vya ex The trail to your prey leads west. It is very fresh. (HP:706 MA:328 MV:726 Standing)> w Looking panicked, a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard has arrived from the west. Your prey has arrived! (HP:706 MA:328 MV:726 Standing)> (HP:706 MA:328 MV:726 Standing)> head doc Moy Tura [Exits: n e s] An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here. A devilishly handsome lord with sky blue eyes grins at you wickedly. A squirrel scampers up a tree with a nut in its mouth. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. Tegid strolls in from the east, shrouded in mystery. Flaco has arrived from the east. (HP:706 MA:328 MV:722 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the east, looking everywhere for something more to have. (HP:706 MA:328 MV:722 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard leaves north, seeking to acquire more and more. (HP:706 MA:328 MV:722 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:706 MA:328 MV:722 Standing)> e A Wooded Dell [Exits: n e s w u] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. The corpse of Rahvin is lying here. The corpse of a squirrel is lying here. Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. A tall spike of red-violet flowers is growing here. A broken medallion sits here. Flaco has arrived from the west. Tegid strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. (HP:706 MA:328 MV:718 Standing)> head doc A Wolf's Den [Exits: e s w] A blue-violet flower shaped like a monk's hood grows in a moist patch here. A small field mouse scurries by. A small ball of spines is here, hiding in the grass. Tegid strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. Flaco has arrived from the west. (HP:707 MA:328 MV:717 Standing)> head doc A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the south with the grace of a courtier. (HP:707 MA:329 MV:719 Standing)> head doc (HP:707 MA:329 MV:719 Standing)> head doc head doc A solemn knight cloaked in shadows gracefully walks off south, bowing his head slightly as he goes. Tegid withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. Tegid's eyes appear to glow with an eerie yellow light for a moment. (HP:707 MA:329 MV:719 Standing)> head doc (HP:707 MA:329 MV:719 Standing)> Tegid quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. Tegid obliterates a wolf with his horrific pierce! A wolf reels from the poison coursing through his veins! Tegid blocks a wolf's bite. A wolf misses Tegid. (HP:707 MA:329 MV:719 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the south with the grace of a courtier. They're not here. (HP:708 MA:329 MV:720 Standing)> lo A Wolf's Den [Exits: e s w] A blue-violet flower shaped like a monk's hood grows in a moist patch here. An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. A wolf is standing here, fighting Tegid. [2] (Charmed) A frail accordionist is here looking for his monkey. Tegid is flying here, fighting a wolf. A small field mouse scurries by. A small ball of spines is here, hiding in the grass. (HP:708 MA:329 MV:720 Standing)> Tegid quickly attacks and hits 8 times. Tegid sends a wolf to his grave with his mighty pierce. A wolf is DEAD!! take coins corpse You receive 4 experience, your share of 1269. You hear a wolf's death cry. A wolf misses Tegid. (HP:708 MA:329 MV:720 Standing)> You see nothing like that in the corpse. (HP:708 MA:329 MV:721 Standing)> [Chat] Ledgend: Ramikon (HP:708 MA:329 MV:721 Standing)> kic wolf Your spinning kick misses a wolf, almost throwing you off balance! Tegid quickly attacks and hits 9 times. Tegid obliterates a wolf with his horrific pierce! You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You send a wolf to the grave with your mighty crush. A wolf is DEAD!! take coins corpse You receive 4 experience, your share of 1269. You hear a wolf's death cry. (HP:708 MA:329 MV:722 Standing)> (HP:708 MA:329 MV:722 Standing)> Flaco suffers from the poison in his veins. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows suffers from his bleeding wounds. Tegid suffers from his bleeding wounds. You are starving. get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag (HP:708 MA:329 MV:722 Standing)> head doc head doc (HP:708 MA:329 MV:723 Standing)> head doc (HP:708 MA:329 MV:723 Standing)> (HP:708 MA:329 MV:723 Standing)> w head doc (HP:708 MA:330 MV:724 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:709 MA:330 MV:724 Standing)> [Chat] Ledgend: Ramikon on in any form? (HP:709 MA:330 MV:724 Standing)> You see nothing like that in the corpse. (HP:709 MA:330 MV:725 Standing)> You get a magickal cast iron cauldron from a deerskin bag. (HP:709 MA:330 MV:725 Standing)> You drink water from a magickal cast iron cauldron. Looks like that was the last of it. You do not feel as thirsty. Your mind feels refreshed. (HP:709 MA:360 MV:725 Standing)> You fill a magickal cast iron cauldron from a jug of water. (HP:709 MA:360 MV:725 Standing)> You put a magickal cast iron cauldron in a deerskin bag. (HP:709 MA:360 MV:726 Standing)> 'Doc is hiding,' Tegid says, looking mysterious. They're not here. (HP:709 MA:360 MV:726 Standing)> (HP:709 MA:360 MV:726 Standing)> A Wooded Dell [Exits: n e s w u] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. The corpse of Rahvin is lying here. The corpse of a squirrel is lying here. Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. A tall spike of red-violet flowers is growing here. A broken medallion sits here. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the east with the grace of a courtier. Flaco has arrived from the east. Tegid strolls in from the east, shrouded in mystery. (HP:709 MA:360 MV:722 Standing)> (HP:709 MA:360 MV:724 Standing)> Moy Tura [Exits: n e s] An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here. A squirrel scampers up a tree with a nut in its mouth. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. Tegid strolls in from the east, shrouded in mystery. Flaco has arrived from the east. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the east with the grace of a courtier. (HP:710 MA:361 MV:721 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:710 MA:361 MV:721 Standing)> You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads east. It is relatively good. (HP:710 MA:361 MV:722 Standing)> e A Wooded Dell [Exits: n e s w u] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. The corpse of Rahvin is lying here. The corpse of a squirrel is lying here. Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. A tall spike of red-violet flowers is growing here. A broken medallion sits here. The trail to your prey leads east. It is relatively good. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the west with the grace of a courtier. Flaco has arrived from the west. Tegid strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. (HP:711 MA:361 MV:721 Standing)> e A Wolf's Den [Exits: e s w] The corpse of a wolf is lying here. [2] A blue-violet flower shaped like a monk's hood grows in a moist patch here. A small field mouse scurries by. A small ball of spines is here, hiding in the grass. The trail to your prey leads south. It is relatively good. Tegid strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. Flaco has arrived from the west. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the west with the grace of a courtier. (HP:711 MA:361 MV:720 Standing)> s The Fomori Camp [Exits: n e w] An angelica plant is here, looking like hugely overgrown celery. A small ball of spines is here, hiding in the grass. A squirrel scampers up a tree with a nut in its mouth. The trail to your prey leads east. It is easily seen. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the north with the grace of a courtier. Flaco has arrived from the north. Tegid strolls in from the north, shrouded in mystery. (HP:711 MA:362 MV:718 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows's eyes appear to glow with an eerie yellow light for a moment. (HP:711 MA:362 MV:718 Standing)> head doc They're not here. (HP:712 MA:362 MV:720 Standing)> fol del You now follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. (HP:712 MA:362 MV:722 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows tells the group, 'heal me?' (HP:712 MA:362 MV:723 Standing)> chant kere drva vant ex Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a vial of greenish-blue healing balm. (HP:713 MA:339 MV:725 Standing)> use vial del A solemn knight cloaked in shadows gracefully walks off east, bowing his head slightly as he goes. You follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. A Rocky Beach [Exits: e w] A roll of bandages sits here, getting dirty. [3] A comfortable, homespun robe puddles nicely on the ground. A small dirty red cap lies here at your feet. An earring made from a crow's feather has been dropped here. [2] A iron short sword has been discarded here. An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. An old man is here 'watching' the boats. The trail to your prey leads east. It is easily seen. Tegid strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. Flaco has arrived from the west. (HP:713 MA:339 MV:723 Standing)> (HP:713 MA:339 MV:723 Standing)> Tegid withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. You use a vile vial of balm. You slowly apply the vile vial of balm to him. (HP:713 MA:339 MV:724 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows reports: 74/460 hp 389/433 mana 465/512 mv. (HP:714 MA:339 MV:724 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows gracefully walks off east, bowing his head slightly as he goes. You follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. A thick fog forges through the waters. On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: n e s w] An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. The trail to your prey leads east. It is easily seen. Tegid has arrived from the west in a bright blue and yellow luzzu. (HP:714 MA:340 MV:724 Standing)> head doc A solemn knight cloaked in shadows leaves east in a small canoe. You follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: n e s w] An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. A good-sized tuna swims in the water. The trail to your prey leads east. It is easily seen. Tegid has arrived from the west in a bright blue and yellow luzzu. (HP:715 MA:340 MV:724 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:715 MA:340 MV:725 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:715 MA:340 MV:725 Standing)> head doc A solemn knight cloaked in shadows reports: 137/460 hp 390/433 mana 464/512 mv. (HP:715 MA:340 MV:726 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows leaves east in a small canoe. You follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: e s w] An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. Tegid has arrived from the west in a bright blue and yellow luzzu. (HP:715 MA:340 MV:724 Standing)> Tegid withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:715 MA:341 MV:725 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:715 MA:341 MV:726 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows leaves south in a small canoe. You follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: n s] An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. Tegid has arrived from the north in a bright blue and yellow luzzu. (HP:716 MA:341 MV:723 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows leaves south in a small canoe. You follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. On the Beach at Segontium [Exits: n s w] An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. A sea gull seems to hover here in the air as it takes advantage of the wind. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. Tegid strolls in from the north, shrouded in mystery. (HP:716 MA:341 MV:722 Standing)> head doc A solemn knight cloaked in shadows gracefully walks off south, bowing his head slightly as he goes. You follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. A Roman Road Outside Viroconium [Exits: n s] Orange-red berries grow on a many-branched shrub here. An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. A jackrabbit turns his huge ears about warily here. A swallow flutters about, chirping innocently. A jackrabbit turns his huge ears about warily here. A spotted fawn looks about for his mother. A person wrapped in a blanket is here, herding sheep. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. Tegid strolls in from the north, shrouded in mystery. (HP:716 MA:341 MV:720 Standing)> head doc A solemn knight cloaked in shadows gracefully walks off south, bowing his head slightly as he goes. You follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. A Bridge Across the Sabrina [Exits: n e s] An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. A brown and white game bird flutters around in the nearby foliage. A sheep is here, all curly and cute. A small doe is grazing here. A dark feathered bird paces back and forth here. The trail to your prey leads east. It is very fresh. Tegid strolls in from the north, shrouded in mystery. (HP:717 MA:341 MV:719 Standing)> head doc head doc They're not here. (HP:717 MA:342 MV:720 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows gracefully walks off east, bowing his head slightly as he goes. You follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. A Road in South Britannia [Exits: n e w] A light blue fallain has been left behind here. Towering dark trees block the view in most directions. An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. A majestic stag surveys the forest. A trick of shadows here might be mistaken for a dark, armor-clad figure. The trail to your prey leads east. It is very fresh. Tegid strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. (HP:717 MA:342 MV:718 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows gracefully walks off east, bowing his head slightly as he goes. You follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. A Dirt Road north of Sarum [Exits: e w] A smallish rough woolen sack is here. (slightly damaged) An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. A spotted fawn looks about for her mother. A small doe is grazing here. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. The trail to your prey leads north. It is very fresh. Tegid strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. head doc head doc A solemn knight cloaked in shadows gracefully walks off north, bowing his head slightly as he goes. You follow a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. Deep in a Forbidding Forest [Exits: e s] An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. There is no possible way you could find a trail here! Tegid strolls in from the south, shrouded in mystery. You tell the group, 'bah' (HP:719 MA:343 MV:720 Standing)> You hear a loud bang against a weathered stone door from the other side. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows hits a weathered stone door with a sickening 'thud' that hurts him more than it! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows slumps to the ground, unconscious. (HP:719 MA:343 MV:721 Standing)> bas her They're not here. (HP:720 MA:344 MV:722 Standing)> wak del [Info] LittlePiff: piff is piff no? (HP:720 MA:344 MV:726 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. You wake him. (HP:720 MA:344 MV:726 Standing)> gtel don You tell the group, 'don' (HP:721 MA:344 MV:726 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows stands up. (HP:721 MA:345 MV:726 Standing)> Tegid gets Suger's chalice from a holster belt. (HP:721 MA:345 MV:726 Standing)> Tegid puts Suger's chalice in a holster belt. (HP:721 MA:345 MV:726 Standing)> lo Deep in a Forbidding Forest [Exits: e s] Tegid is flying here. An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. (HP:721 MA:345 MV:726 Standing)> s x A Dirt Road north of Sarum [Exits: e w] A smallish rough woolen sack is here. (slightly damaged) A spotted fawn looks about for her mother. A small doe is grazing here. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. Tegid strolls in from the north, shrouded in mystery. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the north with the grace of a courtier. (HP:722 MA:345 MV:724 Standing)> Obvious exits: East - An Intersection West - A Road in South Britannia (HP:722 MA:345 MV:724 Standing)> e An Intersection [Exits: n s w] Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. The area around you is covered by the reedy stalks of some brownish plant. A cardinal flutters about, chirping innocently. A pig is here rooting around for food among the brush. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the west with the grace of a courtier. Tegid strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. A wild pig squeals in fear! A wild pig panics, and attempts to flee. (HP:722 MA:346 MV:722 Standing)> n On a Roman Road [Exits: n e s] A blue flower with prominent black stamen grows from a leafy plant here. A small doe is grazing here. A bluejay flutters about, chirping innocently. Its plume bobbing in the breeze, a quail stares at you uneasily. Tegid strolls in from the south, shrouded in mystery. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the south with the grace of a courtier. (HP:723 MA:346 MV:721 Standing)> n Outside Eburacum [Exits: n s] A leafy plant is growing here by the roadside. Towering dark trees block the view in most directions. A jackrabbit turns his huge ears about warily here. A majestic stag surveys the forest. A robin flutters about, chirping innocently. A red squirrel scampers about looking for nuts. A spotted fawn looks about for her mother. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the south with the grace of a courtier. Tegid strolls in from the south, shrouded in mystery. (HP:723 MA:346 MV:719 Standing)> s s On a Roman Road [Exits: n e s] A blue flower with prominent black stamen grows from a leafy plant here. A small doe is grazing here. A bluejay flutters about, chirping innocently. Its plume bobbing in the breeze, a quail stares at you uneasily. Tegid strolls in from the north, shrouded in mystery. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the north with the grace of a courtier. (HP:723 MA:346 MV:717 Standing)> An Intersection [Exits: n s w] Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. The area around you is covered by the reedy stalks of some brownish plant. A cardinal flutters about, chirping innocently. A pig is here rooting around for food among the brush. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the north with the grace of a courtier. Tegid strolls in from the north, shrouded in mystery. w (HP:723 MA:346 MV:714 Standing)> w n w A Dirt Road north of Sarum [Exits: e w] A smallish rough woolen sack is here. (slightly damaged) A spotted fawn looks about for her mother. A small doe is grazing here. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. Tegid strolls in from the east, shrouded in mystery. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the east with the grace of a courtier. (HP:723 MA:346 MV:712 Standing)> A Road in South Britannia [Exits: n e w] A light blue fallain has been left behind here. Towering dark trees block the view in most directions. A majestic stag surveys the forest. A trick of shadows here might be mistaken for a dark, armor-clad figure. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the east with the grace of a courtier. Tegid strolls in from the east, shrouded in mystery. (HP:723 MA:346 MV:709 Standing)> A Stream in the Woods [Exits: n s] A short stool sits here. [2] A stone basin has been filled with water. A low couch with flat pillows suitable for reclining rests against the wall. A tall bookshelf covers an entire wall of the room. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. Tegid strolls in from the south, shrouded in mystery. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the south with the grace of a courtier. (HP:723 MA:347 MV:707 Standing)> (HP:724 MA:347 MV:704 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows suffers from his bleeding wounds. Tegid suffers from his bleeding wounds. You are starving. get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag (HP:724 MA:347 MV:704 Standing)> You tell the group, 'ask for a heal if you can' (HP:724 MA:347 MV:706 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows carefully unrolls a strip of gauze from a roll of gauze. You put a magickal cast iron cauldron in a deerskin bag. (HP:725 MA:348 MV:708 Standing)> stat e Your status: Condition: full of liquid, starving. You are affected by: protection from fire bless strength magic sink You are resistant to: - flame attacks (HP:725 MA:348 MV:709 Standing)> A Stream in the Woods [Exits: n s] A short stool sits here. [2] A stone basin has been filled with water. A low couch with flat pillows suitable for reclining rests against the wall. A tall bookshelf covers an entire wall of the room. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. Tegid strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the west with the grace of a courtier. (HPhead doc :725 MA:348 MV:706 Standing)> [Chat] Ramikon: yawn, ok, who woke my ass up (HP:725 MA:348 MV:706 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows carefully unrolls a strip of gauze from a roll of gauze. (HP:725 MA:348 MV:706 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows puts a strip of gauze on your wounds. (HP:725 MA:348 MV:706 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:725 MA:348 MV:707 Standing)> Tegid gets Suger's chalice from a holster belt. (HP:725 MA:348 MV:707 Standing)> hunt doc Tegid puts Suger's chalice in a holster belt. (HP:726 MA:348 MV:707 Standing)> 'Not good,' a solemn knight cloaked in shadows says in a courtly fashion. You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads south. It is very fresh. (HP:726 MA:348 MV:707 Standing)> s head doc A Road in South Britannia [Exits: n e w] A light blue fallain has been left behind here. Towering dark trees block the view in most directions. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. A majestic stag surveys the forest. A trick of shadows here might be mistaken for a dark, armor-clad figure. The trail to your prey leads east. It is very fresh. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the north with the grace of a courtier. Tegid strolls in from the north, shrouded in mystery. (HP:726 MA:348 MV:705 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows carefully unrolls a strip of gauze from a roll of gauze. They're not here. (HP:726 MA:348 MV:706 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows puts a strip of gauze on your wounds. (HP:726 MA:348 MV:706 Standing)> 'Me either,' Tegid says enigmatically. (HP:726 MA:348 MV:706 Standing)> e head doc A Dirt Road north of Sarum [Exits: e w] A smallish rough woolen sack is here. (slightly damaged) A spotted fawn looks about for her mother. A small doe is grazing here. The trail to your prey leads north. It is very fresh. Tegid strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the west with the grace of a courtier. (HP:726 MA:349 MV:704 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:726 MA:349 MV:704 Standing)> Herra arrives from the north with a smile on her face. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the north, looking everywhere for something more to have. Your prey has arrived! (HP:726 MA:349 MV:705 Standing)> Herra bounces away east, grinning from ear to ear. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard leaves east, seeking to acquire more and more. (HP:727 MA:349 MV:706 Standing)> Herra arrives from the east with a smile on her face. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the east, looking everywhere for something more to have. (HP:727 MA:349 MV:707 Standing)> e head doc A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard sneaks up behind a solemn knight cloaked in shadows and places His probe in his back. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard paralyzes a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with his ruthless backstab! (HP:727 MA:349 MV:707 Standing)> An Intersection [Exits: n s w] Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. The area around you is covered by the reedy stalks of some brownish plant. A devilishly handsome lord with sky blue eyes grins at you wickedly. A cardinal flutters about, chirping innocently. A pig is here rooting around for food among the brush. Tegid strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. (HP:727 MA:349 MV:704 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:727 MA:349 MV:704 Standing)> w Tegid suffers from his bleeding wounds. You are starving. get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag (HP:727 MA:349 MV:705 Standing)> head doc A Dirt Road north of Sarum [Exits: e w] A smallish rough woolen sack is here. (slightly damaged) A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is standing here, fighting a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. Herra is standing here. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows is paralyzed. A spotted fawn looks about for her mother. A small doe is grazing here. Tegid strolls in from the east, shrouded in mystery. (HP:728 MA:349 MV:702 Standing)> You see nothing like that in the bag. (HP:728 MA:349 MV:702 Standing)> You try to headbutt a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard but he moves and you fall over. (HP:728 MA:349 MV:702 Sitting)> st A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard panics, and attempts to flee. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard leaves east, seeking to acquire more and more. (HP:728 MA:349 MV:702 Sitting)> Tegid withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:728 MA:349 MV:702 Sitting)> chant guh lak vya ex doc A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the east, looking everywhere for something more to have. (HP:728 MA:349 MV:702 Sitting)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard's thief-like skills enable him to sneak up behind a solemn knight cloaked in shadows, placing His probe in his back. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. (HP:728 MA:349 MV:703 Sitting)> Herra withdraws inward and begins chanting under her breath. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows's black aura sputters, unable to protect him from the arcane powers of Herra! Herra stuns a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with a powerful blast of Power!! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows looks worse for the wear, and might never wake up. (HP:728 MA:349 MV:703 Sitting)> Tegid withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. Tegid stuns a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with a powerful blast of Power!! (HP:728 MA:349 MV:703 Sitting)> Tegid quickly attacks and hits 9 times. Tegid decimates a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with his powerful pierce! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is stunned, but will probably recover. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. Herra quickly attacks and hits 12 times. Herra decimates a solemn knight cloaked in shadows with her powerful pierce! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows is stunned, but will probably recover. (HP:728 MA:349 MV:703 Sitting)> You stand up. (HP:728 MA:349 MV:704 Standing)> Chanting the words 'guh lak vya ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You stun a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with a powerful blast of Power! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard looks worse for the wear, and might never wake up. (HP:728 MA:314 MV:704 Standing)> clear You quickly attack 9 times and hit 7 times. You decimate a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with your powerful crush! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is stunned, but will probably recover. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard has several wounds. Tegid quickly attacks and hits 8 times. A dark raggedy cloak is damaged as it is hit! Tegid decimates a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with his powerful pierce! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is stunned, but will probably recover. Herra quickly attacks and hits 11 times. Herra sends a solemn knight cloaked in shadows to his grave with her powerful pierce. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows is stunned, but will probably recover. (HP:728 MA:314 MV:705 Standing)> Input buffer cleared. (HP:728 MA:314 MV:705 Standing)> Herra leaps into the fray and rescues a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard! (HP:728 MA:314 MV:705 Standing)> Tegid withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. Flames leap out of the air and explode around a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard! A runed-circle ring is damaged! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. (HP:728 MA:314 MV:705 Standing)> wak del You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard parries one of your attacks! You massacre a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with your crush. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard blocks your crush. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is bleeding freely. Tegid quickly attacks and hits 9 times. Tegid massacres Herra with his pierce. Herra blocks Tegid's pierce. Herra quickly attacks 12 times and hits 11 times. Herra massacres Tegid with her pierce. Poison courses through Tegid's veins! Tegid blocks Herra's pierce. (HP:728 MA:314 MV:705 Standing)> (HP:728 MA:314 MV:705 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard panics, and attempts to flee. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard leaves west, seeking to acquire more and more. (HP:728 MA:314 MV:706 Standing)> You try to wake him but he seems too dazed. (HP:728 MA:314 MV:706 Standing)> Tegid quickly attacks and hits 8 times. Tegid pierces Herra extremely hard. Herra reels from the poison coursing through her veins! Herra blocks Tegid's pierce. Herra quickly attacks and hits 11 times. Herra massacres Tegid with her pierce. Tegid blocks Herra's pierce. (HP:728 MA:314 MV:706 Standing)> Herra's perfectly executed kick crushes a solemn knight cloaked in shadows's head! [Info]: Delandel's deathcry is heard 'round the world, thanks to Herra. You hear a solemn knight cloaked in shadows's death cry. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows stops following you. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows leaves your group. You stop following a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. (HP:728 MA:314 MV:707 Standing)> Tegid quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. Tegid demolishes Herra with his pierce! Herra blocks Tegid's pierce. Herra quickly attacks 12 times and hits 10 times. Herra massacres Tegid with her pierce. Tegid blocks Herra's pierce. (HP:728 MA:314 MV:708 Standing)> chant guh lak vya ex doc Chanting the words 'guh lak vya ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. They're not here. (HP:728 MA:279 MV:708 Standing)> Tegid withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. The black aura around Herra crackles to life as it absorbs the power from Tegid's spell! (HP:728 MA:279 MV:708 Standing)> [Info]: Kilrain chuckles politely. (HP:728 MA:279 MV:708 Standing)> bas her Tegid quickly attacks 8 times and hits 6 times. Tegid pierces Herra hard. Herra blocks Tegid's pierce. Herra quickly attacks 11 times and hits 9 times. Tegid parries an attack from Herra! Herra massacres Tegid with her pierce. Tegid blocks Herra's pierce. (HP:728 MA:279 MV:709 Standing)> You send Herra sprawling with a powerful bash. (HP:728 MA:279 MV:709 Standing)> [Info]: Nop holds his head down and mourns the dead. Tegid kicks Herra in the chest. (HP:728 MA:279 MV:710 Standing)> [Info] LittlePiff: piff? (HP:728 MA:280 MV:710 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You obliterate Herra with your horrific crush! Herra blocks your crush. Herra has several wounds. Tegid quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. Tegid massacres Herra with his pierce. Herra blocks Tegid's pierce. Herra quickly attacks and hits 11 times. A set of black karate robes is damaged as it is hit! Herra pierces Tegid extremely hard. Tegid blocks Herra's pierce. (HP:728 MA:280 MV:710 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You pulverize Herra with your crush. Herra blocks your crush. Herra has several wounds. Tegid quickly attacks 9 times and hits 7 times. Tegid demolishes Herra with his pierce! Herra blocks Tegid's pierce. Herra quickly attacks 11 times and hits 9 times. Tegid parries an attack from Herra! Herra massacres Tegid with her pierce. (HP:728 MA:280 MV:711 Standing)> Tegid's spinning kick misses Herra, almost throwing him off balance. (HP:728 MA:280 MV:711 Standing)> Tegid suffers from the poison in his veins. Herra suffers from the poison in her veins. You are starving. get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag (HP:728 MA:280 MV:711 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the west, looking everywhere for something more to have. (HP:728 MA:280 MV:711 Standing)> Herra rolls out of the way of Tegid's attack, charging back into battle. (HP:728 MA:280 MV:711 Standing)> (HP:728 MA:280 MV:711 Standing)> chant guh lak vya ex doc Herra panics, and attempts to flee. Herra bounces away west, grinning from ear to ear. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard leaves west, seeking to acquire more and more. (HP:728 MA:280 MV:711 Standing)> (HP:728 MA:246 MV:714 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:728 MA:246 MV:714 Standing)> Tegid withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:728 MA:246 MV:714 Standing)> gtel go for doc A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the west, looking everywhere for something more to have. (HP:728 MA:246 MV:714 Standing)> You tell the group, 'go for doc' (HP:728 MA:246 MV:714 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard sneaks up behind Tegid and places His probe in his back. (HP:728 MA:246 MV:715 Standing)> head doc Tegid gets Suger's chalice from a holster belt. (HP:728 MA:246 MV:715 Standing)> Tegid drinks from Suger's chalice. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard tumbles out of the way of your headbutt! (HP:728 MA:246 MV:715 Standing)> Tegid fills Suger's chalice from a leather waterskin. (HP:728 MA:246 MV:715 Standing)> Tegid puts Suger's chalice in a holster belt. (HP:728 MA:246 MV:715 Standing)> [Chat] Nike: later legend (HP:728 MA:246 MV:715 Standing)> You quickly attack 9 times and hit 7 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard parries one of your attacks! You pulverize a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with your crush. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard blocks your crush. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is covered in blood. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks 9 times and hits 6 times. Tegid parries an attack from a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard massacres Tegid with his pierce. Tegid blocks a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard's pierce. Tegid quickly attacks 9 times and hits 5 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard parries an attack from Tegid! Tegid demolishes a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with his pierce! (HP:728 MA:246 MV:716 Standing)> Tegid withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. Tegid stuns a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with a powerful blast of Power!! (HP:728 MA:246 MV:716 Standing)> st (HP:728 MA:246 MV:716 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 5 times. You obliterate a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with your horrific crush! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is stunned, but will probably recover. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is covered in blood. Tegid quickly attacks 8 times and hits 5 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard parries an attack from Tegid! Tegid pierces a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard extremely hard. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard blocks Tegid's pierce. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks and hits 9 times. chant guh lak vya ex A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard pulverizes Tegid with his pierce. Tegid blocks a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard's pierce. (HP:728 MA:246 MV:716 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard knocks Tegid down with a powerful headbutt! Tegid staggers from the impact of a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard's headbutt! (HP:728 MA:246 MV:716 Standing)> Herra arrives from the west with a smile on her face. (HP:728 MA:246 MV:716 Standing)> Herra's thief-like skills enable her to sneak up behind Tegid, placing a Deadly spiked warhammer in his back. Tegid is stunned, but will probably recover. (HP:728 MA:246 MV:716 Standing)> You are already standing. (HP:728 MA:246 MV:717 Standing)> Chanting the words 'guh lak vya ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You try to stun a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard, but unfortunately for you, a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard saw it coming a mile away and rolled out of your blast. (HP:728 MA:211 MV:717 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You massacre a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with your crush. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard blocks your crush. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is leaking guts. Herra quickly attacks 12 times and hits 10 times. Herra obliterates Tegid with her horrific pierce! Tegid is stunned, but will probably recover. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard sends Tegid to his grave with his mighty pierce. Tegid is DEAD!! take coins corpse [Info]: Tegid just kicked the bucket with the help of DoC. You hear Tegid's death cry. Tegid stops following you. Tegid leaves your group. (HP:728 MA:211 MV:717 Standing)> wak teg High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:728 MA:211 MV:717 Standing)> (HP:728 MA:211 MV:717 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 4 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard parries one of your attacks! You pulverize a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with your crush. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is leaking guts. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. You parry an attack from a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard massacres you with his pierce. You block a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard's pierce. (HP:717 MA:212 MV:718 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard tries to headbutt you but falls flat on his face. (HP:717 MA:212 MV:718 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:717 MA:212 MV:718 Standing)> chant kere vya lak ex A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the west with the grace of a courtier. (HP:717 MA:212 MV:718 Standing)> (HP:717 MA:212 MV:718 Standing)> [Info]: Kilrain chuckles politely. (HP:717 MA:212 MV:718 Standing)> Chanting the words 'kere vya lak ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You close your eyes as a blinding flash of terribly bright light silently explodes in the room! A solemn knight cloaked in shadows appears to be blinded! High Lord Rahvin appears to be blinded! Herra appears to be blinded! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard appears to be blinded! A doe appears to be blinded! (HP:717 MA:182 MV:718 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 6 times. You demolish a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with your crush! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is leaking guts. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks 8 times and hits 5 times. You parry an attack from a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard pierces you hard. Herra quickly attacks 12 times and hits 10 times. Herra pulverizes you with her pierce. Poison courses through your veins! You block Herra's pierce. You block a solemn knight cloaked in shadows's hit. High Lord Rahvin quickly attacks 10 times and hits 9 times. You parry an attack from High Lord Rahvin! High Lord Rahvin pulverizes you with his pierce. A doe misses you. (HP:673 MA:182 MV:718 Standing)> clear High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:673 MA:182 MV:719 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You decimate a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with your powerful crush! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is almost dead. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard quickly attacks 8 times and hits 6 times. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard massacres you with his pierce. You block a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard's pierce. Herra quickly attacks and hits 11 times. Herra demolishes you with her pierce! You block Herra's pierce. You block a solemn knight cloaked in shadows's hit. High Lord Rahvin quickly attacks and hits 10 times. High Lord Rahvin massacres you with his pierce. You block High Lord Rahvin's pierce. A doe barely bites you. (HP:619 MA:182 MV:719 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard springs back to his feet, ready to meet your attack. (HP:619 MA:182 MV:719 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard panics, and attempts to flee. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard leaves west, seeking to acquire more and more. (HP:619 MA:182 MV:719 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin panics, and attempts to flee. With a sneer, High Lord Rahvin turns on his heel and walks away west. (HP:619 MA:182 MV:719 Standing)> Input buffer cleared. (HP:619 MA:182 MV:719 Standing)> chant guh lak vya ex doc (HP:619 MA:182 MV:719 Standing)> Herra manages to calm everyone down with her rich voice and persuasive manner. Chanting the words 'guh lak vya ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. They're not here. (HP:619 MA:147 MV:720 Standing)> bas her (HP:619 MA:147 MV:720 Standing)> Herra suffers from the poison in her veins. You are starving. get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag You feel the poison burning in your blood. (HP:613 MA:147 MV:720 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the west, looking everywhere for something more to have. (HP:613 MA:147 MV:720 Standing)> You send Herra sprawling with a powerful bash. (HP:613 MA:147 MV:720 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows has created a glowing orb of light! (HP:613 MA:147 MV:720 Standing)> (HP:613 MA:147 MV:720 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You decimate Herra with your powerful crush! Herra has several wounds. Herra quickly attacks 12 times and hits 10 times. You parry an attack from Herra! Herra pierces you extremely hard. You block Herra's pierce. (HP:602 MA:147 MV:720 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard leaves north, seeking to acquire more and more. (HP:602 MA:147 MV:721 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You decimate Herra with your powerful crush! Herra has many nasty wounds. Herra quickly attacks and hits 11 times. Herra massacres you with her pierce. You block Herra's pierce. (HP:590 MA:147 MV:721 Standing)> chant guh lak vya ex doc (HP:590 MA:147 MV:721 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows panics, and attempts to flee. (HP:590 MA:147 MV:722 Standing)> Herra rolls out of the way of your attack and comes at you viciously. You quickly attack 8 times and hit 5 times. You crush Herra extremely hard. Herra blocks your crush. Herra has many nasty wounds. Herra quickly attacks and hits 11 times. Herra massacres you with her pierce. You block Herra's pierce. (HP:577 MA:147 MV:722 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows panics, and attempts to flee. (HP:577 MA:147 MV:722 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows panics, and attempts to flee. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows gracefully walks off east, bowing his head slightly as he goes. (HP:577 MA:147 MV:722 Standing)> (HP:577 MA:147 MV:722 Standing)> Chanting the words 'guh lak vya ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. They're not here. (HP:577 MA:112 MV:722 Standing)> Herra withdraws inward and begins chanting under her breath. Herra weaves her enchantment with great prowess, defeating your black aura! Crackling flames explode into being around you, searing through the air! High Lord Rahvin strides in from the west, his face twisted into a cold, cruel smile. (HP:533 MA:112 MV:722 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. A midnight black cape whispering of the Deepest Darkest secrets is damaged as it is hit! You obliterate Herra with your horrific crush! Herra is bleeding freely. Herra quickly attacks and hits 11 times. Herra demolishes you with her pierce! You block Herra's pierce. (HP:508 MA:112 MV:722 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:508 MA:112 MV:723 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the north, looking everywhere for something more to have. (HP:508 MA:112 MV:723 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard leaves east, seeking to acquire more and more. (HP:508 MA:112 MV:723 Standing)> chant guh lak vya ex doc You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You pulverize Herra with your crush. Herra blocks your crush. Herra is bleeding freely. Herra quickly attacks 12 times and hits 11 times. You parry an attack from Herra! Herra massacres you with her pierce. You block Herra's pierce. (HP:493 MA:113 MV:723 Standing)> Chanting the words 'guh lak vya ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. They're not here. (HP:493 MA:78 MV:723 Standing)> bsa (HP:493 MA:78 MV:723 Standing)> Huh? (HP:493 MA:78 MV:724 Standing)> Herra withdraws inward and begins chanting under her breath. Herra weaves her enchantment with great prowess, defeating your black aura! Crackling flames explode into being around you, searing through the air! (HP:452 MA:78 MV:724 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You obliterate Herra with your horrific crush! Herra blocks your crush. Herra is covered in blood. Herra quickly attacks and hits 11 times. Herra massacres you with her pierce. You block Herra's pierce. (HP:438 MA:78 MV:724 Standing)> bas Your bash sends Herra flying to the ground! (HP:438 MA:78 MV:724 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You decimate Herra with your powerful crush! Herra is leaking guts. Herra quickly attacks 11 times and hits 10 times. You parry an attack from Herra! Herra pierces you extremely hard. You block Herra's pierce. (HP:424 MA:78 MV:725 Standing)> chant kere kala anna ex (HP:424 MA:78 MV:725 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You obliterate Herra with your horrific crush! Herra blocks your crush. Herra is almost dead. Herra quickly attacks and hits 11 times. Herra pulverizes you with her pierce. Blood oozes from your new wound. You block Herra's pierce. (HP:408 MA:78 MV:725 Standing)> Herra slowly gets back to her feet. (HP:408 MA:78 MV:725 Standing)> Herra panics, and attempts to flee. Herra bounces away east, grinning from ear to ear. (HP:408 MA:78 MV:725 Standing)> e (HP:408 MA:79 MV:726 Standing)> Chanting the words 'kere kala anna ex', you feel the Power gather within you, but you cannot control it, and your spell fails. (HP:408 MA:67 MV:726 Standing)> bas her (HP:408 MA:67 MV:726 Standing)> An Intersection [Exits: n s w] Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. The area around you is covered by the reedy stalks of some brownish plant. An innocent-looking knight stands here, surrounded by a shroud of sorrow. A long eared bunny sits here eating a blade of grass. A bluejay flutters about, chirping innocently. A cardinal flutters about, chirping innocently. (HP:408 MA:67 MV:723 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:408 MA:67 MV:723 Standing)> w A Dirt Road north of Sarum [Exits: e w] The corpse of Tegid is lying here. The corpse of Delandel is lying here. A smallish rough woolen sack is here. (slightly damaged) Tegid is standing here. A devilishly handsome lord with sky blue eyes grins at you wickedly. A small doe is grazing here. (HP:408 MA:34 MV:701 Standing)> [Chat] Herra: CHEATERS [Info]: Cote has been slaughtered by Blays. (HP:408 MA:34 MV:701 Standing)> On the Hivernian Ocean [Exits: n e s w] The trail to your prey leads west. It is relatively good. (HP:408 MA:34 MV:699 Standing)> chat who? w [Chat] (Flaco): who? (HP:408 MA:34 MV:700 Standing)> A Rocky Beach [Exits: e w] A roll of bandages sits here, getting dirty. [3] A comfortable, homespun robe puddles nicely on the ground. A small dirty red cap lies here at your feet. An earring made from a crow's feather has been dropped here. [2] A iron short sword has been discarded here. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. A small ball of spines is here, hiding in the grass. (Charmed) A frail accordionist is here looking for his monkey. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. An old man is here 'watching' the boats. The trail to your prey leads west. It is relatively good. (HP:408 MA:34 MV:698 Standing)> [Chat] Herra: Delandel you died and then interfered again (HP:408 MA:34 MV:698 Standing)> [Chat] Rahvin: ? (HP:408 MA:34 MV:698 Standing)> lo A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the west, looking everywhere for something more to have. (HP:408 MA:35 MV:700 Standing)> w A Rocky Beach [Exits: e w] A roll of bandages sits here, getting dirty. [3] A comfortable, homespun robe puddles nicely on the ground. A small dirty red cap lies here at your feet. An earring made from a crow's feather has been dropped here. [2] A iron short sword has been discarded here. An awkwardly-dressed "man" is here trying to hide the hair on his legs. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. A small ball of spines is here, hiding in the grass. (Charmed) A frail accordionist is here looking for his monkey. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. An old man is here 'watching' the boats. The trail to your prey leads west. It is relatively good. (HP:408 MA:35 MV:700 Standing)> [Chat] Deck: You! A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard leaves east, seeking to acquire more and more. The Fomori Camp [Exits: n e w] An angelica plant is here, looking like hugely overgrown celery. A small field mouse scurries by. A squirrel scampers up a tree with a nut in its mouth. The trail to your prey leads north. It is easily seen. (HP:408 MA:35 MV:697 Standing)> w w [Chat]: Sapphire snickers at Nop nastily. (HP:407 MA:65 MV:683 Standing)> A Game Trail In The Forest [Exits: s w d] A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A bit of paper has been left here. A few vines of maroon morning glories have been trained up a wooden pole. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. (HP:407 MA:65 MV:680 Standing)> clear lo Input buffer cleared. (HP:407 MA:65 MV:681 Standing)> s A Game Trail In The Forest [Exits: s w d] A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A bit of paper has been left here. A few vines of maroon morning glories have been trained up a wooden pole. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. (HP:407 MA:65 MV:681 Standing)> Skipping and screeching, Gaia enters from the south. Moy Tura [Exits: n e s] An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here. The trail to your prey leads east. It is fresh. (HP:407 MA:66 MV:677 Standing)> e A Wooded Dell [Exits: n e s w u] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. The corpse of Rahvin is lying here. Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. A tall spike of red-violet flowers is growing here. A broken medallion sits here. A small field mouse scurries by. A squirrel scampers up a tree with a nut in its mouth. The trail to your prey leads east. It is very fresh. (HP:407 MA:66 MV:674 Standing)> e A Wolf's Den [Exits: e s w] The corpse of a wolf is lying here. [2] A blue-violet flower shaped like a monk's hood grows in a moist patch here. A small field mouse scurries by. The trail to your prey leads south. It is very fresh. (HP:407 MA:66 MV:672 Standing)> [Chat] Herra: yea right we repented Rahvin's death and he didnt come back an interfere (HP:407 MA:66 MV:673 Standing)> s The Fomori Camp [Exits: n e w] An angelica plant is here, looking like hugely overgrown celery. A small field mouse scurries by. A squirrel scampers up a tree with a nut in its mouth. The trail to your prey leads east. It is very fresh. (HP:407 MA:66 MV:671 Standing)> scan e You see: Immediately east : a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard Immediately east : a grubby child Immediately east : the hedgehog Immediately east : Flaco (HP:407 MA:66 MV:672 Standing)> [Chat] Nop: Well, he prolly didn't want a multi. (HP:407 MA:67 MV:674 Standing)> e chant guh lak vya ex doc A Rocky Beach [Exits: e w] A roll of bandages sits here, getting dirty. [3] A comfortable, homespun robe puddles nicely on the ground. A small dirty red cap lies here at your feet. An earring made from a crow's feather has been dropped here. [2] A iron short sword has been discarded here. An awkwardly-dressed "man" is here trying to hide the hair on his legs. A scrawny, dirt-covered whining brat is here. A small ball of spines is here, hiding in the grass. (Charmed) Flaco is paralyzed. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. An old man is here 'watching' the boats. You have found your prey! (HP:407 MA:67 MV:671 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard sneaks up behind Flaco and places His probe in his back. Flaco stares at you blankly, paralyzed and unable to move. (HP:407 MA:67 MV:671 Standing)> Chanting the words 'guh lak vya ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You fade into existence. You stun a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard with a powerful blast of Power! (HP:407 MA:32 MV:671 Standing)> You quickly attack 9 times and hit 8 times. You send a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard to the grave with your mighty crush. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is stunned, but will probably recover. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is DYING. (HP:407 MA:32 MV:671 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard kicks you in the chest. (HP:376 MA:32 MV:672 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You send a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard to the grave with your mighty crush. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is DEAD!! take coins corpse You receive 9800 experience, your share of 19600. [Info]: Flaco just sent DoC to a sneak preview of Paradise! You hear a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard's death cry. (HP:376 MA:32 MV:672 Standing)> (HP:376 MA:32 MV:673 Standing)> That's not yours! (HP:376 MA:32 MV:673 Standing)> Flaco slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. (HP:376 MA:32 MV:674 Standing)> hunt her You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads west. It is relatively good. (HP:376 MA:32 MV:674 Standing)> w The Fomori Camp [Exits: n e w] An angelica plant is here, looking like hugely overgrown celery. A small field mouse scurries by. A squirrel scampers up a tree with a nut in its mouth. The trail to your prey leads north. It is easily seen. Flaco has arrived from the east. (HP:376 MA:33 MV:672 Standing)> n A Wolf's Den [Exits: e s w] The corpse of a wolf is lying here. [2] A blue-violet flower shaped like a monk's hood grows in a moist patch here. A small field mouse scurries by. The trail to your prey leads west. It is easily seen. Flaco has arrived from the south. (HP:376 MA:33 MV:669 Standing)> w A Wooded Dell [Exits: n e s w u] The corpse of a wild boar is lying here. The corpse of Rahvin is lying here. Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here. A tall spike of red-violet flowers is growing here. A broken medallion sits here. A small field mouse scurries by. A squirrel scampers up a tree with a nut in its mouth. The trail to your prey leads west. It is fresh. Flaco has arrived from the east. (HP:376 MA:33 MV:665 Standing)> w [Chat] Delandel: are you saying I interfered herra? A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard arrives from the west, looking everywhere for something more to have. Under A Stone Dolmen [Exits: n e s] A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. You catch the odor of something unpleasant growing here. A bit of paper has been left here. A small hairy creature with a HUGE nose glares at you from the corner. A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. The trail to your prey leads south. It is very fresh. Flaco has arrived from the east. (HP:376 MA:33 MV:656 Standing)> s [Chat] Glip: hey jamicaman? come out and play (HP:376 MA:33 MV:656 Standing)> [Info] Sapphire: down with the IRA! (HP:376 MA:33 MV:656 Standing)> A Path Through The Wood [Exits: n s w] A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A bit of paper has been left here. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. A small ball of spines is here, hiding in the grass. A squirrel scampers up a tree with a nut in its mouth. The trail to your prey leads south. It is very fresh. Flaco has arrived from the north. (HP:376 MA:33 MV:653 Standing)> s In The Druid Compound [Exits: n s w] A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A bit of paper has been left here. [2] An unassuming roadside weed here has the odor of dirty socks. A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. Herra is standing here. A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. [2] You have found your prey! Flaco has arrived from the north. (HP:376 MA:33 MV:651 Standing)> bsa her Huh? (HP:376 MA:33 MV:652 Standing)> Herra bounces away north, grinning from ear to ear. (HP:376 MA:33 MV:652 Standing)> bas n Bash whom? (HP:376 MA:33 MV:652 Standing)> A Path Through The Wood [Exits: n s w] A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A bit of paper has been left here. Herra is standing here. An invading Fomori warrior stumbles around completely confused by the wilderness. A small ball of spines is here, hiding in the grass. A squirrel scampers up a tree with a nut in its mouth. Flaco has arrived from the south. (HP:376 MA:33 MV:649 Standing)> bas her Herra bounces away south, grinning from ear to ear. They're not here. (HP:376 MA:33 MV:650 Standing)> s bas her Herra arrives from the south with a smile on her face. (HP:376 MA:34 MV:651 Standing)> Herra withdraws inward and begins chanting under her breath. In The Druid Compound [Exits: n s w] A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A bit of paper has been left here. [2] An unassuming roadside weed here has the odor of dirty socks. A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. [2] Flaco has arrived from the north. (HP:376 MA:34 MV:648 Standing)> They're not here. (HP:376 MA:34 MV:648 Standing)> [Chat]: Madsen waves hello to the world! (HP:376 MA:34 MV:648 Standing)> bas bas her bas her bas her bas her [Chat]: Rahvin gives JamaciaMan a huge bearhug - your ribs ache in sympathy. (HP:376 MA:34 MV:648 Standing)> bas her bas her Bash whom? (HP:376 MA:34 MV:649 Standing)> Herra arrives from the north with a smile on her face. (HP:376 MA:34 MV:649 Standing)> You send Herra sprawling with a powerful bash. (HP:376 MA:34 MV:649 Standing)> (HP:376 MA:34 MV:649 Standing)> You quickly attack 9 times and hit 8 times. You decimate Herra with your powerful crush! Herra is covered in blood. Herra quickly attacks 12 times and hits 11 times. You parry an attack from Herra! Herra pulverizes you with her pierce. Poison courses through your veins! You block Herra's pierce. (HP:359 MA:34 MV:649 Standing)> [Chat] Rahvin: salute jamaciamam (HP:359 MA:34 MV:649 Standing)> o all kil her (HP:359 MA:34 MV:650 Standing)> [Chat]: Rahvin salutes JamaciaMan briskly. Why don't people obey YOU like that? (HP:359 MA:34 MV:650 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You obliterate Herra with your horrific crush! Herra blocks your crush. Herra is leaking guts. Herra quickly attacks and hits 11 times. Herra pierces you extremely hard. You block Herra's pierce. (HP:346 MA:34 MV:650 Standing)> Herra springs back to her feet, ready to meet your attack. (HP:346 MA:34 MV:650 Standing)> Herra withdraws inward and begins chanting under her breath. Flames leap out of the air and explode around Flaco! Flaco is immolated by the flames and nothing is left but ash... You hear Flaco's death cry. Flaco stops following you. Flaco leaves your group. (HP:346 MA:34 MV:650 Standing)> [Chat]: Rahvin nods to himself - he must be getting senile. (HP:346 MA:34 MV:650 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You obliterate Herra with your horrific crush! Herra is almost dead. Herra quickly attacks 12 times and hits 10 times. Herra pulverizes you with her pierce. You block Herra's pierce. (HP:329 MA:34 MV:651 Standing)> Your bash sends Herra flying to the ground! (HP:329 MA:34 MV:651 Standing)> bas (HP:329 MA:34 MV:651 Standing)> clear Input buffer cleared. (HP:329 MA:34 MV:651 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You decimate Herra with your powerful crush! Herra blocks your crush. Herra is DYING. Herra quickly attacks 11 times and hits 10 times. Herra massacres you with her pierce. You block Herra's pierce. (HP:314 MA:34 MV:651 Standing)> Herra suffers from her bleeding wounds. You are starving. get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag You slowly begin to feel the heat again. Your black aura breaks into a thousand tiny pieces and disappears. You feel the poison burning in your blood. (HP:309 MA:34 MV:652 Standing)> (HP:309 MA:34 MV:653 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You send Herra to the grave with your mighty crush. Herra is DEAD!! take coins corpse You receive 19550 experience. [Info]: Flaco just slaughtered Herra. You hear Herra's death cry. (HP:309 MA:35 MV:653 Standing)> [Info] Flaco: wheeee (HP:309 MA:65 MV:655 Standing)> Input buffer cleared. (HP:309 MA:65 MV:655 Standing)> Sapphire tells you, '*cheer*' (HP:309 MA:65 MV:655 Standing)> A sheep lifts its head and proclaims decisively, 'Baaaaaa!' (HP:309 MA:65 MV:656 Standing)> [Info] Herra: bitch, had to have your pal cheat (HP:309 MA:65 MV:657 Standing)> [Info] Delandel: Yay (HP:309 MA:65 MV:657 Standing)> [Info]: Romeo rises one notch higher in the world! [Info]: Honor is another rung higher on the ladder of experience! (HP:309 MA:65 MV:657 Standing)> [Info] Tegid: Woohoo:) (HP:309 MA:65 MV:657 Standing)> [Info]: Herra rolls around on the ground with laughter. (HP:309 MA:65 MV:658 Standing)> [Info] Krynn: damn i'm good :) [Info] Honor: whoo! (HP:309 MA:66 MV:659 Standing)> Glip wanders in from the south, looking like he's not slept in ages. (HP:309 MA:66 MV:659 Standing)> [Info] Romeo: Kick Azz (HP:309 MA:66 MV:660 Standing)> info heh [Info]: LittlePiff cheers wildly! (HP:309 MA:66 MV:660 Standing)> [Info] Flaco: heh (HP:309 MA:66 MV:660 Standing)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks enters from the north, spinning in slow circles and mumbling. Glip giggles. (HP:309 MA:66 MV:661 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows glides in smoothly from the north with the grace of a courtier. (HP:309 MA:66 MV:661 Standing)> You feel a sudden pain as somebody places the Wrath of JAH in your back. (HP:238 MA:66 MV:661 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows gracefully walks off south, bowing his head slightly as he goes. (HP:238 MA:66 MV:661 Standing)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks quickly attacks 9 times and hits 7 times. You parry an attack from a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks wounds you with his critical hit! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks demolishes you with his pierce! (HP:215 MA:66 MV:661 Standing)> st chant guh lak vya ex You are already standing. (HP:215 MA:66 MV:661 Standing)> Chanting the words 'guh lak vya ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You try to stun a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks but fail, your power surging back into you. (HP:215 MA:49 MV:661 Standing)> You quickly attack 9 times and hit 7 times. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks parries one of your attacks! You crush a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks extremely hard. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks blocks your crush. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks is slightly scratched. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. You parry an attack from a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks massacres you with his pierce. [Info]: Herra was just massacred by the pookah. (HP:201 MA:49 MV:662 Standing)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks fires his AK-47 signed by Che at you! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks's shot leaves a nasty puncture wound in your flesh. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks's shot sends you sprawling. st (HP:181 MA:49 MV:662 Sitting)> [Chat] DoC: bah parad wrong flaco (HP:181 MA:49 MV:662 Sitting)> Glip leaps into the fray and rescues you! (HP:181 MA:49 MV:662 Sitting)> (HP:181 MA:49 MV:662 Sitting)> st [Info] Rahvin: was fun (HP:181 MA:49 MV:662 Sitting)> chant guh lak vya ex Tegid strolls in from the north, shrouded in mystery. (HP:181 MA:49 MV:663 Sitting)> (HP:181 MA:49 MV:663 Sitting)> [Chat] Delandel: Did anybody see me die on info???? (HP:181 MA:49 MV:663 Sitting)> Glip quickly attacks and hits 9 times. Glip obliterates a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks with his horrific sting! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks panics, and attempts to flee. Listing slightly to one side, a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks stumbles off west. (HP:181 MA:49 MV:663 Sitting)> Glip uses his rich voice and persuasive manner to inspire everyone to battle! (HP:181 MA:50 MV:663 Sitting)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks fires his AK-47 signed by Che at you! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks's shot leaves a nasty puncture wound in your flesh. You stand up. You rush at a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks and attack! The Apprentice Hall [Exits: n e] A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A bit of paper has been left here. A tall figure with dreadlocks and a joint stands pondering the many uses of C4. A young boy in a black homespun robe dawdles while doing some task for his master. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here observing the trees. (HP:151 MA:50 MV:662 Standing)> You are already standing. (HP:151 MA:50 MV:662 Standing)> n You are already standing. (HP:151 MA:50 MV:662 Standing)> Chanting the words 'guh lak vya ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You stun a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks with a powerful blast of Power! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks looks worse for the wear, and might never wake up. (HP:151 MA:15 MV:662 Standing)> You quickly attack 9 times and hit 8 times. You rip a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks to shreds with your amazing crush! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks is stunned, but will probably recover. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks has some cuts. You are starving. get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag You feel your protection from fire fade. You feel the poison burning in your blood. (HP:147 MA:15 MV:662 Standing)> (HP:147 MA:15 MV:662 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin strides in from the east, his face twisted into a cold, cruel smile. (HP:147 MA:15 MV:662 Standing)> [Chat] DoC: yah (HP:147 MA:15 MV:662 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin gets a grinning, empty-eyed skull from a belt-pouch. (HP:147 MA:15 MV:662 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin puts a grinning, empty-eyed skull in a belt-pouch. (HP:147 MA:15 MV:662 Standing)> You quickly attack 8 times and hit 6 times. You decimate a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks with your powerful crush! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks is stunned, but will probably recover. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks has several wounds. (HP:147 MA:15 MV:663 Standing)> st [Chat] Rahvin: yea (HP:147 MA:15 MV:663 Standing)> (HP:147 MA:15 MV:663 Standing)> No way, you are fighting! (HP:147 MA:15 MV:663 Standing)> You get a magickal cast iron cauldron from a deerskin bag. (HP:147 MA:15 MV:663 Standing)> You can't do that while you're fighting! Corcaighe leaves east. You quickly attack 8 times and hit 5 times. You obliterate a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks with your horrific crush! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his head. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks panics, and attempts to flee. Listing slightly to one side, a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks stumbles off north. (HP:147 MA:15 MV:663 Standing)> bas Your container is full. (HP:147 MA:15 MV:663 Standing)> [Chat] Delandel: twice? High Lord Rahvin laughs with amusement. You put a magickal cast iron cauldron in a deerskin bag. (HP:147 MA:15 MV:663 Standing)> You are already standing. (HP:147 MA:15 MV:663 Standing)> bsa A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks enters from the north, spinning in slow circles and mumbling. Bash whom? (HP:147 MA:15 MV:663 Standing)> bsa Huh? (HP:147 MA:15 MV:664 Standing)> bsa Huh? (HP:147 MA:15 MV:664 Standing)> Huh? (HP:147 MA:15 MV:664 Standing)> You feel a sudden pain as somebody places the Wrath of JAH in your back. (HP:79 MA:16 MV:665 Standing)> bas hja bas They're not here. (HP:79 MA:16 MV:665 Standing)> Your bash sends a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks flying to the ground! (HP:79 MA:16 MV:666 Standing)> clea You quickly attack 8 times and hit 6 times. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks parries one of your attacks! The Wrath of JAH is damaged as it is hit! You demolish a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks with your crush! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks blocks your crush. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks has many nasty wounds. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks quickly attacks 9 times and hits 8 times. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks pierces you extremely hard. You can't take much more of this! You block a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks's pierce. (HP:68 MA:16 MV:666 Standing)> (HP:68 MA:16 MV:666 Standing)> [Info] Romeo: Im 50 now woohoooo (HP:68 MA:16 MV:666 Standing)> t glip get him now [Chat]: Sapphire nods her agreement with Delandel. (HP:68 MA:16 MV:666 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You decimate a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks with your powerful crush! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks blocks your crush. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks is bleeding freely. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks pulverizes you with his pierce. You can't take much more of this! You block a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks's pierce. (HP:52 MA:16 MV:666 Standing)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks slowly gets back to his feet. (HP:52 MA:16 MV:667 Standing)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks fires his AK-47 signed by Che at you! Waves of pain course through your body as a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks's shot tears your flesh. (HP:33 MA:16 MV:667 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You demolish a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks with your crush! A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks panics, and attempts to flee. Listing slightly to one side, a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks stumbles off north. (HP:33 MA:16 MV:667 Standing)> fle (HP:33 MA:16 MV:667 Standing)> Herra tells you, 'you guys were so done had delandel not blinded everyone' Huh? (HP:33 MA:16 MV:668 Standing)> You tell Glip, 'get him now' (HP:33 MA:16 MV:668 Standing)> You panic, and attempt to flee. In The Druid Compound [Exits: n s w] The corpse of Herra is lying here. The corpse of an accordion player is lying here. A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A bit of paper has been left here. [2] An unassuming roadside weed here has the odor of dirty socks. A sturdy town well stands here amid a clutter of buckets. Fenix is standing here. A man dressed in deep green robes stands here observing the trees. Herra is standing here. Glip is standing here. A cute woolly sheep grazes here hungrily. A piglet is timidly poking its snout around in search of food. [2] (HP:33 MA:16 MV:665 Standing)> e s Fenix departs south, smirking to himself about some diabolical scheme. Alas, you cannot go that way. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:666 Standing)> s s s Beneath A Giant Oak [Exits: n e s w u] A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A bit of paper has been left here. Fenix is standing here. A balding man in a brown homespun robe harrumphs noisily at you. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:663 Standing)> [Info] Deck: You cheater Romeo! (HP:33 MA:17 MV:663 Standing)> n Fenix departs up, smirking to himself about some diabolical scheme. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:663 Standing)> The Corral [Exits: n e s] A bit of paper has been left here. A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:661 Standing)> n (HP:33 MA:17 MV:661 Standing)> e A Sheep Meadow [Exits: n e s w] A bunch of club-shaped leaves grow among the grasses. A bit of paper has been left here. A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A spindly little creature with a toothy mouth and splayed claws glares at you from behind a pile of twigs. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:658 Standing)> [Info] Nop: I live in fear of Romeo. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:658 Standing)> A Sheep Meadow [Exits: n e s w] A bunch of club-shaped leaves grow among the grasses. A bit of paper has been left here. A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A spindly little creature with a toothy mouth and splayed claws glares at you from behind a pile of twigs. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:655 Standing)> The Corral [Exits: n e s] A bit of paper has been left here. A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:652 Standing)> Beneath A Giant Oak [Exits: n e s w u] A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A bit of paper has been left here. A balding man in a brown homespun robe harrumphs noisily at you. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:649 Standing)> Before A Small Altar [Exits: w] A vial containing a clear liquid has been dropped here. A glass vial containing a greenish-clear liquid has been dropped here. A glass vial containing a pungent clear liquid has been dropped here. A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard is resting here. Tegid is resting here. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows is resting here. Kilrain is standing here. A young boy in a black homespun robe dawdles while doing some task for his master. A man dressed in deep green robes studies the earth beneath his feet. A zombie of Victor Laszlo is sleeping here. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:646 Standing)> Kilrain looks at you. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:648 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin strides in from the west, his face twisted into a cold, cruel smile. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:648 Standing)> rep [Info] Tegid: There should be more 3 on 3's that was fun. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:648 Standing)> You report: 33/728 hp 17/550 mana 648/726 mv. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:648 Standing)> [Info] Deck: You used the 'kill stuff and get xp' bug! (HP:33 MA:17 MV:649 Standing)> Herra arrives from the west with a smile on her face. Drakkon arrives from the west with a look of regret on his face. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:649 Standing)> With a sneer, High Lord Rahvin turns on his heel and walks away west. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:649 Standing)> Kilrain chuckles politely. (HP:33 MA:17 MV:650 Standing)> Tegid throws his head back and cackles with insane glee! (HP:33 MA:18 MV:650 Standing)> [Info] Nop: Now get those redemption points and string yourself silly! (HP:33 MA:18 MV:651 Standing)> get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag [Info] Krynn: blah, i did most of the work for him (HP:33 MA:18 MV:651 Standing)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks enters from the west, spinning in slow circles and mumbling. (HP:33 MA:18 MV:652 Standing)> You get a magickal cast iron cauldron from a deerskin bag. (HP:33 MA:18 MV:652 Standing)> You are too full to drink any more. (HP:33 MA:18 MV:652 Standing)> Your container is full. (HP:33 MA:18 MV:652 Standing)> You put a magickal cast iron cauldron in a deerskin bag. (HP:33 MA:18 MV:652 Standing)> Drakkon kisses Herra. (HP:33 MA:18 MV:652 Standing)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks says dazedly to you, 'Poo.' (HP:33 MA:18 MV:654 Standing)> Herra kisses Drakkon passionately. (HP:33 MA:18 MV:654 Standing)> Boss toddles in from the west, looking precocious. Glip wanders in from the west, looking like he's not slept in ages. (HP:33 MA:18 MV:654 Standing)> tic jama You tickle him. (HP:33 MA:18 MV:655 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin strides in from the west, his face twisted into a cold, cruel smile. (HP:33 MA:18 MV:655 Standing)> Herra says, eyes twinkling, 'Get them.' Tegid pukes. Drakkon gives Herra a warm and loving embrace, how sweet! (HP:33 MA:18 MV:656 Standing)> 'And what the fuck is with glip?' a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks says, somewhat dazed, to you. High Lord Rahvin sits down and rests. (HP:33 MA:18 MV:656 Standing)> 'Those cheaters,' Herra says cheerfully. (HP:33 MA:19 MV:657 Standing)> Glip withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks causes the light to envelop him, and suddenly him is gone. (HP:33 MA:19 MV:657 Standing)> Herra giggles. (HP:33 MA:19 MV:657 Standing)> [Chat] Delandel: that was fun (HP:33 MA:19 MV:657 Standing)> 'Wasup dude,' High Lord Rahvin says, triumphant and cruel, to Drakkon. (HP:33 MA:19 MV:658 Standing)> Glip leaves west, unable to rest or relax. (HP:33 MA:19 MV:658 Standing)> say who cheated? I didn't Drakkon says regretfully to High Lord Rahvin, 'Not much yo.' (HP:33 MA:19 MV:660 Standing)> 'Who cheated?' you say. 'I didn't.' (HP:33 MA:19 MV:660 Standing)> Herra withdraws inward and begins chanting under her breath. (HP:33 MA:19 MV:660 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows says, in a voice smooth and courtly, to Herra, 'Who cheated?' (HP:33 MA:19 MV:661 Standing)> Tegid says, looking mysterious, 'Noone cheated.' (HP:33 MA:20 MV:663 Standing)> 'Yo,' Herra says cheerfully to a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. (HP:33 MA:20 MV:663 Standing)> 'You,' Herra says cheerfully to a solemn knight cloaked in shadows. (HP:33 MA:20 MV:664 Standing)> say I don't know what your talking about, but I have it logged High Lord Rahvin stands up. You say, 'I don't know what your talking about, but I have it logged.' (HP:33 MA:20 MV:665 Standing)> You are starving. get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag You feel the poison burning in your blood. (HP:30 MA:20 MV:665 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows says in a courtly fashion to Herra, 'When?' Dermot shrugs helplessly. Dermot says to you, 'Perhaps another time then.' (HP:30 MA:20 MV:665 Standing)> 'Just here to beat up some good guys :P,' Drakkon says regretfully. (HP:30 MA:20 MV:665 Standing)> You get a magickal cast iron cauldron from a deerskin bag. (HP:30 MA:20 MV:666 Standing)> You drink water from a magickal cast iron cauldron. Looks like that was the last of it. You do not feel as thirsty. Your mind feels refreshed. (HP:30 MA:50 MV:666 Standing)> You fill a magickal cast iron cauldron from a jug of water. (HP:30 MA:50 MV:666 Standing)> You put a magickal cast iron cauldron in a deerskin bag. (HP:30 MA:50 MV:666 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin gets a grinning, empty-eyed skull from a belt-pouch. (HP:30 MA:50 MV:666 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin drinks from a grinning, empty-eyed skull. (HP:30 MA:50 MV:666 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin fills a grinning, empty-eyed skull from a fine china teapot. (HP:30 MA:50 MV:666 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin puts a grinning, empty-eyed skull in a belt-pouch. (HP:30 MA:50 MV:666 Standing)> With a sneer, High Lord Rahvin turns on his heel and walks away west. (HP:30 MA:50 MV:666 Standing)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks enters from the west, spinning in slow circles and mumbling. (HP:30 MA:50 MV:667 Standing)> Herra says cheerfully to a solemn knight cloaked in shadows, 'You came back and interfered after you died.' (HP:30 MA:51 MV:668 Standing)> 'Christ almighty, wtf is with glip?' a pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks says dazedly. Herra says happily, 'When you die you are out.' (HP:30 MA:51 MV:670 Standing)> say I didn't need to cheat...if he jumped back in, kill him again 'I didn't need to cheat...if he jumped back in, kill him again,' you say. An apprentice druid leaves west. (HP:30 MA:51 MV:671 Standing)> 'I didn't die,' a solemn knight cloaked in shadows says, in a voice smooth and courtly, to Herra. (HP:30 MA:51 MV:671 Standing)> say no sweat off my back 'No sweat off my back,' you say. (HP:30 MA:51 MV:672 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard says, full of avarice, 'Yes you did.' (HP:30 MA:52 MV:674 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows says in a courtly fashion to you, 'Look at your log I didn't die.' (HP:30 MA:52 MV:675 Standing)> 'I was blind, I couldnt see anything,' Herra says, eyes twinkling. (HP:30 MA:52 MV:675 Standing)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks carefully unrolls a strip of gauze from a roll of gauze. (HP:30 MA:52 MV:676 Standing)> Tegid gets Suger's chalice from a holster belt. (HP:30 MA:52 MV:677 Standing)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks puts a strip of gauze on his wounds. His bleeding is staunched. Tegid drinks from Suger's chalice. (HP:30 MA:52 MV:677 Standing)> Tegid fills Suger's chalice from a leather waterskin. (HP:30 MA:52 MV:677 Standing)> Tegid puts Suger's chalice in a holster belt. (HP:30 MA:52 MV:677 Standing)> 'I KILLED YOU,' Herra says cheerfully. (HP:30 MA:52 MV:678 Standing)> 'Kicked you,' Herra says, eyes twinkling. (HP:30 MA:52 MV:678 Standing)> say I will look 'I will look,' you say. (HP:30 MA:53 MV:679 Standing)> 'Check the log he did,' a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard says, rubbing hands together greedily. 'It said you sent me to the grave but I didn't go back to an inn didn't reclaim my stuff,' a solemn knight cloaked in shadows says in a courtly fashion. (HP:30 MA:53 MV:680 Standing)> [Auction] Deck: Wtb: ANOTHER nickel-plated .45 -- One that DOEN'T explode after 8 shots. (HP:30 MA:53 MV:681 Standing)> 'You died, you check YOUR LOG,' Herra says, eyes twinkling. (HP:30 MA:53 MV:682 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows says fluently, 'There is only ONE CORPSE of me.' (HP:30 MA:53 MV:682 Standing)> [Auction]: Sapphire laughs with amusement. (HP:30 MA:53 MV:683 Standing)> say that was his dopp 'When you killed me,' a solemn knight cloaked in shadows says, in a voice smooth and courtly. (HP:30 MA:54 MV:685 Standing)> You say, 'That was his dopp.' (HP:30 MA:54 MV:685 Standing)> 'Oh ya,' a solemn knight cloaked in shadows says, in a voice smooth and courtly. (HP:30 MA:54 MV:687 Standing)> Kilrain gets a new scroll from a battered leather backpack. (HP:30 MA:54 MV:687 Standing)> 'How come I saw an info?' Herra says, eyes twinkling. (HP:30 MA:54 MV:690 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows says in a courtly fashion, 'I had a dop at crossroads.' (HP:30 MA:54 MV:690 Standing)> [Auction]: Sabin waves red boots with silver stars. (HP:30 MA:55 MV:690 Standing)> A solemn knight cloaked in shadows says fluently, 'Around there.' (HP:30 MA:55 MV:691 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin strides in from the west, his face twisted into a cold, cruel smile. (HP:30 MA:55 MV:692 Standing)> [Auction] Nop: MB? (HP:30 MA:55 MV:692 Standing)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard says greedily, 'I saw an info too.' (HP:30 MA:55 MV:692 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin sits down and rests. (HP:30 MA:55 MV:693 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin stands up. (HP:30 MA:55 MV:693 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:30 MA:55 MV:693 Standing)> 'I killed you over by the hall,' Herra says happily. (HP:30 MA:55 MV:693 Standing)> Herra says cheerfully, 'So BS.' (HP:30 MA:55 MV:693 Standing)> st chant kere drva vant ex The slate grey evening sky looks unpromising. High Lord Rahvin suffers from his bleeding wounds. You are starving. get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag You feel the poison burning in your blood. (HP:24 MA:55 MV:694 Standing)> use balm self [Auction] Powers: stats? (HP:24 MA:55 MV:694 Standing)> [Auction] Sabin: anyone need? (HP:24 MA:55 MV:694 Standing)> You are already standing. (HP:24 MA:55 MV:695 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin gets a grinning, empty-eyed skull from a belt-pouch. (HP:24 MA:55 MV:695 Standing)> Chanting the words 'kere drva vant ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You have created a vial of greenish-blue healing balm. (HP:24 MA:31 MV:695 Standing)> Tegid says enigmatically, 'The info was later in the fight.' High Lord Rahvin puts a grinning, empty-eyed skull in a belt-pouch. (HP:24 MA:31 MV:695 Standing)> 'I saw 1 info,' a solemn knight cloaked in shadows says, in a voice smooth and courtly, to a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard. (HP:24 MA:31 MV:695 Standing)> 'Remember when i parad?' a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard says, full of avarice. (HP:24 MA:31 MV:696 Standing)> 'I saw an info,' Herra says happily. You get a magickal cast iron cauldron from a deerskin bag. (HP:24 MA:32 MV:696 Standing)> You are too full to drink any more. (HP:24 MA:32 MV:696 Standing)> Your container is full. (HP:24 MA:32 MV:696 Standing)> You put a magickal cast iron cauldron in a deerskin bag. (HP:24 MA:32 MV:696 Standing)> You use a vile vial of balm. You slowly apply the vile vial of balm to yourself. It feels warm and nice. (HP:24 MA:32 MV:696 Standing)> re 'Why the heck would I cheat,' a solemn knight cloaked in shadows says in a courtly fashion. (HP:24 MA:32 MV:697 Standing)> (HP:24 MA:32 MV:697 Standing)> High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:24 MA:32 MV:697 Standing)> [Auction] Sapphire: what? (HP:24 MA:32 MV:697 Standing)> stat You sit down and rest your tired bones. (HP:24 MA:32 MV:698 Resting)> Your status: Condition: full of liquid, starving, bleeding, burned. You are affected by: healing balm poison bless strength (HP:24 MA:32 MV:698 Resting)> 'Then we kicked the crap out of him,' a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard says, rubbing hands together greedily. (HP:24 MA:32 MV:699 Resting)> Glip wanders in from the west, looking like he's not slept in ages. (HP:24 MA:32 MV:699 Resting)> High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:24 MA:33 MV:700 Resting)> tic gli Glip says restlessly, 'Bah.' (HP:24 MA:33 MV:702 Resting)> 'Yes that's when you killed me,' a solemn knight cloaked in shadows says in a courtly fashion to a crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard. You tickle him. (HP:24 MA:33 MV:702 Resting)> High Lord Rahvin withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. (HP:24 MA:33 MV:704 Resting)> [Auction] Nop: Need is such an imprecise word. I would like it. (HP:24 MA:33 MV:705 Resting)> Glip giggles. (HP:24 MA:33 MV:707 Resting)> 'Near corentinus,' a solemn knight cloaked in shadows says, in a voice smooth and courtly. (HP:24 MA:34 MV:708 Resting)> A crossdressing tramp with a scruffy beard says, rubbing hands together greedily, 'Then you came back.' (HP:24 MA:34 MV:708 Resting)> High Lord Rahvin sits down and rests. (HP:24 MA:34 MV:708 Resting)> 'He died in the same room I did in rb,' Tegid says enigmatically. 'Not here in eire.' (HP:24 MA:34 MV:710 Resting)> Glip drops a bunch of slimy slugs. (HP:24 MA:34 MV:714 Resting)> Glip picks up a bunch of slimy slugs. (HP:24 MA:34 MV:714 Resting)> Glip gets some fenugreek leaves from a bunch of slimy slugs. Glip gets some fenugreek leaves from a bunch of slimy slugs. (HP:24 MA:34 MV:715 Resting)> Glip gets a roll of bandages from an oversized candy bag. (HP:24 MA:34 MV:715 Resting)> Glip carefully unrolls a cloth bandage from a roll of bandages. (HP:24 MA:34 MV:715 Resting)> [Auction] Sapphire: I like you Nop Glip puts a roll of bandages in an oversized candy bag. (HP:24 MA:34 MV:715 Resting)> Glip makes a poultice out of some fenugreek leaves. (HP:24 MA:34 MV:715 Resting)> High Lord Rahvin suffers from his bleeding wounds. You are starving. get chalice bag drink chalice fil chalice jug put chalice bag You don't feel quite as sick. You feel the poison burning in your blood. Glip suffers from his bleeding wounds. (HP:18 MA:35 MV:716 Resting)> High Lord Rahvin gets a grinning, empty-eyed skull from a belt-pouch. (HP:18 MA:35 MV:717 Resting)> High Lord Rahvin drinks from a grinning, empty-eyed skull. You get a magickal cast iron cauldron from a deerskin bag. Glip augments a poultice with some fenugreek leaves. (HP:18 MA:35 MV:717 Resting)> High Lord Rahvin fills a grinning, empty-eyed skull from a fine china teapot. You drink water from a magickal cast iron cauldron. Looks like that was the last of it. You do not feel as thirsty. Your mind feels refreshed. (HP:18 MA:65 MV:718 Resting)> ù High Lord Rahvin puts a grinning, empty-eyed skull in a belt-pouch. You fill a magickal cast iron cauldron from a jug of water. (HP:18 MA:65 MV:718 Resting)> You put a magickal cast iron cauldron in a deerskin bag. (HP:18 MA:65 MV:718 Resting)> Herra says, eyes twinkling, 'He died and came back andd interfered though.' (HP:18 MA:65 MV:718 Resting)> [Auction] Sabin: ok mb 10K (HP:18 MA:65 MV:718 Resting)> Glip puts an augmented cloth poultice on his wounds. His bleeding is staunched. (HP:18 MA:65 MV:719 Resting)> Herra says, eyes twinkling, 'And Flaco won because of it.' (HP:18 MA:65 MV:721 Resting)> [Auction] Nop: I don't like it that much. A solemn knight cloaked in shadows says in a courtly fashion, 'When?' (HP:18 MA:65 MV:724 Resting)> Herra says happily, 'We were going to rape you guys.' (HP:18 MA:66 MV:724 Resting)> Drakkon looks at you. (HP:18 MA:66 MV:726 Resting)> Tegid says mysteriously, 'I didn't see anyone cheat.' (HP:18 MA:66 MV:726 Resting)> A pot-smoking terrorist in dreadlocks says, somewhat dazed, to Glip, 'And who the fuck are you?' (HP:18 MA:66 MV:726 Resting)> Glip gets some fenugreek leaves from a bunch of slimy slugs. Glip gets some fenugreek leaves from a bunch of slimy slugs. (HP:18 MA:66 MV:726 Resting)> Glip gets a roll of bandages from an oversized candy bag. (HP:18 MA:66 MV:726 Resting)> Glip carefully unrolls a cloth bandage from a roll of bandages. (HP:18 MA:66 MV:726 Resting)> Glip puts a roll of bandages in an oversized candy bag. (HP:18 MA:66 MV:726 Resting)> Glip makes a poultice out of some fenugreek leaves. (HP:18 MA:66 MV:726 Resting)> High Lord Rahvin laughs with amusement. (HP:18 MA:66 MV:726 Resting)>