t dias ok lets go You tell Dias-Jax, 'ok lets go' ([GT 11:30 pm] HP:203/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùlo A Turn in the King's Road Here the King's road turns east and south. A sign points the way east to the town of Lincoln along a small cobblestone road. To the south, it leads through Sherwood Forest to London. [Exits: e s] A blackbird is here, chirping happily. The trail to your prey leads south. It is very fresh. A sad-faced fey assassin fires his nickel-plated .45 at you! A sad-faced fey assassin's shot leaves a nasty puncture wound in your flesh. The room wavers and grows dim, you black out. You are stunned, but will probably recover. ([GT 11:31 pm] HP:186/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:33 pm] HP:186/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:33 pm] HP:186/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:33 pm] HP:186/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:33 pm] HP:186/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:34 pm] HP:186/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ([GT 11:34 pm] HP:186/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:34 pm] HP:186/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:34 pm] HP:186/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:34 pm] HP:186/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:35 pm] HP:186/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù You are stunned, but will probably recover. ([GT 11:35 pm] HP:110/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:35 pm] HP:110/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ([GT 11:36 pm] HP:110/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578545 XP to Lvl:821455 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù A little dazed you wake and stand up. You panic, and attempt to flee. Entrance to Lincolnshire As you stand in the entrance to the small town of Lincoln, you receive mixed reactions from the locals. The merchant class is very glad to see you and all smile encouragingly at you, hoping you'll visit their store. The peasants look at you with disgust, hoping you'll leave soon and not drink the water. [Exits: e w] A blackbird is here, chirping happily. ([GT 11:36 pm] HP:82/203 MA:260/260 MV:287/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe Town Center The center of Lincoln is a sleepy little spot. People crowd around the well in the center of town to gossip and socialize. The locals are always complaining of the outsiders coming into town and drinking their well dry. The small shops and houses surrounding the town square look spartan but also well appointed. The locals don't suffer too much from the business brought by outsiders, except for their water supply. [Exits: n e s w] A low wooden well sits here, dry as a bone. A notice board has been erected here. ([GT 11:37 pm] HP:82/203 MA:260/260 MV:286/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùbackstab dias They're not here. ([GT 11:38 pm] HP:82/203 MA:260/260 MV:287/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùw Entrance to Lincolnshire As you stand in the entrance to the small town of Lincoln, you receive mixed reactions from the locals. The merchant class is very glad to see you and all smile encouragingly at you, hoping you'll visit their store. The peasants look at you with disgust, hoping you'll leave soon and not drink the water. [Exits: e w] A blackbird is here, chirping happily. ([GT 11:38 pm] HP:82/203 MA:260/260 MV:286/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùw A Turn in the King's Road Here the King's road turns east and south. A sign points the way east to the town of Lincoln along a small cobblestone road. To the south, it leads through Sherwood Forest to London. [Exits: e s] A young fey stands here, stark white hair enhancing his feverish glare. ([GT 11:38 pm] HP:82/203 MA:260/260 MV:283/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùbackstab dias You sneak up behind a sad-faced fey assassin and place a serpent's tooth in his back. You quickly attack 10 times and hit 7 times. A sad-faced fey assassin parries one of your attacks! You pierce a sad-faced fey assassin extremely hard. A sad-faced fey assassin blocks your pierce. A sad-faced fey assassin has several wounds. ([GT 11:39 pm] HP:82/203 MA:260/260 MV:284/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> A sad-faced fey assassin grabs you and smashes his thick skull into yours, knocking you down! ([GT 11:39 pm] HP:80/203 MA:260/260 MV:285/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:41 pm] HP:80/203 MA:260/260 MV:285/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù You are stunned, but will probably recover. A little dazed you wake and stand up. You panic, and attempt to flee. Entrance to Lincolnshire As you stand in the entrance to the small town of Lincoln, you receive mixed reactions from the locals. The merchant class is very glad to see you and all smile encouragingly at you, hoping you'll visit their store. The peasants look at you with disgust, hoping you'll leave soon and not drink the water. [Exits: e w] A blackbird is here, chirping happily. ([GT 11:42 pm] HP:57/203 MA:260/260 MV:283/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ([GT 11:42 pm] HP:57/203 MA:260/260 MV:284/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùshoot dias You fire your composite bow at a sad-faced fey assassin! Your composite bow is now empty. Your shot tears through a sad-faced fey assassin's flesh leaving a nasty ragged wound. ([GT 11:44 pm] HP:57/203 MA:260/260 MV:286/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> Almost unnoticed, a sad-faced fey assassin steps in quietly from the west. ([GT 11:45 pm] HP:58/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùreload bow quiver ([GT 11:46 pm] HP:58/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùw ([GT 11:47 pm] HP:58/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> A sad-faced fey assassin leaves west, sneaking off quietly. ([GT 11:47 pm] HP:58/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You reload a composite bow from a quiver of arrows. ([GT 11:48 pm] HP:58/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> A Turn in the King's Road Here the King's road turns east and south. A sign points the way east to the town of Lincoln along a small cobblestone road. To the south, it leads through Sherwood Forest to London. [Exits: e s] A local peasant is roaming here. ([GT 11:50 pm] HP:58/203 MA:260/260 MV:286/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùhunt dias You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. ([GT 11:51 pm] HP:58/203 MA:260/260 MV:287/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùs ([GT 11:51 pm] HP:58/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> On the King's Road Traffic is heavy here on the King's Road as peddlers, merchants, knights and other people go about their business, traveling between the larger towns. By the number of people here, there must be a large town nearby. [Exits: n s] A glint in the child's eye is the only warning of the mischief to come. A saxon outlaw is here, tracking the king's deer. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. ([GT 11:53 pm] HP:59/203 MA:260/260 MV:287/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùs On the King's Road The road is well traveled. You pass many people dressed in rich noble looking clothes as well as several peasants. The only group not in evidence are the foresters and outlaws that are said to be patrolling the area. You caution yourself to remember, that just because you don't see them... [Exits: n s] Missy-Cat glances timidly at you with great yellow eyes. A country maid is daydreaming as she walks along here. The trail to your prey leads south. It is fresh. ([GT 11:54 pm] HP:59/203 MA:260/260 MV:287/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> A country maid curtseys before you gracefully - isn't she charming? A country maid says to you, 'Good morrow, good Sir.' A country maid blushes bright red. ([GT 11:54 pm] HP:59/203 MA:260/260 MV:287/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùs On the King's Road The forest is dense and enclosing here. The undergrowth hasn't been cleared from the sides of the road for a long time. The heavy cobblestones tend to keep the roadway itself clear, but even small grasses and weeds have begun to sprout between the cracks. The silence here is disturbing; perhaps you might find solace in the little square church to the east. [Exits: n e s] A small fuzzy brown bunny sits here eating a blade of grass. [2] A swallow is here, chirping happily. The trail to your prey leads south. It is very fresh. ([GT 11:54 pm] HP:59/203 MA:260/260 MV:286/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùs A swallow leaves south. ([GT 11:55 pm] HP:59/203 MA:260/260 MV:286/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> An Intersection The small dirt road that leads west into Sherwood Forest and north to Lincolnshire intersects with the King's Road. The forest is just beginning to thicken here, but the way south looks clearer. To the east in Nottingham, the keep has become the headquarters for Master Monceux and his Norman soldiers. You keep a look out, for it is common knowledge that the outlaw Will o' the Green and his band of men roam Sherwood Forest asking a toll from those wishing to pass through. [Exits: n e s w] A swallow is here, chirping happily. A movement in the shadows draws your attention to a dark-skinned rogue. One of the King's prized stags is here grazing. A forester stands here, arms akimbo, blocking your passage. [2] A tall forester is here, demanding you pay him a toll. Will o' the Green says to you, 'In order to pass, ye must pay the toll.' Will o' the Green says to you, 'Ye may pass for free today, friend. May better times come to you soon.' A dark-skinned rogue nods his agreement with you. ([GT 11:55 pm] HP:59/203 MA:260/260 MV:284/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 11:56 pm] HP:59/203 MA:260/260 MV:285/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> [Chat]: Jenna mopes around, depressed. ([GT 11:56 pm] HP:59/203 MA:260/260 MV:286/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùhunt dias You could not find a trail. ([GT 11:58 pm] HP:59/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùhunt dias ([GT 11:59 pm] HP:59/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùhunt dias You could not find a trail. ([GT 11:59 pm] HP:60/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ([GT 11:59 pm] HP:60/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You pick up the trail. The trail to your prey leads south. It is very fresh. ([GT 12:01 am] HP:60/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> [Chat]: Niamh tickles Jenna. ([GT 12:01 am] HP:60/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùshoot dias ([GT 12:02 am] HP:60/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùshoot dias You don't see anything like that around. ([GT 12:02 am] HP:60/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You don't see anything like that around. ([GT 12:02 am] HP:60/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùs On the King's Road Just north of London, the countryside, the cottages and the people look as if they have been caught in time. The rustic look of the area makes you think nothing has changed here for hundreds of years and perhaps won't change in as many to come either. The King's Road runs north-south here with a small path leading off to the west into the forest. [Exits: n s w] A song thrush is here, chirping happily. A local peasant is roaming here. A yellowhammer is here, chirping happily. The trail to your prey leads west. It is very fresh. ([GT 12:02 am] HP:60/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùw Before the Inn It appears as if the owners of the quaint inn to the west fare better with the local clientele and the royal tax collector. A sign proclaiming this to be the Royal Stag hangs above the doorway. The King's Road runs north and south just east of here. [Exits: e w] The corpse of Dias-Jax is lying here. A local peasant is roaming here. The trail to your prey leads west. It is very fresh. ([GT 12:03 am] HP:60/203 MA:260/260 MV:287/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùshoot dias [Chat] Niamh: dont mope! ([GT 12:03 am] HP:60/203 MA:260/260 MV:287/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You fire your composite bow at a sad-faced fey assassin! Your composite bow is now empty. Your shot tears through a sad-faced fey assassin's flesh leaving a nasty ragged wound. ([GT 12:03 am] HP:60/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùw ([GT 12:03 am] HP:61/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùbackstab dias ([GT 12:04 am] HP:61/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> A sad-faced fey assassin fires his nickel-plated .45 at you! A sad-faced fey assassin's shot leaves a nasty puncture wound in your flesh. You rush at a sad-faced fey assassin and attack! The Royal Stag This inn looks as if it caters to the local nobility as they travel between towns on business and pleasure. The carpeting on the floors looks fairly new, and the service is unquestionably good. A few tables sit around the lobby so that guests may linger in conversation or eat a bit of supper before retiring for the night. [Exits: e] Someone has dropped a portion of a leg of mutton. A leather waterskin has been discarded here. A box sits against the back wall serving as storage for lost and found items. A mailbox sits in the corner here. A directory board holding both news and 'welcome' information stands here. A young fey stands here, stark white hair enhancing his feverish glare. Niamh is standing here. Elfrindel is sleeping here. A warrior of the armies of Hades is resting here. Bling is standing here. A jolly looking fellow stands here ready to serve you. Press RETURN to continue or 'q' to quit:ÿù You have found your prey! ([GT 12:04 am] HP:42/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 12:04 am] HP:42/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> A sad-faced fey assassin quickly attacks 7 times and hits 6 times. You block a sad-faced fey assassin's stab. You quickly attack 10 times and hit 8 times. A sad-faced fey assassin parries one of your attacks! You demolish a sad-faced fey assassin with your pierce! A sad-faced fey assassin is bleeding freely. ([GT 12:04 am] HP:42/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> No way, you are fighting! ([GT 12:05 am] HP:42/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You can't backstab while fighting. ([GT 12:05 am] HP:42/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4578333 XP to Lvl:821667 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùfle You panic, and attempt to flee. Before the Inn It appears as if the owners of the quaint inn to the west fare better with the local clientele and the royal tax collector. A sign proclaiming this to be the Royal Stag hangs above the doorway. The King's Road runs north and south just east of here. [Exits: e w] The corpse of Dias-Jax is lying here. A local peasant is roaming here. ([GT 12:05 am] HP:42/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578121 XP to Lvl:821879 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùw backstab dias The Royal Stag This inn looks as if it caters to the local nobility as they travel between towns on business and pleasure. The carpeting on the floors looks fairly new, and the service is unquestionably good. A few tables sit around the lobby so that guests may linger in conversation or eat a bit of supper before retiring for the night. [Exits: e] Someone has dropped a portion of a leg of mutton. A leather waterskin has been discarded here. A box sits against the back wall serving as storage for lost and found items. A mailbox sits in the corner here. A directory board holding both news and 'welcome' information stands here. A young fey stands here, stark white hair enhancing his feverish glare. Niamh is standing here. Elfrindel is sleeping here. A warrior of the armies of Hades is resting here. Bling is standing here. A jolly looking fellow stands here ready to serve you. ([GT 12:05 am] HP:42/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578121 XP to Lvl:821879 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821879 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You sneak up behind a sad-faced fey assassin and place a serpent's tooth in his back. ([GT 12:06 am] HP:42/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578121 XP to Lvl:821879 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:821879 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You tumble out of the way as a sad-faced fey assassin tries to headbutt you! ([GT 12:06 am] HP:42/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578121 XP to Lvl:821879 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùfle ([GT 12:06 am] HP:42/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4578121 XP to Lvl:821879 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùreload bow quiver A sad-faced fey assassin quickly attacks 7 times and hits 6 times. A sad-faced fey assassin wounds you with his critical hit! A sad-faced fey assassin stabs you hard. You can't take much more of this! You panic, and attempt to flee. Before the Inn It appears as if the owners of the quaint inn to the west fare better with the local clientele and the royal tax collector. A sign proclaiming this to be the Royal Stag hangs above the doorway. The King's Road runs north and south just east of here. [Exits: e w] The corpse of Dias-Jax is lying here. A local peasant is roaming here. ([GT 12:07 am] HP:34/203 MA:260/260 MV:287/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ([GT 12:07 am] HP:34/203 MA:260/260 MV:287/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You panic, and attempt to flee. The Royal Stag This inn looks as if it caters to the local nobility as they travel between towns on business and pleasure. The carpeting on the floors looks fairly new, and the service is unquestionably good. A few tables sit around the lobby so that guests may linger in conversation or eat a bit of supper before retiring for the night. [Exits: e] Someone has dropped a portion of a leg of mutton. A leather waterskin has been discarded here. A box sits against the back wall serving as storage for lost and found items. A mailbox sits in the corner here. A directory board holding both news and 'welcome' information stands here. A young fey stands here, stark white hair enhancing his feverish glare. Niamh is standing here. Elfrindel is sleeping here. A warrior of the armies of Hades is resting here. Bling is standing here. A jolly looking fellow stands here ready to serve you. ([GT 12:07 am] HP:34/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP toshoot dias Press RETURN to continue or 'q' to quit:ÿùPress RETURN to continue or 'q' to quit: Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù You reload a composite bow from a quiver of arrows. ([GT 12:08 am] HP:34/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 12:08 am] HP:34/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe ([GT 12:08 am] HP:34/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> Bling gets a cannonball from a box. ([GT 12:08 am] HP:34/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> Before the Inn It appears as if the owners of the quaint inn to the west fare better with the local clientele and the royal tax collector. A sign proclaiming this to be the Royal Stag hangs above the doorway. The King's Road runs north and south just east of here. [Exits: e w] The corpse of Dias-Jax is lying here. A local peasant is roaming here. ([GT 12:08 am] HP:34/203 MA:260/260 MV:287/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> A sad-faced fey assassin fires his nickel-plated .45 at you! The shot whizzes by your ear as you dodge out of its way! ([GT 12:09 am] HP:34/203 MA:260/260 MV:288/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùshoot dias [Chat] Jenna: what do i do now i'm 50?? You fire your composite bow at a sad-faced fey assassin! Your composite bow is now empty. Your shot tears through a sad-faced fey assassin's flesh leaving a nasty ragged wound. ([GT 12:09 am] HP:34/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùreload bow quiver ([GT 12:10 am] HP:35/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> [Chat]: Jenna sighs loudly. ([GT 12:10 am] HP:35/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> Almost unnoticed, a sad-faced fey assassin steps in quietly from the west. ([GT 12:11 am] HP:35/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> A sad-faced fey assassin grabs you and smashes his thick skull into yours, knocking you down! ([GT 12:11 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:11 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 12:11 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 12:12 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 12:13 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùin You are carrying: a quiver of arrows a vial containing a filmy liquid a bag a hurricane lamp a wine colored boat ([GT 12:13 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 12:13 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿù ([GT 12:14 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùflee You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:14 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùflee You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:15 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:15 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe e e You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:15 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:15 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:15 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:15 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe e You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:16 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:16 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:16 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe e You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:16 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:16 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe e You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:16 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:16 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:17 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:17 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:17 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:17 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùLvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> You are too stunned to do that. ([GT 12:17 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 STUNNED! AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe You are too stunned to do that. A little dazed you wake and stand up. ([GT 12:17 am] HP:33/203 MA:260/260 MV:289/289 LV:29 XP:4577909 XP to Lvl:822091 XP to Lvl:157% GP:188 Standing AL:90 Mood:quiet)> ÿùe You feel a sudden pain as somebody places Nightfang in your back. You slump to the ground, dead. 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