Strength: 95 Mind: 95 Level: 43 Dexterity: 29 Constitution: 40 Prestige: 100 Perception: 41 Spirit: 48 Experience: 14211747 Hit Points: 302/302 Armor Rating: -93 Experience Movement: 223/349 Hit Rating: 25 to Level: 2825053 Mana: 422/536 Damage Rating: 36 Practice Sessions: 0 Gold: 332 coins Alignment: -137 Weight carried: 54 kg Played: 238 hours Age: 28 years Mood: callous Combat Strategy: Extremely aggressive, flee at 0 hit points. Condition: full of liquid, well-fed. __ __ >__|----------------------------------------------------------------------|__< '----------------------------------------------------------------------' (AFK HP:302/302 MA:422/536 MV:224/349 HP:100% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> A French Beach [Exits: n s w] (AFK HP:302/302 MA:422/536 MV:221/349 HP:100% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> A French Beach [Exits: s] Lelldorin is flying here. Vengeance is standing here. JamaciaMan is standing here. Pug is resting here. Crann is standing here. Aginor is standing here. A great warrior stands here, wiping blood from his hands. Ilyundus is standing here. (AFK HP:302/302 MA:422/536 MV:219/349 HP:100% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Lelldorin sits down and rests. Vengeance joins Ilyundus's group. (AFK HP:302/302 MA:422/536 MV:219/349 HP:100% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Alas, you cannot go that way. (AFK HP:302/302 MA:422/536 MV:219/349 HP:100% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Lelldorin grins evilly. (AFK HP:302/302 MA:422/536 MV:220/349 HP:100% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> bash jama Your bash sends JamaciaMan flying to the ground! JamaciaMan somersaults right back to his feet! (AFK HP:302/302 MA:423/536 MV:221/349 HP:100% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Aginor tells you, '*peer*' (AFK HP:302/302 MA:423/536 MV:221/349 HP:100% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Crann says timidly to JamaciaMan, 'No.' (AFK HP:302/302 MA:423/536 MV:222/349 HP:100% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> JamaciaMan quickly attacks and hits 9 times. The Gae-Bolg is damaged as it strikes armor! JamaciaMan pulverizes you with his pierce. Blood oozes from your new wound. The black aura around you crackles to life, protecting you. The Gae-Bolg is damaged as it strikes armor! You block JamaciaMan's pierce. You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You obliterate JamaciaMan with your horrific slash! JamaciaMan blocks your slash. JamaciaMan has a few bruises. (AFK HP:281/302 MA:423/536 MV:222/349 HP:93% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> JamaciaMan applies a carotid choke-hold to you, and the world swims as you fall unconscious! (AFK HP:278/302 MA:423/536 MV:222/349 HP:92% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 STUNNED!)> You are stunned, but will probably recover. A little dazed you wake and stand up. (AFK HP:259/302 MA:423/536 MV:222/349 HP:85% MA:78% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> bash jam (AFK HP:259/302 MA:424/536 MV:223/349 HP:85% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Lelldorin joins Ilyundus's group. (AFK HP:259/302 MA:424/536 MV:223/349 HP:85% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> JamaciaMan quickly attacks 8 times and hits 6 times. JamaciaMan pierces you extremely hard. You block JamaciaMan's pierce. (AFK HP:245/302 MA:424/536 MV:223/349 HP:81% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Crann says timidly, 'Dont choke.' (AFK HP:245/302 MA:424/536 MV:224/349 HP:81% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Lelldorin laughs with amusement. JamaciaMan spins, kicking you in the chest. (AFK HP:214/302 MA:424/536 MV:224/349 HP:70% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> You send JamaciaMan sprawling with a powerful bash. (AFK HP:214/302 MA:424/536 MV:224/349 HP:70% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> You quickly attack 5 times and hit 4 times. JamaciaMan parries one of your attacks! A cloak of sunlight is damaged as it is hit! You rip JamaciaMan to shreds with your amazing slash! JamaciaMan has several wounds. JamaciaMan quickly attacks 8 times and hits 7 times. JamaciaMan massacres you with his pierce. (AFK HP:198/302 MA:424/536 MV:224/349 HP:65% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Crann laughs with amusement. (AFK HP:198/302 MA:424/536 MV:225/349 HP:65% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You rip JamaciaMan to shreds with your amazing slash! JamaciaMan is bleeding freely. JamaciaMan quickly attacks and hits 8 times. JamaciaMan demolishes you with his pierce! (AFK HP:180/302 MA:424/536 MV:225/349 HP:59% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> JamaciaMan springs back to his feet, ready to meet your attack. (AFK HP:180/302 MA:424/536 MV:225/349 HP:59% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> rage JamaciaMan kicks you in the chest. (AFK HP:146/302 MA:424/536 MV:225/349 HP:48% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> chant vina agni mrti ex (AFK HP:146/302 MA:425/536 MV:225/349 HP:48% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> You quickly attack 5 times and hit 4 times. You decimate JamaciaMan with your powerful slash! JamaciaMan panics, and attempts to flee. JamaciaMan smiles enigmatically and disappears south. (AFK HP:146/302 MA:425/536 MV:225/349 HP:48% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> You can't do that unless you're fighting! (AFK HP:146/302 MA:425/536 MV:225/349 HP:48% MA:79% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> clear stand Chanting the words 'vina agni mrti ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. (AFK HP:146/302 MA:409/536 MV:225/349 HP:48% MA:76% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> clear Input buffer cleared. (AFK HP:146/302 MA:409/536 MV:226/349 HP:48% MA:76% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> (AFK HP:146/302 MA:409/536 MV:226/349 HP:48% MA:76% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Input buffer cleared. (AFK HP:146/302 MA:409/536 MV:226/349 HP:48% MA:76% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> chant vina drva rudh ex Chanting the words 'vina drva rudh ex', you feel the Power within you swell and find that you can command it. You feel quite a bit better. (AFK HP:209/302 MA:342/536 MV:226/349 HP:69% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Crann looks at you. (AFK HP:209/302 MA:342/536 MV:227/349 HP:69% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> hunt jam Looking panicked, JamaciaMan has arrived from the south. (AFK HP:209/302 MA:342/536 MV:227/349 HP:69% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> (AFK HP:209/302 MA:342/536 MV:227/349 HP:69% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> bash jam JamaciaMan smiles enigmatically and disappears south. (AFK HP:209/302 MA:342/536 MV:227/349 HP:69% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> clear (AFK HP:209/302 MA:342/536 MV:227/349 HP:69% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Input buffer cleared. (AFK HP:209/302 MA:342/536 MV:228/349 HP:69% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> hunt jam You pick up the trail. south The trail to your prey leads south. It is very fresh. (AFK HP:209/302 MA:342/536 MV:228/349 HP:69% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> You suffer from your bleeding wounds. Crann suffers from the poison in his veins. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:342/536 MV:228/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Crann says, shy and scared, 'Why doesnt he backstab.' (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:228/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> bash jam (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:229/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> A French Beach [Exits: n s w] west The trail to your prey leads west. It is very fresh. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:226/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> They're not here. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:226/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> JamaciaMan strolls in from the west, shrouded in mystery. Your prey has arrived! (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:226/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> A small canoe forges through the waters. Crossing the English Channel [Exits: e w] (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:224/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> bash jam They're not here. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:224/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> e bash jam A French Beach [Exits: n s w] JamaciaMan is standing here. JamaciaMan smiles enigmatically and disappears west. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:221/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> They're not here. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:221/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Crann tiptoes in from the north, looking shy and slightly fearful. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:221/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> w bash jam A small canoe forges through the waters. Crossing the English Channel [Exits: e w] (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:219/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:219/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> bash jam They're not here. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:219/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> JamaciaMan has arrived from the west in a dinghy. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:219/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> w You send JamaciaMan sprawling with a powerful bash. JamaciaMan somersaults right back to his feet! (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:219/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You slash JamaciaMan hard. JamaciaMan panics, and attempts to flee. JamaciaMan leaves west in a dinghy. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:219/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Crann has arrived from the east in a wine colored boat. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:219/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> clear Crann leaves west in a wine colored boat. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:219/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> w Input buffer cleared. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:220/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> bash jam (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:220/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> (AFK HP:206/302 MA:343/536 MV:220/349 HP:68% MA:63% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Crossing the English Channel [Exits: n e s w] Crann is standing here in a wine colored boat. JamaciaMan is standing here in a dinghy. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:344/536 MV:220/349 HP:68% MA:64% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Crann leaves east in a wine colored boat. (AFK HP:206/302 MA:344/536 MV:220/349 HP:68% MA:64% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Your bash sends JamaciaMan flying to the ground! You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You send JamaciaMan to the grave with your powerful slash. JamaciaMan is DYING. JamaciaMan quickly attacks and hits 9 times. JamaciaMan demolishes you with his pierce! Blood oozes from your new wound. (AFK HP:178/302 MA:344/536 MV:220/349 HP:58% MA:64% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> Crann has arrived from the east in a wine colored boat. (AFK HP:178/302 MA:344/536 MV:220/349 HP:58% MA:64% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> [Chat] Ilyundus: need one more hitter for PD... (AFK HP:178/302 MA:344/536 MV:220/349 HP:58% MA:64% XP to Lvl:2825053 GP:332 Standing)> You quickly attack and hit 5 times. You send JamaciaMan to the grave with your mighty slash. JamaciaMan is DEAD!! You receive 15910 experience. [Info]: Tritoch lands a killing blow on JamaciaMan. You hear JamaciaMan's death cry. (AFK HP:178/302 MA:344/536 MV:221/349 HP:58% MA:64% XP to Lvl:2809143 GP:332 Standing)> Aginor has arrived from the east in a wine colored boat. (AFK HP:178/302 MA:345/536 MV:221/349 HP:58% MA:64% XP to Lvl:2809143 GP:332 Standing)> chant guh gam rudh ex