An aggressive necromancer fades into existence. (AFK HP:438/449 MV:444/448 XP:19694086 Standing AL:513)> [Info] Vith_Tir: YaY! No way, you are fighting! (AFK HP:438/449 MV:444/448 XP:19694086 Standing AL:513)> No way, you are fighting! (AFK HP:438/449 MV:444/448 XP:19694086 Standing AL:513)> No way, you are fighting! (AFK HP:438/449 MV:444/448 XP:19694086 Standing AL:513)> fle An aggressive necromancer stops following you. An aggressive necromancer quickly attacks 5 times and hits 3 times. You parry an attack from an aggressive necromancer! An aggressive necromancer slashes you. A shiny green serpent's scale is damaged as it is hit! You block an aggressive necromancer's slash. You quickly attack 9 times and hit 8 times. You decimate an aggressive necromancer with your powerful pierce! An aggressive necromancer is slightly scratched. (AFK HP:434/449 MV:444/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer uses his inspiring voice to make you fight more ferociously! (AFK HP:434/449 MV:445/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> Your rage overcomes your thoughts of escape. (AFK HP:434/449 MV:445/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> [Info] Levin: *cheer Lelldorin* (AFK HP:434/449 MV:445/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> shoot golb [Info] Adran: WtG (AFK HP:434/449 MV:445/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> shoot golb An aggressive necromancer quickly attacks 5 times and hits 4 times. You parry an attack from an aggressive necromancer! The Abyss is damaged as it is hit! An aggressive necromancer obliterates you with his horrific slash! Blood oozes from your new wound. You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You decimate an aggressive necromancer with your powerful pierce! An aggressive necromancer has a few bruises. (AFK HP:409/449 MV:445/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> You fire your tommy gun at an aggressive necromancer! Your shot goes wide! (AFK HP:409/449 MV:446/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> [Info] Lelldorin: ha ha ha.. (AFK HP:409/449 MV:446/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> shoot golb (AFK HP:409/449 MV:446/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> [Chat] Lachesis: YAY Lelldorin! (AFK HP:409/449 MV:446/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> shoot golb shoot golb An aggressive necromancer quickly attacks and hits 5 times. An aggressive necromancer slashes you extremely hard. You block an aggressive necromancer's slash. You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You wound an aggressive necromancer with your critical hit! Starseed boots is damaged as it is hit! You decimate an aggressive necromancer with your powerful pierce! An aggressive necromancer has some cuts. (AFK HP:397/449 MV:446/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer snarls as he goes into a battle rage! (AFK HP:397/449 MV:447/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> shoot golb You fire your tommy gun at an aggressive necromancer! Your shot tears through an aggressive necromancer's flesh leaving a nasty ragged wound. (AFK HP:397/449 MV:447/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> (AFK HP:397/449 MV:447/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> (AFK HP:397/449 MV:447/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer's bash sends you flying to the ground. You somersault right back to your feet! (AFK HP:383/449 MV:447/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer quickly attacks 4 times and hits 3 times. An aggressive necromancer slashes you. You block an aggressive necromancer's slash. You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You obliterate an aggressive necromancer with your horrific pierce! An aggressive necromancer has several wounds. (AFK HP:377/449 MV:447/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> shoot golb shoot golb [Chat] Ledgend: If you handle pickles, and then rub yer socks - your hands smell like feet n' pickles. (AFK HP:377/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> shoot golb shoot golb (AFK HP:377/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> (AFK HP:377/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> (AFK HP:377/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> You fire your tommy gun at an aggressive necromancer! Your shot tears through an aggressive necromancer's flesh leaving a nasty ragged wound. (AFK HP:377/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> (AFK HP:377/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer quickly attacks and hits 5 times. A dark raggedy cloak is damaged as it is hit! An aggressive necromancer demolishes you with his slash! Blood oozes from your new wound. You block an aggressive necromancer's slash. You quickly attack and hit 8 times. You obliterate an aggressive necromancer with your horrific pierce! An aggressive necromancer has many nasty wounds. (AFK HP:350/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> [Info] XuXu: About time. (AFK HP:350/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer quickly attacks 5 times and hits 4 times. An aggressive necromancer obliterates you with his horrific slash! You block an aggressive necromancer's slash. You quickly attack and hit 9 times. You decimate an aggressive necromancer with your powerful pierce! An aggressive necromancer is bleeding freely. (AFK HP:320/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> You fire your tommy gun at an aggressive necromancer! You manage to put a neat, but deep, hole into an aggressive necromancer. Your shot sends him sprawling. (AFK HP:320/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer quickly attacks 5 times and hits 4 times. You parry an attack from an aggressive necromancer! An aggressive necromancer demolishes you with his slash! You block an aggressive necromancer's slash. You quickly attack and hit 8 times. A leather bracelet is damaged as it is hit! You decimate an aggressive necromancer with your powerful pierce! The black aura around an aggressive necromancer crackles to life. An aggressive necromancer is leaking guts. (AFK HP:293/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer stands up and attacks. (AFK HP:293/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer's bash sends you flying to the ground. You somersault right back to your feet! (AFK HP:279/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> Your tommy gun jams when you try to fire at an aggressive necromancer! (AFK HP:279/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> [Chat] Ledgend: I'm soI'm tired. :P (AFK HP:279/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer quickly attacks and hits 4 times. An aggressive necromancer pulverizes you with his slash. You block an aggressive necromancer's slash. You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You obliterate an aggressive necromancer with your horrific pierce! An aggressive necromancer is leaking guts. (AFK HP:261/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> shoot golb (AFK HP:261/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> shoot golb shoot golb shoot golb shoot golb You fire your tommy gun at an aggressive necromancer! You manage to put a neat, but deep, hole into an aggressive necromancer. (AFK HP:261/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> (AFK HP:261/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> (AFK HP:261/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer quickly attacks 5 times and hits 4 times. A silver serrated sword is damaged as it strikes armor! An aggressive necromancer decimates you with his powerful slash! Blood oozes from your new wound. You block an aggressive necromancer's slash. You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You demolish an aggressive necromancer with your pierce! An aggressive necromancer is almost dead. (AFK HP:224/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer quickly attacks and hits 5 times. A shiny green serpent's scale is damaged as it is hit! An aggressive necromancer decimates you with his powerful slash! A shiny green serpent's scale is damaged as it is hit! You block an aggressive necromancer's slash. You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. You decimate an aggressive necromancer with your powerful pierce! An aggressive necromancer is DYING. (AFK HP:169/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> You fire your tommy gun at an aggressive necromancer! You manage to put a neat, but deep, hole into an aggressive necromancer. Your shot sends him sprawling. (AFK HP:169/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> clear Input buffer cleared. (AFK HP:169/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer rolls out of the way of your attack and comes at you viciously. (AFK HP:169/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer withdraws inward and begins chanting under his breath. An aggressive necromancer tries to stun you, lucky for you you manage to roll out of the way of an aggressive necromancer's blast. (AFK HP:169/449 MV:448/448 XP to Lvl:80305914 Standing AL:513)> An aggressive necromancer quickly attacks 5 times and hits 4 times. You parry an attack from an aggressive necromancer! The Abyss is damaged as it is hit! An aggressive necromancer decimates you with his powerful slash! The tunic of flame is damaged as it is hit! You block an aggressive necromancer's slash. You quickly attack 8 times and hit 7 times. A green Sidhe tunic is damaged as it is hit! You send an aggressive necromancer to the grave with your mighty pierce. An aggressive necromancer is DEAD!! You receive 19600 experience. [Info]: Golbez killed by Stain. An aggressive necromancer returns to his senses. You hear an aggressive necromancer's death cry.